Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Theme 4 Co-leader opportunity

Theme 4 Co-leader opportunity

Theme 4: Transformations in Society & Environmental Policy

SAGES Theme 4 has recently been co-led by Tavis Potts (Aberdeen) and Alexandre Gagnon (UWS). Tavis Potts has now stepped down, and I would like to thank him for his contribution in guiding Theme 4 activities. SAGES is now looking for a bright, enthusiastic person to join Alexandre Gagnon in leading Theme 4.
The process of nomination is a simple one: CV and cover letter to Carol Thomson SAGES Administrator by Thursday 22 March 2018. More details on what Theme leadership entails are given below, and repeated on the website. I am also happy to speak informally to anyone who is interested in the role.

Theme leadership is not onerous! – Rather, it is a great way to learn the workings of SAGES, influence the direction, and meet a wide cross-section of geoscientists in Scotland. Theme leaders play a pivotal role in decision making on funding for: PEER, PECRE, Small Grants, International Conference support, Fora and other discretionary funding streams under SAGES’ control. Theme leaders sit on the Research and Innovation Committee (RICom), which meets every 6 months in a combined session with SAGES Executive Committee (ExCom). Theme leaders are not expected to drive forward new areas of activity within SAGES per se, but are expected to become knowledgeable about the breadth of activity within their theme area across the partnership, and help facilitate a balanced support of those areas through the funding routes outlined above. It is a great opportunity to learn more about all areas of geoscience and to facilitate their development by SAGES.

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