Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Prof. Nicholas Hanley

Research interests:

Nick’s main research is in the following areas:

-Environmental valuation, especially with stated preference methods

-Environmental cost-benefit analysis

-Ecological economic modelling, including modelling of tree diseases

-The design of Payment for Ecosystem Service schemes and agri-environmental policy

-The economics of sustainable development

-Behavioural economics

Career history:

Nick is Professor of Environmental Economics. He previously worked at the universities of Stirling, Glasgow and Edinburgh. He is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, and a member of DEFRA’s Economic Advisory Panel. He is co-author (with Jason Shogren and Ben White) of three textbooks in environmental economics, and leads the coastal zone forum within MASTS .

Active research projects:

Designing questions for use in omnibus survey and econometric analysis of data

Hanley, N. D.

22/01/15 – 29/05/15

MASTS Visiting Fellowship – Cati Torres

Hanley, N. D.

1/09/15 – 31/01/16

Modelling economic impact and strategies to increase resilience against tree disease outbreaks

Hanley, N. D.

30/06/14 – 29/06/17

Recent publications:

Krawczyk, M., Bartczak, A., Hanley, N. and Stenger, A., 2016. Buying spatially-coordinated ecosystem services: An experiment on the role of auction format and communication. Ecological Economics, 124, pp.36-48.

White, B. and Hanley, N., 2016. Should We Pay for Ecosystem Service Outputs, Inputs or Both?. Environmental and Resource Economics, 63(4), pp.765-787.

Tatchley, C., Paton, H., Robertson, E., Minderman, J., Hanley, N. and Park, K., 2016. Drivers of Public Attitudes towards Small Wind Turbines in the UK. PLoS One, 11(3), p.e0152033.

Greasley, D., Hanley, N., McLaughlin, E. and Oxley, L., 2016. Australia: a Land of Missed Opportunities? (No. 2016-08).

Simpson, K. and Hanley, N., 2016. Managed Realignment for Flood Risk Reductions: What are the Drivers of Public Willingness to Pay? (No. 2016-06).

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