Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Prof. Marian Scott

Department / group: School of Mathematics and Statistics / Environmental Statistics, Statistical Modelling
Google Scholar URL: Not available

Research interests:

My research interests are in the application of statistical methods to environmental sciences. Projects include water and air quality, design of monitoring networks, the development of environmental indicators, and quantifying the state of the environment.

Career history:

Present: Since 2000, I have been Professor of Environmental Statistics in the Department of Statistics.

Active research projects:

Radiocarbon inter-comparisons (FIRI and VIRI)

The fifth international radiocarbon inter-comparison (VIRI) continues the tradition of TIRI (third) and FIRI (fourth) and operates as an independent check on laboratory procedures, in addition to any within-laboratory procedures for quality assurance. VIRI has been designed to address some of the criticisms of TIRI and FIRI whilst retaining some of their important features, namely, using natural samples and ensuring the anonymity of participating laboratories to prevent the creation of laboratory league tables. VIRI is a 4-year project with funding secured from English Heritage and Historic Scotland.

The royal Arzhan-2 monument and the Scythian world of Eurasia in the 1st millennium BC (chronology, environment, society and economy).

Overview of research activities

This project has focused on the chronological study of key Scythian monuments for the chronology for all Eurasian Scythian culture. These include the unique monuments of Arzhan-1 and Arzhan-2 located in Central Asia (Tuva Republic). The dating of both these monuments began immediately after their discovery but discussion about their chronological position is still current. The aims of the project are:

-To compare and contrast the Arzhan-2 artifacts with those from other Scythian monuments.

-To identify the chronology of the Arzhan-2 monument and its relation to other Scythian period cultures of Eurasia using radiocarbon dating.

-To determine the origin and investigate cultural connections through isotopic analysis of metal and ceramic artifacts

-To examine effects of environmental conditions on nomadic societies and biodiversity.

Human Impact of Cyanobacteria in the Fresh Water Environment

This NERC funded exploratory award includes scientists from Universities of Stirling, Glasgow, Dundee, Centre form Ecology and Hydrology (Edinburgh and Lancaster) with participation of scientists from SEPA, Health Protection Agency and the Environment Agency.

Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are natural inhabitants of fresh-, brackish- and marine waters, where they fulfil key roles in the cycling of matter and in the maintenance and biodiversity of aquatic communities. However, these Gram negative prokaryotes, especially when growing as mass populations (blooms, scums, biofilms), present short- and long-term hazards to human and animal health.

This proposal aims to develop new novel approaches in a tiered risk assessment framework:

Tier 1: Model development for cyanobacterial hazard assessment based on hydrological, physicochemical and biological lake characteristics.

Tier 2: Development of remote sensing image analysis procedures for the early warning and quantification of cyanobacteria in the presence of other phytoplankton, suspended particulate matter and dissolved organic carbon.

Tier 3: Models relating to cyanobacterial toxin production and relationships to chlorophyll a and environmental conditions.

Tier 4. Calibration of remote sensing data with reference to actual cyanotoxin concentrations and associated health guidelines

Tier 5: Models predicting future risks associated with environmental change (nutrient/flushing changes, climate change)

Tier 6: Risk (health) and impact (economic) assessment of costs and benefits of early warning systems for cyanobacterial bloom and toxin health risk management.

Cai, X., Li, Z., Scott, E. M., Li, X., and Tang, M. (2016) Short-term effects of atmospheric particulate matter on myocardial infarction: a cumulative meta-analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 7, pp. 6139-6148. (doi:10.1007/s11356-016-6186-3) (PMID:26846245)

Elayouty, A., Scott, M., Miller, C., Waldron, S., and Franco-Villoria, M. (2016) Challenges in modeling detailed and complex environmental data sets: a case study modeling the excess partial pressure of fluvial CO2. Evironmental and Ecological Statistics, 23(1), pp. 65-87. (doi:10.1007/s10651-015-0329-4)

Altieri, L., Cocchi, D., Greco, F., Illian, J. B., and Scott, E. M. (2016) Bayesian P-splines and advanced computing in R for a changepoint analysis on spatio-temporal point processes. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, (Accepted for Publication)

Altieri, L., Scott, E. M., Cocchi, D., and Illian, J. B. (2015) A changepoint analysis of spatio-temporal point processes. Spatial Statistics, 14(B), pp. 197-207. (doi:10.1016/j.spasta.2015.05.005)

Dunlop, K.M., Ruxton, G.D., Scott, E.M., and Bailey, D.M. (2015) Absolute abundance estimates from shallow water baited underwater camera surveys; a stochastic modelling approach tested against field data. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 472, pp. 126-134. (doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2015.07.010)

Prof. Jo Sharp


School of Geographical and Earth Sciences

Present: Professor of Geography/Deputy Head of School (Geography)

I came to the University of Glasgow in January 1995 after finishing my PhD “Condensing the Cold War: Reader’s Digest and American Identity” at Syracuse University at the end of 1994.

My research interests are in feminist, postcolonial, cultural and political geographies. Much of my research has been undertaken in Africa, most recently in Tanzania.

Previous projects:

-Popular geographical imaginations and knowledges

-The role of public art in cities

-Gender and indigenous knowledges in Upper Egypt

Subaltern Geopolitics

This research seeks to reconstruct an alternative vision of the current “war on terror” from the point of view of a continent which is usually rendered silent in various geopolitical visions, or little more than a “site of violence and disorder” and thus always offering the possibility of threat to security. During the Cold War, Africa was part of the “left over” territory of the Third World, whose future was yet to be significantly channelled down the developmental path of either the First or Second alternatives. Similarly in the period since the attacks on the US on September 11th 2001, Africa has been brought into geopolitical visions only in the language of “failed states” which might harbour dangerous forces.

This project is supported by an ESRC Mid Career Fellowship, Creating postcolonial subjectivity subaltern geopolitics, knowledge and citizenship in Tanzania (RES-070-27-0039).

The social ecology of bacterial zoonoses in northern Tanzania

Bacterial zoonoses are responsible for a large proportion of febrile illnesses in northern Tanzania, where neglected bacterial zoonotic pathogens, e.g. Leptospira, Coxiella and Brucella spp., account for 11 times more febrile hospital admissions than malaria. However, these infections are under-diagnosed and relatively little is known about transmission patterns among animal hosts, which host species are responsible for transmission to humans, or the key socio-economic and behavioural determinants of human disease risk in different agro-ecological settings. This study will integrate several disciplinary approaches, including socio-economic and behavioural studies, human febrile illness surveillance, and linked human-animal epidemiological studies.

