Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Prof. Colin Ballantyne

Research interests:

cosmogenic isotope dating; debris flow; frost action; geomorphological mapping; geomorphology; glacial deposit; glacial history; glaciation; hydrology; nivation; palaeoclimatic reconstruction; paraglacial; periglacial; periglacial deposit; periglaciation; permafrost; radiocarbon dating; rock mechanics; rockfall; slope stability; soil mechanics; solifluction; talus; wind erosion; X-ray diffraction

Career history:

I completed a PhD at Edinburgh University on the periglacial geomorphology of mountains in NW Scotland before taking up a lectureship at the University of St Andrews in 1980. I was appointed Professor of Physical Geography at St Andrews in 1994. My research has been recognized in a number of awards, including the Warwick Award (1986) and Wiley Award (1999) of the British Society for Geomorphology (formerly BGRG), the President’s Medal (1990) and Newbigin Prize (1991) of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, the Saltire Society Scottish Science Award (1996) and the Clough Medal (2010) of the Edinburgh Geological Society, the premier Scottish award in Earth Sciences. I was elected FRSE and FRSA in 1996 and received the degree of DSc from the University of St Andrews in 2000. I am a visiting professor at UNIS (Svalbard) and former Erskine Fellow at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

Active research projects:

Not available

Recent publications:

Morrocco, S.M., Ballantyne, C.K., Gordon, J.E. and Thompson, D.B., 2016. Assessment of terrain sensitivity on high plateaux: a novel approach based on vegetation and substrate characteristics in the Scottish Highlands. Plant Ecology & Diversity, pp.1-17.

Cave, J.A. and Ballantyne, C.K., 2016. Catastrophic Rock-Slope Failures in NW Scotland: Quantitative Analysis and Implications. Scottish Geographical Journal, pp.1-25.

Ballantyne, C.K. and Stone, J.O., 2015. Trimlines, blockfields and the vertical extent of the last ice sheet in southern Ireland. Boreas, 44(2), pp.277-287.

Ballantyne, C.K., Wilson, P., Gheorghiu, D. and Rodés, À., 2014. Enhanced rock‐slope failure following ice‐sheet deglaciation: timing and causes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39(7), pp.900-913.

Ballantyne, C.K., Sandeman, G.F., Stone, J.O. and Wilson, P., 2014. Rock-slope failure following Late Pleistocene deglaciation on tectonically stable mountainous terrain. Quaternary Science Reviews, 86, pp.144-157.

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