Geographical Information Science; hydrology. GIS supported methods to solve practical problems of land and water resource management. GIS applications for developing nations.
Present: Lecturer in Geography; Admissions Advisor (BSc Geography); Asst Programme Director, MSc in GIS and MSc in GIS and Society, University of Edinburgh
Conserving pine woodland biodiversity in Belize through community fire management
Stuart, N.
1/04/15 – 31/03/18
UK central government bodies/local authorities, health and hospital authorities
Change in pine woodland cover in southern Belize 1974-2014
Stuart, N.
1/12/14 – 28/02/15
UK-based charities
Mapping of urban green infrastructure in Malaysia, 1990-2010
Stuart, N.
1/07/13 – 31/03/14
UK-based charities
Rigol-Sanchez, J.P., Stuart, N. and Pulido-Bosch, A., 2015. ArcGeomorphometry: A toolbox for geomorphometric characterisation of DEMs in the ArcGIS environment. Computers & Geosciences, 85, pp.155-163.
Michelakis, D., Stuart, N., Brolly, M., Woodhouse, I.H., Lopez, G. and Linares, V., 2015. Estimation of Woody Biomass of Pine Savanna Woodlands From ALOS PALSAR Imagery. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of, 8(1), pp.244-254.
Goodwin, Z.A., Lopez, G.N., Stuart, N., Bridgewater, S.G., Haston, E.M., Cameron, I.D., Michelakis, D., Ratter, J.A., Furley, P.A., Kay, E. and Whitefoord, C., 2013. A checklist of the vascular plants of the lowland savannas of Belize, Central America. Phytotaxa, 101(1), pp.1-119.
Gagkas, Z., Heal, K.V., Vieno, M., Nisbet, T.R. and Stuart, N., 2011. Assessing the effect of broadleaf woodland expansion on acidic dry deposition and streamwater acidification. Forest ecology and management, 262(8), pp.1434-1442.