I am a co-investigator on this project with Professor Sarah Cleaveland (PI), Professor Dan Haydon and Dr Jo Halliday of the Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, in collaboration with the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, the Tanzania National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Sokoine University of Agriculture, the Tanzanian Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development, Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI), Duke University Medical Center. The project is supported by the BBSRC (BB/J010367/1) and the US National Institute of Health.

Zhang, H. L., Mnzava, K. W., Mitchell, S. T., Melubo, M. L., Kibona, T. J., Cleaveland, S., Kazwala, R. R., Crump, J. A., Sharp, J. P., and Halliday, J. E.B. (2016) Mixed methods survey of zoonotic disease awareness and practice among animal and human healthcare providers in Moshi, Tanzania. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 10(3), e0004476. (doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004476)

Sharp, J. (2014) The violences of remembering. Area, 46(4), pp. 357-358. (doi:10.1111/area.12138_7)

Hertz, J. T., Munishi, O. M., Sharp, J. P., Reddy, E. A., and Crump, J. A. (2013) Comparing actual and perceived causes of fever among community members in a low malaria transmission setting in northern Tanzania. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 18(11), pp. 1406-1415. (doi:10.1111/tmi.12191)

Sharp, J. P. (2013) Geopolitics at the margins? Reconsidering genealogies of critical geopolitics. Political Geography, 37, pp. 20-29. (doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2013.04.006)

Sharp, J. P. (2013) Reply: thinking through marginality. Political Geography, 37, pp. 36-37. (doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2013.04.007)

Crystal Smiley


School of Geographical and Earth Sciences

Not available

Not available

Present: PhD: “Understanding seasonal North Atlantic Climatic variability over the recent Holocene”; Supervisors: Dr Nick Kamenos, Professor Trevor Hoey

Reconstructing runoff from areas of freshwater influences (such as the Greenland ice sheet) using a marine, red coralline algae (Lithothamion glaciale, also known as maerl). I specifically focus on clarifying the hydrogen and oxygen isotopic signal of freshwater runoff that the algae is picking up by investigating isotopic spatial-temporal variations from different sources to the ocean. Field areas include; 1) Søndre Strømjord, Kangerlussaq, Greenland, 2) Glencoe Mountain, Scotland, 3) Loch and River Etive, Scotland.

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Not available

Dr. Rhian Thomas


School of Geographical and Earth Sciences

Not available

Not available

Present: Lecturer (Geography), University of Glasgow

The development and evaluation of a cellular model to simulate braided river dynamics. This research formed the basis for my Ph.D. The fieldwork for this research was carried out in the Harper-Avoca catchment in the South Island of New Zealand.

Utilisation of off-river habitats by lowland river fishes. This research involves hydrological modelling and monitoring of river and floodplain flows, and the development of predictive ecological models.

Geomorphological and hydrological assessment of the River Kerry, Special Area of Conservation. The river was designated a SAC as it represents one of the best stretches of river in the UK for the endangered freshwater pearl mussel.

Ecohydraulics with particular emphasis on freshwater pearl mussels

Thomas, R. and Hoey, T.B. (2005). Geomorphological assessment of the River Kerry, Special Area of Conservation, Wester Ross. (Scottish Natural Heritage)

Thomas, R. 2006-2008. Evaluation of the potential of using a cellular modelling approach in Ecohydraulics. Nuffield Foundation.

Thomas, R. 2006. Examining the association between the endangered freshwater pearl mussel and a damped flow regime. John Robertson Bequest.

Thomas, R. (2006). Development and application of a new cellular model to simulate ecohydraulics in the River Kerry, Scotland (BGRG)

Thomas, R. (2007) Cellular modelling as a tool for interpreting historic braided river eveolution. Geomorphology, 90(03-Apr), pp. 32-317.

Thomas, R. (2002) Simulation of braided river flow using a new cellular routing scheme. Geomorphology, 43(03-Apr), pp. 179-195.

Carol Thomson


School of Geographical and Earth Sciences

Not available

Not available

Present: SAGES Administrator (Geography)

Not available

Not available

Not available

Dr. Jaime Toney


School of Geographical and Earth Sciences / BECS (Biomarkers for Environmental and Climate Science) Research Group

Not available

Present: Senior Lecturer in Organic Geochemistry (Geography), University of Glasgow

Lecturer in Organic Geochemistry

2013-2015 Leader of BECS Research Group Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK

Postdoctoral Research Associate, NERC Funded

2011-2013 Glasgow Molecular Organic geochemistry Laboratory (GMOL) Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK

PhD Research

2006-2011 Dissertation: “Development and Application of Organic Biomarkers to Continental Paleoclimate Problems in the Interior of N. America”, Supervisor: Professor Yongsong Huang Department of Geological Sciences, Brown University, USA

General Research Interests:

I use organic geochemistry as a tool to understand how the Earth system responds to climate change. Molecular fossils, or biomarkers, are ubiquitous in sedimentary deposits and can often be applied in both marine and terrestrial environments, making them useful proxies for reconstructing environmental change. As an organic geochemist I collaborate with researchers in a number of different fields to generate multiproxy climate records. I also work with bioscientists to understand how/why organisms produce biomarkers and how those biomarkers relate to modern environmental parameters.

Selected Projects:

Alkenones as a Proxy for Lake Temperature

Alkenones are globally abundant hydrocarbon lipids produced by haptophyte algae. My research focuses on proxy development for using alkenones in lakes, including bettering our understanding of how the organism relates to the lipids that it produces.

Hydrologic and Ecosystem Change in the Sierra Nevada of Southern Spain

BECS members have taken multiple expeditions to high elevation lakes in the Sierra Nevada of Southern Spain with colleagues from the University of Granada, Spain and Northern Arizona University, U.S. to collect and analyse samples from lakes located at >3,000m elevation. Preliminary radiocarbon dates suggest that the record extends back just over 8,200 years of climate history. The core from Borreguil de Caldera is 56-centimeters long and covers the last 4,000 years of climate history. Initial biomarker and pollen analyses are underway from these cores to determine how hydrology has changed in the past and how the ecosystem responded.

Astrobiology: Molecular Signatures of Life in Mars Analogue Environments

BECS is pleased to collaborate with Dr. Vernon Phoenix, University of Glasgow, and use molecular fossils to detect signatures of life in a unique Mars analogue – the Chilean Altiplano! The Chilean Altiplano offers the key elements that are essential to the search for evidence of life on Mars. Like the Martian surface, water in the surface soils of the Chilean Altiplano is trapped in solid form due to subzero temperatures, however, can become liquid due to intense solar radiation during the day. This combined mix of cold, high insolation flux and liquid-water-unstable conditions offers an excellent analogue to explore the preservation of molecular signs of life.

