SAGES are hosting a writing retreat at The Burn.
If you are looking for some peace and quiet, struggling to find the time to write a proposal, manuscript or thesis, SAGES are providing the time to help.
We are providing writing space for up to 25 SAGES members at a rural location.
Places are free, open to all, but priority will be given to final year PhD's and ECR's
Accommodation and subsistence during the retreat are fully covered by SAGES.
Travel funds to reach the Burn are available up to a maximum of £75 per person.
The accommodation is in shared rooms.
Applicants must be SAGES members.
All member types can apply but priority will be given to:
Opening date: 07 November 2024
Closing date: 17 January 2025
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by email