Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Nick Homer

Department / group: School of Geosciences
Institution URL: N/A
Personal URL: N/A
Google Scholar URL: N/A

Research interests:

Image processing and machine learning techniques applied to remotely sensed data.

Career history:

University of Cambridge (MPhil, 2020) – "Satellite Remote Sensing Investigations into Changing Ice-shelf Extents in the eastern Weddell Sea Sector of Antarctica".

University of Edinburgh (BSc, 2016) – Geography. Dissertation "Investigations into Proglacial Stram Discharge and Suspended Sediment Dynamics at Bodalsbreen, western Norway".

Worked in the renewable enrgy industry 2016 – 2019, mainly in data analysis and data science roles.

Active research projects:

Image processing and machine learning applied to Earth Observation of the cryosphere.

Currently concentrating on remote sensing and computer vison techniques for the mapping of Antarctic ice shelves.

Recent publications:


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