Toney, J.L. (2015) ERC Starting Grant, ALKENoNE – Algal Lipids: the Key to Earth Now and aNcient Earth.

Toney, J.L. (2014) (Scientist-in-Charge) for Garcia-Alix, A. Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow, “Natural responses to past North Atlantic Oscillations: Southern Iberian Peninsula vs. United Kingdom, Analogues for future environmental changes (NAOSIPUK)”

Phoenix, V., Toney, J.L., and Quince, C. (2013) UK Space Agency – Aurora Programme, “Preservation and detection of molecular signatures of life under cold, high-solar flux, liquid-water-unstable conditions”.

Cisneros-Dozal, L. M. et al. (2014) Assessing the strength of the monsoon during the late Pleistocene in southwestern United States. Quaternary Science Reviews, 103, pp. 81-90. (doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.08.022)

Theroux, S., Toney, J., Amaral-Zettler, L., and Huang, Y. (2013) Production and temperature sensitivity of long chain alkenones in the cultured haptophyte Pseudoisochrysis paradoxa. Organic Geochemistry, 62, pp. 68-73. (doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2013.07.006)

Denis, E.H., Toney, J.L., Tarozo, R., and Scott Anderson, R. (2012) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in lake sediments record historic fire events: validation using HPLC-fluorescence detection. Organic Geochemistry, 45, pp. 7-17. (doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2012.01.005)

Toney, J.L., Theroux, S., Andersen, R.A., Coleman, A., Amaral-Zettler, L., and Huang, Y. (2012) Culturing of the first 37:4 predominant lacustrine haptophyte: geochemical, biochemical, and genetic implications. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 78, pp. 51-64. (doi:10.1016/j.gca.2011.11.024)

Fawcett, P.J. et al. (2011) Extended megadroughts in the southwestern United States during Pleistocene interglacials. Nature, 470(7335), pp. 518-521. (doi:10.1038/nature09839)

Dr. Leena Vihermaa


School of Geographical and Earth Sciences

Not available


Not available

2010: PhD “The influence of climate and site factors on timber properties of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis)”

Leena comes from Finland and is an environmental chemist by training with a Masters in Environmental Conservation Science. Leena completed her PhD on ‘The influence of climate and site factors on timber properties of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis)’ in 2010 at the University of Glasgow. Leena joined the group in 2010 as the PDRA on the NERC-funded Amazonica project and has conducted fieldwork campaigns in Southern Peru to study riverine carbon dynamics. Leena is now the PDRA on the NERC-funded UKLEON project, where she is applying sensor technology to understand in more detail the controls on carbon cycling in a suite of lake systems within the UK

A United Kingdom Lake Ecological Observatory Network (UKLEON)

Our research will produce high frequency meteorology and water chemistry time series for Loch Lomond. A monitoring buoy with the state-of-the-art sensor technology deployed at Loch Lomond, is one of several forming the UKLEON network. SCENE is the base for ourLoch Lomond data collection visits. Previously sampling frequency has been the limiting step in obtaining detailed time series of environmental data but recent development in sensor technology have overcome this. Our high frequency sampling allows us to gain understanding of both seasonal and short term controls of carbon dynamics. The lakes contribute to CO2 exchange, transformation of dissolved carbon and sequestration of particulate carbon in sediments. The latter we will assess through the deployment of sediment traps to assess the quantity and quality of particulate carbon delivery.

The lake carbon dynamics are impacted by catchment-scale and regional climatic drivers. The UKLEON project as a whole includes high frequency monitoring of 11 lakes across UK, thus enabling the assessment of regional coherency of lake responses to climate on sub-seasonal timescales which improves our ability to upscale findings to other lake systems and yields key information for the climate modellers.

Not available

Prof. Susan Waldron


School of Geographical and Earth Sciences / Carbon Landscapes Research Group

Not available

Present: Professor of Biogeochemistry (Geography)

Dean of Graduate Studies (Science and Engineering College Senior Management)

1. Biogeochemical cycles, especially carbon and within aquatic systems;

2. Applications of stable isotope analyses to biogeochemical cycling;

3. Stoichiometry of natural systems;

4. Continuous data-logging of water chemistry parameters.

My work is largely interdisciplinary and includes collaboration with scientists in ecology, botany, environmental science and hydrology.

In October 2007 I completed a NERC Advanced Fellowship: “Under what conditions do rivers acts as a net sink or source of atmospheric CO2 ?” (2002-2007). The focus of my Fellowship research wasto consider carbon cycling of major riverine species (gaseous, dissolved inorganic, dissolved organic and particulate organic) in a discharge-related context, using a relatively pristine catchment as a case study. Isotopic characterisation is a key analytical tool for my research.

I have maintained an interest in carbon cycling, firstly through environmental controls on biological production in methane, then as an energy flow in ecological studies, and now in budgetary constraints and process recycling in lotic and lentic systems. Previous research on the influence of peatland gas production on peatland hydrology, on field vegetation respiration studies and on freshwater invertebrate functional plasticity reflects the diversity of my interests in the carbon cycle. Past EU funding addressed the importance of fishery discards in seabird diet.

Current fully funded research includes the following: i) quantifying carbon fluxes from freshwater aquatic systems in the Amazon (as part of the NERC consortium grant, Amazonica). Shortly joining me to work on this project will be Dr. Yoko Ishida; ii) CLAD: Carbon Landascapes and Drainage – this will integrate stakeholders with academics to exchange knowledge on the loss of carbon from terrestrial landscapes to drainage system. Seeking funding for this network arose from my research programme to to consider the impact of the construction of Europe’s largest on-shore windfarm, Whitelee, on carbon and nutrient export in the catchment drainage systems. The network facilitator is Dr. Simon Drew.

