SAGES announces a 2nd call for COVID 19 Post Graduate Support Scheme applications.
Given the uncertainties surrounding the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, the SAGES Postgraduate Support Scheme has been extended. The pandemic has significantly affected Postgraduate PhD researchers reducing, and/or delaying thesis progress.
SAGES offers this opportunity for limited funding to members of the SAGES Graduate School. Funding can be requested for a unique piece of work that will contribute to the PhD project, but was not originally funded as part of the project.
The rationale behind this is to facilitate a meaningful, focused piece of work which contributes to the original project, but for which full funding is not currently available from the host institution.
Application criteria:
Funding will be considered for:
Application Guidance notes:
International travel and conference attendance is not eligible.
Maximum of £2,000 per application.
One application per student.If you received an award from the 1st call you cannot apply again.
Proposals must be discussed with the student and can only submitted by their Director of Studies.
Enquiries can be directed to John Howe, Graduate School Convener
Application deadline: 31 May 2021.THIS CALL IS NOW CLOSED
Application Form:
Please complete the application form, you will not be able to submit the form unless all fields and all required supporting documents are attached.