Nick’s main research is in the following areas:
-Environmental valuation, especially with stated preference methods
-Environmental cost-benefit analysis
-Ecological economic modelling, including modelling of tree diseases
-The design of Payment for Ecosystem Service schemes and agri-environmental policy
-The economics of sustainable development
-Behavioural economics
Nick is Professor of Environmental Economics. He previously worked at the universities of Stirling, Glasgow and Edinburgh. He is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, and a member of DEFRA’s Economic Advisory Panel. He is co-author (with Jason Shogren and Ben White) of three textbooks in environmental economics, and leads the coastal zone forum within MASTS .
Designing questions for use in omnibus survey and econometric analysis of data
Hanley, N. D.
22/01/15 – 29/05/15
MASTS Visiting Fellowship – Cati Torres
Hanley, N. D.
1/09/15 – 31/01/16
Modelling economic impact and strategies to increase resilience against tree disease outbreaks
Hanley, N. D.
30/06/14 – 29/06/17
Krawczyk, M., Bartczak, A., Hanley, N. and Stenger, A., 2016. Buying spatially-coordinated ecosystem services: An experiment on the role of auction format and communication. Ecological Economics, 124, pp.36-48.
White, B. and Hanley, N., 2016. Should We Pay for Ecosystem Service Outputs, Inputs or Both?. Environmental and Resource Economics, 63(4), pp.765-787.
Tatchley, C., Paton, H., Robertson, E., Minderman, J., Hanley, N. and Park, K., 2016. Drivers of Public Attitudes towards Small Wind Turbines in the UK. PLoS One, 11(3), p.e0152033.
Greasley, D., Hanley, N., McLaughlin, E. and Oxley, L., 2016. Australia: a Land of Missed Opportunities? (No. 2016-08).
Simpson, K. and Hanley, N., 2016. Managed Realignment for Flood Risk Reductions: What are the Drivers of Public Willingness to Pay? (No. 2016-06).