Armstrong, A., Burton, R. R., Lee, S. E., Mobbs, S., Ostle, N., Smith, V., Waldron, S., and Whitaker, J. (2016) Ground-level climate at a peatland wind farm in Scotland is affected by wind turbine operation. Environmental Research Letters, 11(4), 044024. (doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/4/044024)

Elayouty, A., Scott, M., Miller, C., Waldron, S., and Franco-Villoria, M. (2016) Challenges in modeling detailed and complex environmental data sets: a case study modeling the excess partial pressure of fluvial CO2. Evironmental and Ecological Statistics, 23(1), pp. 65-87. (doi:10.1007/s10651-015-0329-4)

Armstrong, A., Waldron, S., Ostle, N. J., Richardson, H., and Whitaker, J. (2015) Biotic and abiotic factors interact to regulate northern peatland carbon cycling. Ecosystems, 18(8), pp. 1395-1409. (doi:10.1007/s10021-015-9907-4)

Gyore, D., Stuart, F., Gilfillan, S. M.V., and Waldron, S. (2015) Tracing injected CO2 in the Cranfield enhanced oil recovery field (MS, USA) using He, Ne and Ar isotopes. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 42, pp. 554-561. (doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2015.09.009)

Long, H., Vihermaa, L., Waldron, S., Hoey, T., Quemin, S., and Newton, J. (2015) Hydraulics are a first order control on CO2 efflux from fluvial systems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 120(10), pp. 1912-1922. (doi:10.1002/2015JG002955)

Dr. Richard Williams


School of Geographical and Earth Sciences

Present: Lecturer in Geomatics (Geography)

Richard moved to Aberystwyth University in 2009 to work as a Research Assistant on the NERC funded ReesScan Project. At this time he also commenced his doctoral work on modelling braided river dynamics. Richard was appointed to a lectureship at Aberystwyth University in 2013. He moved to a lectureship at the University of Glasgow in 2015.

My research interests lie in the fields of geomatics, fluvial geomorphology, remote sensing, flood risk management, and numerical modelling. Specifically, I am interested in the dynamism of river systems at the reach spatial scale and event-to-decadal timescale. My research focuses upon enhancing and applying novel geomatics and remote sensing methods to gain insight into river morphodynamics. Such data also provide innovative parameterisations for hydro- and morpho-dynamic numerical models, and spatially-temporally explicit metrics for model assessment. My research supports fundamental insights into the controls on river planform and provides evidence for scientifically informed management of flood conveyance, and in-stream and riparian habitat.

Particular research themes include:

1. Monitoring and modelling braided river morphodynamics;

2. Monitoring the morphology, flow dynamics, sediment transport and ecology of river restoration schemes;

3. Alluvial fan morphology and sedimentology;

4. Numerical modelling of flood risk, particularly in geomorphologically dynamic settings and in the context of evaluating natural flood risk management.

Recent field campaigns have involved the deployment of a range of Earth observation platforms and sensors. These have included RTK-GPS, terrestrial laser scanning, acoustic Doppler current profilers, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to acquire imagery for Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry.

Strategic Insight Programme (SIP). Placement with Prof Rob Lamb (JBA Trust): Two-dimensional flow modelling to analyse river bar reworking. November 2014 – February 2015.

MPhil Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarship. Development of low-cost approaches to monitor river restoration schemes. September 2014 – September 2015. PI with Dr K. Young (Aberystwyth) and P. Jones (WaterCo, Mold).

Natural Environment Research Council. Quantifying the Delivery & Dispersal of Landslide-Derived Sediment to the Dart River, New Zealand. April 2014 – July 2015.

British Society for Geomorphology Early Career Researcher Grant. Quantifying sedimentological, geomorphic and habitat adjustment following river restoration. October 2014 – October 2015.

Williams, R. D., Brasington, J., and Hicks, D. M. (2016) Numerical modelling of braided river morphodynamics: review and future challenges. Geography Compass, 10(3), pp. 102-127. (doi:10.1111/gec3.12260)

Williams, R.D., Rennie, C.D., Brasington, J., Hicks, D.M., and Vericat, D. (2015) Linking the spatial distribution of bed load transport to morphological change during high-flow events in a shallow braided river. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 120(3), pp. 604-622. (doi:10.1002/2014JF003346)

Williams, R., Brasington, J., Vericat, D., and Hicks, M. (2014) Hyperscale terrain modelling of braided rivers: fusing mobile terrestrial laser scanning and optical bathymetric mapping. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39(2), pp. 167-183. (doi:10.1002/esp.3437)

Williams, R.D., Brasington, J., Hicks, M., Measures, R., Rennie, C.D., and Vericat, D. (2013) Hydraulic validation of two-dimensional simulations of braided river flow with spatially continuous aDcp data. Water Resources Research, 49(9), pp. 5183-5205. (doi:10.1002/wrcr.20391)

Williams, R., Brasington, J., Vericat, D., Hicks, M., Labrosse, F., and Neal, M. (2011) Chapter twenty – monitoring braided River change using terrestrial laser scanning and optical bathymetric mapping. Developments in Earth Surface Processes, 15, pp. 507-532. (doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53446-0.00020-3)

Dr. Jing Yao


School of Social and Political Sciences

Present: Lecturer in Urban Big Data and Quantative Methods (Urban Studies)

Dr Jing Yao joined University of Glasgow as a lecturer in Urban Big Data and Quantitative Methods at the UK ESRC-funded Urban Big Data Centre in October, 2014. She has a PhD in Geography and a MSc in Industrial Engineering both from Arizona State University (ASU), USA. She also has a MSc degree and a BSc degree in Geographical Information System (GIS) from Nanjing University, China. Previously she worked as a postdoctoral associate at GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation at ASU in the US and a research fellow at Centre for Geoinformatics at University of St Andrews in UK.

Jing’s research interests cover a wide range of areas in geographic information science, including spatial analysis, spatial statistics, spatial modeling, and spatial optimization, etc. Currently, she focuses on developing quantitative methods for spatially integrated analysis and modeling and particularly their applications in social science and health research. Also, she is interested in spatial optimization and decision making, including facility location modeling, regionalization and land use optimization.

-Geographical Information Science

-Spatial Statistics

-Spatial Optimization

-Location Modeling

-Health Geography

-Regional Science

-Urban and Regional Planning and development

The Re-Making of Chinese Urban Neighbourhoods: Socio-Spatial Transformation and Access to Public Services. Funded by ESRC. Co-Investigator. 2016-2019.

Glasgow-Nankai Research Exchange Grant. 2015.

Spatial Optimization Approaches for Solving the Continuous multi‐Weber Problem. Funded by

National Natural Science Foundation of China. Principal Investigator. 2013-2015.

Continuous Geographic Physical Process Model and its Integration with GIS. Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China. Co-Investigator. 2013-2015.

