Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Dr. Richard Essery

Department / group: School of Geosciences, Global Change / Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate of the Anthropocene
Google Scholar URL: Not available

Research interests:

High-resolution atmospheric modelling, land-atmosphere interactions, micrometeorology, snow hydrology

Career history:

Not available

Active research projects:

Carbon Cycling Linkages of Permafrost Systems (CYCLOPS), Williams, M. & Essery, R. 1/08/12-31/01/16, NERC

Adaptation and Resilience in Energy Systems (ARIES), Harrison, G., Essery, R., Chick, J., Venugopal, V. & Kerr, A. 1/11/11-31/10/1, EPSRC

NERC Support for Geophysical Equipment Facility (GEF) at the University of Edinburgh, Essery, R. 1/04/09-31/03/16, NERC

Recent publications:

Essery, R., Kontu, A., Lemmetyinen, J., Dumont, M. and Ménard, C.B., 2016. A 7-year dataset for driving and evaluating snow models at an arctic site (Sodankylä, Finland).

Ménard, C.B., Essery, R. and Pomeroy, J., 2014. Modelled sensitivity of the snow regime to topography, shrub fraction and shrub height. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18(6), pp.2375-2392.

Hancock, S., Essery, R., Reid, T., Carle, J., Baxter, R., Rutter, N. and Huntley, B., 2014. Characterising forest gap fraction with terrestrial lidar and photography: An examination of relative limitations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 189, pp.105-114.

Reid, T.D., Spencer, M., Huntley, B., Hancock, S., Essery, R.L.H., Carle, J., Holden, R., Baxter, R. and Rutter, N., 2014. Spatial quantification of leafless canopy structure in a boreal birch forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 188, pp.1-12.

Spencer, M., Essery, R., Chambers, L. and Hogg, S., 2014. The historical snow survey of Great Britain: digitised data for Scotland. Scottish Geographical Journal, 130(4), pp.252-265.

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