Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Theme leader vacancies

Theme leader vacancies

Three exciting opportunities for SAGES theme co-leader:

Theme 1 – Landscape Form, Use and Change: a dynamic Earth, a new leader joining Rebecca Wade and

Theme 3: Atmosphere, Oceans and Climate: the fluid Earth, two new leaders

Theme co-leading is not onerous and is a great opportunity to work alongside colleagues across Scotland as a member of SAGES RICOM (Research and Innovation committee) and meet SAGES Executive Committee members too.

If you are interested, maybe not sure – please just get in touch with the SAGES Director or any of the existing Theme leaders. Application is by CV and cover letter to Carol Thomson by the 15th of September 2023.

All applications are welcome, though we strongly encourage ECRs to consider this opportunity to work with colleagues out with their home institution, learn about the disbursement of grants and awards, and the organisation of science/stakeholder events. Experienced hands are equally welcome to apply (and need no such encouragement!).

Candidates who could bring a social science dimension to these themes, are also particularly welcome.

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