Yao, J., and Fotheringham, A. S. (2016) Local spatiotemporal modeling of house prices: a mixed model approach. Professional Geographer, 68(2), pp. 189-201. (doi:10.1080/00330124.2015.1033671)

Fotheringham, A. S., Crespo, R., and Yao, J. (2015) Geographical and temporal weighted regression (GTWR). Geographical Analysis, 47(4), pp. 431-452. (doi:10.1111/gean.12071)

Agadjanian, V., Hayford, S. R., Luz, L., and Yao, J. (2015) Bridging user and provider perspectives: Family planning access and utilization in rural Mozambique. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 130(Supl 3), E47-E51. (doi:10.1016/j.ijgo.2015.03.019) (In Press)

Fotheringham, A.S., Crespo, R., and Yao, J. (2015) Exploring, modelling and predicting spatiotemporal variations in house prices. Annals of Regional Science, 54(2), pp. 417-436. (doi:10.1007/s00168-015-0660-6)

Yao, J., and Murray, A. T. (2014) Serving regional demand in facility location. Papers in Regional Science, 93(3), pp. 643-662. (doi:10.1111/pirs.12013)

Dr. Dmitry Aleynik


Physics and Technology / Modelling Group

2009-present Research Fellow in Marine Modelling, SAMS

2009 EU Erasmus Mundus travelling Scholarship: Universidad Autonomía del Mexico

2004-2009 Postdoctoral Research Assistant, University of Plymouth: Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project (BSERP – GEF/UN DP), Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem changes programme (EU FP6 SESAME)

1998-2004 Researcher, Senior Researcher: Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow

1993-1998 PhD in Physical Oceanography. Russian Academy of Sciences, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow

My scientific interests include:

-Physical Oceanography – modelling and observations

-Physical processes that determine the evolution of water properties in the range of scales from Scottish sea lochs with limited water exchange to the entire North Atlantic Ocean and Global Ocean

-Turbulence and mixing induced by interaction of tides with complex topography in shelf and deep seas, internal waves dynamics

-Porting various high-resolution numerical models for oceanographic (including unstructured FVCOM and non-hydrostatic MITgcm) and meteorological (WRF) applications at different platforms such as SAMS HPC cluster and ARCHeR Supercomputer

ASIMUTH (Adaptive grid model to Simulate transport and distribution of harmful algal blooms for Argyll)

HYPOX (oxygen monitoring in aquatic ecosystems)

MINCH (Hydrodynamic model of the West Coast of Scotland for sea lice dispersal studies) EU EFF & MSS

FASTNEt (Fluxes Across Sloping Topography of the North East Atlantic)

Millennium (Three layer box model (ACExR) used for reconstruction of long-term near-bottom water temperature and salinity in a typical NW European fjord (Loch Sunart))

3-layer box model (ACExR) used for reconstruction of long-term near-bottom water temperature and salinity in a typical NW European fjord (Loch Sunart)


SARF Shell

Flow over Topography (Oceans 2025 Theme 3.7)

Vlasenko, V., Stashchuk, N., Inall, M.E., Porter, M. and Aleynik, D., 2016. Focusing of baroclinic tidal energy in a canyon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

Mori, C., Sato, T., Kano, Y., Oyama, H., Aleynik, D., Tsumune, D. and Maeda, Y., 2015. Numerical study of the fate of CO 2 purposefully injected into the sediment and seeping from seafloor in Ardmucknish Bay. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 38, pp.153-161.

Atamanchuk, D., Tengberg, A., Aleynik, D., Fietzek, P., Shitashima, K., Lichtschlag, A., Hall, P.O. and Stahl, H., 2015. Detection of CO 2 leakage from a simulated sub-seabed storage site using three different types of pCO 2 sensors. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 38, pp.121-134.

Taylor, P., Stahl, H., Vardy, M.E., Bull, J.M., Akhurst, M., Hauton, C., James, R.H., Lichtschlag, A., Long, D., Aleynik, D. and Toberman, M., 2015. A novel sub-seabed CO 2 release experiment informing monitoring and impact assessment for geological carbon storage. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 38, pp.3-17.

Sherwin, T.J., Aleynik, D., Dumont, E. and Inall, M.E., 2015. Deep drivers of mesoscale circulation in the central Rockall Trough. Ocean Science, 11(3), pp.343-359.

Dr. Philip Anderson


Physics and Technology / Marine Technology R and D Group

Not available

2012-present Head of Marine Technology R&D Group. SAMS

2009-2012 BAS/NERC: Boundary-layer physicist within CLIMATE Programme responsible for stratified boundary layer processes, blowing snow processes and Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) development

2005-2008 BAS/NERC: Project leader for UAS-based research and data analysis of APACE data. Member of FOCAS team

2000-2005 BAS/NERC: Project leader for Surface Processes Affecting Antarctic Climate (SPACE), to study high resolution wave/turbulence interaction in the stable boundary layer

1996 Awarded Polar Medal for services to Antarctic Science

1995-2000 BAS/NERC: Project leader for FLUX project: year round monitoring of full surface energy balance

1994 BAS/NERC: Promotion to SSO / PB5

1988-1994 BAS/NERC: Open ended appointment as physicist: to design, build, run and analyse STABLE II project. Included one year winter at Halley in 1991

1985-1989 Joined the British Antarctic Survey as wintering scientist for the Stable Antarctic Boundary Layer Experiment

1983-1985 Instrument technician and lecturer. People’s College, Nottingham

Flux-profile relationships in the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL): During my first Antarctic winter in 1986 I noticed that the turbulent atmosphere during the polar night is more complex than expected, with a variety of coherent structures apparent in a range of fine resolution data, from acoustic radar to sonic anemometers. The mechanism that generates and maintains these structures when the atmosphere is stratified (stable) but turbulent is still obscure; turbulence should act to diffuse or blur any structure, not enhance them. Understanding this effect is of growing importance in improving the accuracy of our climate models, as parameterization schemes that derive surface fluxes from bulk meteorology are very noisy and on average biased. My personal research still dwells in the Stable ABL, working through an international group within GEWEX trying to improve GCMs in this area by understanding the missing physics.

Remotely Piloted Aircraft (also known as UAVs): I am leading the SAMS project to developing Earth Observation and in situ platforms for marine research. The project involves training a team of avionics engineers, pilots and commanders for RPA operations, modifying a fleet of Light RPA (< 20kg tow) for over-water deployment, and developing sensor payloads for environmental sampling. Flux buoys: Although many buoy-based systems are operating around the world, the vast majority only measure meteorology, whilst a fraction measure what is actually needed, fluxes of heat and momentum into the surface. Fluxes are the true coupling conditions that govern air-surface interaction. Making automatic flux measurements is not trivial, but I am adapting relatively standard techniques used on land to work on a mobile platform at sea. Such buoys will help the community validate couple general circulation models in remote oceans, especially polar regions. Glider-Deployed Drifters: I am working in partnership with Southampton University to use the relatively new technique of balloon launched gliders as a vehicle for deploying marine sensors.

