I am an environmental scientist, applying “earth-systems” approach to research which covers the transport/behaviour of pollutants in the environment (air quality, noise, land degradation and remediation, and aquatic biogeochemistry), evaluating the impact on ecosystems and for human health. Data quality, analysis methods are important developmental parts of this and we work on ensuring robust information is produced. These studies have links to policy and knowledge transfer activities which have been focused on the role and evolution of environmental management tools, issues of regulation and sustainability, and in the development of innovative R&D support mechanisms for SMEs and wider industry across industrial sectors.
Contaminated Land; Air Quality Management; Aquatic Contamination & Monitoring; Environmental Geochemistry & Health; Environmental Analytical Chemistry; Waste & Environmental Management; process development/problem solving; science-policy.
I graduated as a environmental scientist both in the undergraduate level and masters level before undertaking PhD research on exploring links between environmental noise, air quality and health in the Central Belt of Scotland, UK. I am a Research CEPS PhD student based at the CEPS paisley, centre for Environmental research, School of computing, engineering and physical sciences , University of the West of Scotland, UWS.
I undertook Research Assistant, United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme, Environment(2011-2014). I have been a graduate research and teaching assistant at the university of science and technology (2016-2019) before joining University of the West of Scotland . I retain research and teaching interests in environmental management and chemical analysis applied to environmental sciences and industrial processes. In addition to teaching initiatives, access programmes and wider university-schools liaison, I have been heavily involved in Knowledge Exchange and technical advisor – establishing and coordinating Science support services and R&D facilities for business and industry. I have maintained a diverse group of environmentally focused research projects, and work on policy relevant research and advisory groups in UK and EU/EC and Africa.( 2018 – 2020) Project Research Supervisor/plastic waste management/Seureca -DFID, Research CEPS, School of Computing, Engineering & Physical Sciences, UWS.
PhD research on exploring links between environmental noise, air quality and health in the Central Belt of Scotland, UK. I am a Research CEPS PhD student based at the CEPS paisley, centre for Environmental research, School of computing, engineering and physical sciences , University of the West of Scotland, UWS.
Wisdom K. Adza, Jonathan N. Hogarh, Geoffrey K. Amedofu (2021) Occupational noise-induced hearing loss among workers in church and night-club in kumasi, ghana http://www.icben.org/Proceedings.html).