Land-atmosphere exchange of radiatively active gases (CO2 and CH4); transport and diffusion in the Planetary Boundary Layer. Ground-based remote sensing of greenhouse gases by LiDAR.
Jan. 1985 “New Blood” Lecturer in Micrometeorology, University of Edinburgh.
Dates of Promotion: Oct. 1997 Senior Lecturer; Oct. 1998 Reader; Sep 2006 Professor of Micrometeorology
Apr 1983-Dec 1984 Mathematical Modeller, Air Pollution Div., Warren Spring Laboratory, Stevenage
1981-83 Research Assistant (NERC & ARC), Environmental Physics Unit, Nottingham University
1983 Ph.D. University of Nottingham. Supervisors: J.L Monteith, M.H. Unsworth
Title: ‘The heat balance of the surface boundary layer at night’
Carbon Telescope
Moncrieff, J.
1/03/16 – 31/03/16
UK central government bodies/local authorities, health and hospital authorities
A rugged LiDAR system for the remote detection of fugitive emissions of methane from shale gas and landfill sites.
Moncrieff, J.
1/07/15 – 31/08/16
A differential absorption LiDAR for multi-species greenhouse gas detection
Moncrieff, J.
1/05/14 – 31/10/15
A Differential Absorption LiDAR for Measurement of Greenhouse Gases
Moncrieff, J.
1/10/13 – 31/07/15
Generating Regional Emissions Estimates with a Novel Hierarchy of Observations and Upscaled Simulation Experiments (GREENHOUSE)
Williams, M., Mencuccini, M., Reay, D. & Moncrieff, J.
1/04/13 – 31/03/17
Project: Research
Moncrieff, J.
1/10/11 – 31/12/15
EU government bodies
Robinson, I., Jack, J.W., Rae, C.F. and Moncrieff, J.B., 2015, October. A robust optical parametric oscillator and receiver telescope for differential absorption lidar of greenhouse gases. In SPIE Remote Sensing (pp. 96450U-96450U). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
Hartley, I., Hill, T., Wade, T., Clement, R., Moncrieff, J., Prieto‐Blanco, A., Disney, M., Huntley, B., Williams, M., Howden, N. and Wookey, P., 2015. Quantifying landscape‐level methane fluxes in subarctic Finland using a multiscale approach. Global change biology, 21(10), pp.3712-3725.
Smallman, T.L., Williams, M. and Moncrieff, J.B., 2014. Can seasonal and interannual variation in landscape CO 2 fluxes be detected by atmospheric observations of CO 2 concentrations made at a tall tower?. Biogeosciences, 11(3), pp.735-747.
Robinson, I., Jack, J.W., Rae, C.F. and Moncrieff, J.B., 2014, October. Development of a laser for differential absorption lidar measurement of atmospheric carbon dioxide. In SPIE Remote Sensing (pp. 92460U-92460U). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
Robinson, I., Jack, J.W., Rae, C.F. and Moncrieff, J., 2013, October. A versatile instrument with an optical parametric oscillator transmitter tunable from 1.5 to 3.1 μm for aerosol lidar and DIAL. In SPIE Remote Sensing (pp. 88940L-88940L). International Society for Optics and Photonics.