See research interests

Anderson PS (2012) Climatology of tropospheric solitary waves observed over an ice shelf. In: Kooij-Connally E (ed). Workshop on Diurnal cycles and the stable boundary layer. ECMWF, Shinfield Park, Reading, UK.

Anderson PS (2009) Measurement of Prandtl Number as a Function of Richardson Number Avoiding Self-Correlation. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 131(3):345-362.

Jones AE, Anderson PS, Begoin M, Brough N, Hutterli M, Marshall GJ, Richter A, Roscoe HK and Wolff EW (2009) BrO, blizzards, and drivers of polar tropospheric ozone depletion events. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 9:4639-4652.

Anderson PS and Neff WD (2008) Boundary layer physics over snow and ice. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 8(13):3563-3582.

Anderson PS and Bauguitte SJB (2007) Behaviour of tracer diffusion in simple atmospheric boundary layer models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 7(19):5147-5158.

Riccardo Arosio


Department of Biogeochemistry and Earth Science / Dynamic Oceans Research Theme

Not available

Present: PhD “The Hebrides Ice Stream (HIS) and the deglaciation of the Hebrides shelf and Firth of Lorn, western Scotland, UK.” Supervisors: Dr. John Howe (Director of Studies), SAMS; Professor Colm O’Cofaigh, University of Durham; Dr. Kirsty Crocket, SAMS

-Geomorphology and sea bed mapping of glacial features

-Geochemical proxies for ice advance and retreat

-Geochronology of the extent and deglaciation of the British-Irish Ice Sheet in western Scotland

Not available

Not available

Dr. Finlo Cottier


Physics and Technology / Arctic Seas Theme, Dynamic Oceans Theme, Scottish Marine Robotics Facility

2006-present Lecturer in Polar Oceanography, SAMS

2000-2006 Postdoctoral Researcher, SAMS: Observational investigations of mixing and exchange processes in mid- and high-latitude shelf systems. Partner in FP6 EU programme

1999-2000 Lecturer and polar naturalist aboard cruise ships in the Arctic and Antarctic.

1995-1999 PhD in Polar Marine Science, University of Cambridge, Scott Polar Research Institute. Dissertation: Brine distribution in young sea ice

My main scientific interests relate to the oceans and seas of the Arctic and the Antarctic. The main areas of my research involve the shallow, coastal seas of the Arctic, particularly in the waters around Svalbard and Greenland. My primary research interests are in physical oceanography but I’m also interested in the multi-disciplinary view of high-latitude seas.

Particular areas of research interest include:

-Physical oceanography of Arctic shelves; shelf-ocean exchanges, mixing processes

-Application of analytical models to high-latitude processes

-Use of tracers and proxies, particularly related to oceanographic roles of Atlantic Water and sea ice formation/melt in Arctic waters

-Application of geochemical and sediment proxies for interpretation of water mass histories

-Coupled biological-physical interactions in Arctic shelf systems

Panarcive: Establishing patterns of zooplankton behaviour from acoustic records collected throughout the Arctic

Arctic Time Series: Operation of a multi-parameter mooring in NW Svalbard as part of Oceans 2025 Theme 10

Ocean Glacier interactions: Coastal and fjordic oceanography in SE Greeland (SeaTrEx)

Last, K.S., Hobbs, L., Berge, J., Brierley, A.S. and Cottier, F., 2016. Moonlight Drives Ocean-Scale Mass Vertical Migration of Zooplankton during the Arctic Winter. Current Biology.

Berge, J., Renaud, P.E., Darnis, G., Cottier, F., Last, K., Gabrielsen, T.M., Johnsen, G., Seuthe, L., Weslawski, J.M., Leu, E. and Moline, M., 2015. In the dark: A review of ecosystem processes during the Arctic polar night. Progress in Oceanography, 139, pp.258-271.

Inall, M.E., Nilsen, F., Cottier, F.R. and Daae, R., 2015. Shelf/fjord exchange driven by coastal‐trapped waves in the Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

Luckman, A., Benn, D.I., Cottier, F., Bevan, S., Nilsen, F. and Inall, M., 2015. Calving rates at tidewater glaciers vary strongly with ocean temperature. Nature communications, 6.

Berge, J., Daase, M., Renaud, P.E., Ambrose, W.G., Darnis, G., Last, K.S., Leu, E., Cohen, J.H., Johnsen, G., Moline, M.A. and Cottier, F., 2015. Unexpected levels of biological activity during the polar night offer new perspectives on a warming Arctic. Current Biology, 25(19), pp.2555-2561.

Dr. Kirsty Crocket


Biogeochemistry and Earth Science / Arctic Seas research theme

2013-present Lecturer and Principal Investigator in Palaeoceanography. SAMS

2012-2013 Research Programme Officer for geothermal energy, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium.

2009-2012 Post-doctoral Research Associate, Imperial College London, UK. Research project: Deglacial Atlantic Ocean Ventilation Rates. Supervisor: Dr Tina van de Flierdt. Funder: NERC

2005-2009 PhD “Pb and Nd isotope constraints on continental weathering and ocean circulation in the North Atlantic during the last glacial/interglacial cycle”, University of Bristol, UK. Supervisors: Dr David Richards, Dr Gavin Foster, Prof Derek Vance, Prof Martyn Tranter. Funder: NERC

I am a palaeoceanographer with expertise in the measurement of radiogenic isotope compositions (Pb, Sr, Nd) and trace metal concentrations (rare earth elements) in marine sample materials. My research involves the application of these techniques to a variety of current marine and palaeoceanographic research topics, e.g. carbonate biomineralisation and the response of skeletal uptake of trace metals to environmental change, how dissolved trace metal concentrations respond to changes in environment and climate. An important part of this work involves developing new methods to improve measurement of these isotopes and elements in marine archive materials. At SAMS, we are developing methods for the analysis of materials with low abundance trace metal concentrations (e.g. seawater, biogenic carbonate and organics) by combined SeaFAST+ICP-MS.

