Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Prof. Rob Duck

Department / group: Geography, School of Social Sciences
Google Scholar URL: Not available

Research interests:


-Physical sedimentology and environmental geology/geophysics

-Sedimentation and hydrodynamics in lacustrine, coastal and estuarine environments

-Sediment flux and provenance determination

-Coastal zone geomorphology and management

-Climate change and Britain’s coasts


-Loch and reservoir bathymetry, sedimentology and catchment sediment yield

-Acoustic methods of remote sensing and their application to coastal and estuarine sediment transport studies

-Sedimentology, hydrodynamics and environmental management of the Tay Estuary, Scotland

-Coastal processes and ICZM in Scotland

-Estuarine frontal systems: their role in sediment and pollutant dynamics and in coastal management

-The science underpinning the implementation of the EC Water Framework Directive

-Early diagenesis of sediments; concretion formation

-Coastal sedimentation, remote sensing and hydrodynamics in the Ria de Aveiro, Portugal

-Coastal geomorphological processes and UK legislative systems

Career history:

2011 Deputy Head of the College of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Dundee

2006 Dean, School of the Environment , University of Dundee

2004 Associate Dean for Research, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Dundee

2003 Professor of Environmental Geoscience, University of Dundee

2001 Reader in Environmental Science, University of Dundee

1996 Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science, University of Dundee

1988 Lecturer in Geology, School of Geography and Geosciences, University of St Andrews

1985 Lecturer in Geology, Department of Geology, University of Dundee

1983 SOED Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Fellow

1982 PhD University of Dundee (‘Physical Sedimentology of Some Lake Systems’)

Active research projects:

Not available

Recent publications:

Tambroni, N., da Silva, J.F., Duck, R.W., McLelland, S.J., Venier, C. and Lanzoni, S., 2015. Experimental investigation of the impact of macroalgal mats on the wave and current dynamics. Advances in Water Resources.

Thomas, T., Lynch, S.K., Phillips, M.R., Williams, A.T. and Duck, R.W., 2014. Relationships between sand spit evolution, environmental forcing and inland inundation. Journal of Coastal Research, 70(sp1), pp.72-77.

Booth, L., Milne, F.D. and Duck, R.W., 2013. Sectoral interactions in the Scottish coastal zone: Measuring sustainability in theory and practice. Ocean & coastal management, 85, pp.39-45.

Lloyd, M.G., Peel, D. and Duck, R.W., 2013. Towards a social–ecological resilience framework for coastal planning. Land Use Policy, 30(1), pp.925-933.

Powell, V.A., McGlashan, D.J. and Duck, R.W., 2012. Use of local tidal records to identify relative sea level change: accuracy and error for decision makers. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 16(4), pp.597-607.

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