Iron BREW (November 2015): Examining the role and efficiency of dissolved organic matter from peat bogs as a transport vector of trace metals across salinity gradients in Scottish sea lochs. Funding body: MASTS Coastal Processes & Dynamics Forum

COREE (July 2015): Determining the partitioning of dissolved seawater rare earth elements into coral skeletons under different seawater pH treatments to establish their potential as proxies for the marine carbonate system. Funding body: Carnegie Trust Research Incentive Grant

REEL IT IN (September 2015): Identifying the sources, sinks and cycling of rare earth elements in seawater in a well-defined part of the NE Atlantic, the Extended Ellett Line, to address the underlying question of how seawater acquires its composition and to provide a baseline to monitor change as the marine carbonate system shifts in response to increasing atmospheric CO2. Funding body: SAMS Small Grant

Lambelet, M, Van de Flierdt, T, Crocket, KC, Rehkämper, M, Kreissig, K, Coles, B, Rijkenberg, MJA, Gerringa, LJA, De Baar H, and Steinfeldt, R (2016). ‘Neodymium isotopic composition and concentration in western North Atlantic seawater: results from the GEOTRACES GA02 section.’ Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 177: 1-29.

Struve, T, van de Flierdt, T, Robinson, LF, Bradtmiller, LI, Hines, SK, Adkins, JF, Lambelet, M, Crocket, KC, Kreissig, K, Coles, B and Auro, ME (2016). ‘Neodymium isotope analyses after combined extraction of actinide and lanthanide elements from seawater and deep-sea coral aragonite.’ Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17(1), 232-240.

Wilson, DJ, Crocket, KC, Van de Flierdt, T, Robinson, LF and Adkins, JF (2014). ‘Dynamic intermediate ocean circulation in the North Atlantic during Heinrich Stadial 1: a radiocarbon and neodymium isotope perspective.’ Paleoceanography. 2014PA002674 Doi: 10.1002/2014PA002674

Crocket, KC, Lambelet, M, Van de Flierdt, T, Rehkämper, M and Robinson, LF (2014). ‘Measurement of fossil deep-sea coral Nd isotopic compositions and concentrations by TIMS as NdO+, with evaluation of cleaning protocols.’ Chemical Geology 374-375: 128-140.

Crocket, KC, Foster, GL Vance, D, Richards, DA and Tranter, M (2013). ‘A Pb isotope tracer of ocean-ice sheet interaction: The record from the NE Atlantic during the last glacial/interglacial cycle.’ Quaternary Science Reviews 82: 133-144. Doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.10.020.

Prof. Stuart Cunningham


Physics and Technology

Not available

Not available

I am an observational Physical Oceanographer with a B.Sc. (Astrophysics, University of Edinburgh) a M.Sc. (Physical Oceanography, University College of North Wales) and a Ph.D. (Ocean Inverse Modelling, University of Liverpool). I joined the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences in 1990 and then the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. In August 2012 I joined SAMS as the MASTS appointment in Physical Oceanography. As an observational physical oceanographer I have participated in 32 research cruises (800+ days at sea). I have written or co-authored 35 refereed scientific publications including three in Nature or Science.

The preeminent scientific challenge of the 21st Century is to understand and quantify Earth’s current and future climate. How will climate variability impact the ocean’s sustainable resources and what are the human impacts of such change? Observing, modelling and quantifying marine systems is key to understanding their response to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Oceans determine the rate, extent and character of climate by their long-term storage and transport of heat and carbon and dominance of the global fresh-water cycle. A critical challenge is to integrate our understanding of ocean systems on different timescales and across disciplines and to propose testable hypothesis of how these systems interact.

New technology, particularly the development of observing platforms and novel sensors will likely provide sustained observations of physical, chemical, biological and geological properties, and so play a critical role in this challenge for the 21st century.

Over several years I have been advocating and proposing basin-wide observations in the subpolar gyre because of the relevance to the UK. I collaborate widely: as a leader or major partner in UK and EU programmes (Thermohaline Overturning at Risk? and North Atlantic Climate Variability); and in international programs interacting with funding and co-ordination agencies (e.g. NSF, NOAA, CLIVAR, OceanObs and the UK MCCIP). I am a contributing author for the International Panel on Climate Change. I provide national and international leadership through the adoption and exploitation of new technology, and through leadership of science programs and the promotion of large-scale observing programmes.

RAPID-MOC/MOCHA: Sustained observations of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Heat Flux (

Thermohaline Overturning at Risk? (THOR) (

North Atlantic Climate Variability (NACLIM) (

Srokosz, M., Baringer, M., Bryden, H., Cunningham, S., Delworth, T., Lozier, S., Marotzke, J. and Sutton, R., 2012. Past, present, and future changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 93(11), pp.1663-1676.

Cunningham, S.A., Kanzow, T., Rayner, D., Baringer, M.O., Johns, W.E., Marotzke, J., Longworth, H.R., Grant, E.M., Hirschi, J.J.M., Beal, L.M. and Meinen, C.S., 2007. Temporal variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 26.5 N. science, 317(5840), pp.935-938.

Clément, L., Frajka‐Williams, E., Szuts, Z.B. and Cunningham, S.A., 2014. Vertical structure of eddies and Rossby waves, and their effect on the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 26.5 N. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119(9), pp.6479-6498.

Cunningham, S.A., Roberts, C.D., Frajka‐Williams, E., Johns, W.E., Hobbs, W., Palmer, M.D., Rayner, D., Smeed, D.A. and McCarthy, G., 2013. Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation slowdown cooled the subtropical ocean. Geophysical research letters, 40(23), pp.6202-6207.

Dr. Andrew Dale


Physics and Technology / Dynamic Oceans Theme, Modelling Group

Not available


Lecturer/Principal Investigator in Numerical Modelling, SAMS


Research Associate at Oregon State University studying the coastal physics of the Oregon upwelling system from a Lagrangian perspective via a series of dye tracer-release experiments


Postdoctoral researcher at Oregon State University with Jack Barth investigating the dynamics of a coastal upwelling jet.

As a physical oceanographer I like to combine observational and modelling approaches to understanding the ocean. My research interests lie at relatively small scales, working to understand how physical processes (internal waves, gravity currents, eddies and turbulence) affect the larger scale in environments as diverse as the deep ocean and the coastal waters of western Scotland.

Mixing in the deep ocean

Mixing in the deep ocean is a crucial component of the global overturning circulation which determines how the ocean stores and redistributes heat. Tides contribute significantly to this mixing, largely through the interaction between tidal currents and the complex topography of mid-ocean ridges. Tidal energy is both radiated from mid-ocean ridges as internal waves and dissipated by local mixing. While the radiated component is relatively well-studied, the local mixing processes are less-so. Observations from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are revealing the fascinating physics involved, including tidally-pulsed bores, lee waves and hydraulic flows.

The coastal environment of Western Scotland

Western Scotland has a convoluted coastline of islands, sea lochs and narrow, highly-tidal straits. The complexity of coastal waters is compounded by patchy and variable freshwater run-off from land, and winds that are steered by steep coastal topography. When looking at the regional scale, energetic small-scale features cannot be dismissed. Tidal straits, for example, provide biological connections and important sources of mixing and eddies. Accurate numerical models of this region would be of great benefit to coastal managers, but it is crucial that such models represent the effects of small-scale processes in their wider context.



-ASIMUTH (Adaptive grid model to simulate transport and development of harmful algal blooms around Argyll) (


Porter, M., Inall, M.E., Green, J.A.M., Simpson, J.H., Dale, A.C. and Miller, P.I., 2016. Drifter observations in the summer time bay of Biscay slope current. Journal of Marine Systems.

Cross, J., Dale, A. and Hosegood, P., 2015, April. A Lagrangian study of the influence of a canyon on an alongslope current. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 17, p. 10722).

Benjamins, S., DALE, A.C., Hastie, G., Waggitt, J.J., Lea, M.A., Scott, B. and Wilson, B., 2015. Confusion reigns? A review of marine megafauna interactions with tidal-stream environments. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 53, pp.1-54.

Dale, A.C. and Inall, M.E., 2015. Tidal mixing processes amid small‐scale, deep‐ocean topography. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(2), pp.484-491.

Dale, A., Cross, J., Hosegood, P. and Inall, M., 2014, May. Recruitment to the Ekman drain from the shelf edge to the west of Scotland. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 16, p. 15186).

Lewis Drysdale


Physics and Technology / Arctic Seas Theme, Dynamic Oceans Theme

Not available

Not available

2013-present PhD student. British Antarctic Survey/University of the Highlands and Islands. SAMS. Supervisors: Professor Mike Meredith (BAS) – Director of Studies

Dr Finlo Cottier (SAMS)

Professor Mark Inall (SAMS)

Dr Povl Abrahamsen (BAS)

Professor Bill Austin (SAMS)

-Broad scale oceanography in sub-polar north Atlantic and Nordic seas

-Shelf –Ocean interaction, cross fjord exchange and mixing

-Use of stable isotopes as water mass tracers

-Environmental modelling techniques including simple box models

-Freshwater in the Arctic

-Sea ice, tidewater glaciers, seasonal changes in the Arctic

My project will fill the gaps in knowledge surrounding the contribution of freshwater to the coastal and shelf waters of the Arctic.

The work will be focussed around Svalbard where warm ocean currents enter and cold polar water leave the Arctic. Here the influence of Atlantic water on the local oceanography is well constrained but the significance of freshwater is subject to much uncertainty.

We will use salinity measurements and stable isotopes of Oxygen to characterise the sources of freshwater and map the seasonal evolution across a range of contrasting systems as well as decribe the surface water pathways. This information will feed back into simple box models in an attempt to adequately represent the shelf-exchange processes in glacial fjords.

Not available

Neil Fraser


Physics and Technology / Arctic Seas Theme, Dynamic Oceans Theme

Not available

Not available


PhD student, The University of Edinburgh, based at SAMS. Supervisors:

Professor Mark Inall (Director of Studies), SAMS

Dr Finlo Cottier, SAMS

Professor Peter Nienow, University of Edinburgh

Dr Noel Gourmelem, University of Edinburgh

-Physical oceanography



PhD: “Impact of variable ocean/shelf exchange on glacial dynamics in SE Greenland”

Not available

Dr. Stefan Gary


Physics and Technology / Dynamic Oceans Theme, Scottish Marine Robotics Facility


Not available

Not available

2013-present Research Associate in Physical Oceanography. SAMS

2011-2013 Postdoctoral Associate. Duke University

2006-2011 PhD Earth and Ocean Sciences. Duke University

I contribute to the science and management of occupations of the Extended Ellett Line, a repeat hydrographic section. These waters are sampled both by ships and gliders. The Ellett Line is the eastern termination of the OSNAP line, which measures the Meridional Overturning Circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic.

Research interests include:

-Large-scale ocean circulation

-Variability and observations of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and the deep ocean

-Lagrangian visualization of geophysical flows

-Dynamics driving the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) and the AMOC

-The fate of climate signals in North Atlantic Subtropical Mode Water

Extended Ellett Line (


Holliday, N. P., Cunningham, S. A., Johnson, C., Gary, S. F., Griffiths, C., Read, J. F., & Sherwin, T. (2015). Multidecadal variability of potential temperature, salinity, and transport in the eastern subpolar North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120(9), 5945-5967, doi:10.1002/2015JC010762.

Kwon, Y.-O., Park, J. J., Gary, S. F., & Lozier, M. S. (2015). Year-to-Year Reoutcropping of Eighteen Degree Water in an Eddy-Resolving Ocean Simulation. Journal of Physical Oceanography 45, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-14-0122.1.

Gary, S. F., M.S. Lozier, Y.-O. Kwon, J.J. Park. (2014) The fate of North Atlantic Subtropical Mode Water in the FLAME model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-13-0202.1.

Lozier, M.S., S.F. Gary and A.S. Bower (2013) Simulated pathways of the overflow waters in the North Atlantic: subpolar to subtropical export. Deep Sea Research II, 85, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.07.037

Gary, S.F., M.S. Lozier, A. Biastoch, C.W. Böning (2012) Reconciling tracer and float observations of the export pathways of Labrador Sea Water. Geophysical Research Letters 39, doi:10.1029/2012GL053978

Dr. Natalie Hicks


Department of Biogeochemistry and Earth Science / Dynamic Oceans Theme

Not available

Not available

2014-present Researcher in Benthic Biogeochemistry; Module Leader for Chemical Oceanography

2010-2014 PDRA, SAMS

2007-2011PhD in Marine Benthic Ecology. University of St Andrews

My broad research interests encompass the effects of environmental change, predominantly ocean acidification and increasing temperature, on marine benthic systems. I am particularly interested in the effects of future oceans on coastal and intertidal sediments, with a focus on the role of microphytobenthos in biogeochemical cycling under predicted future scenarios.

Carbon capture storage (CCS) – identifying a leak and implications for benthic biogeochemistry

CCS has been proposed as a viable option for storage excess CO2 in old oil sites, and use of CO2 during extraction can enhance oil recovery. However, there are concerns of the implication of a leak from these CO2 storage sites. The CCS community needs a technique able to detect deviations from baseline conditions in the seafloor in good time before CO2 migrates from the seafloor into the sea water where pelagic organisms such as fish can be affected. This project based at SAMS (with partners from Greece, Durham and Norway) proposes to combine experimental and in situ measurements with the use of Next Generation Technology of metagenomics and bioinformatics to identify a monitoring technique for offshore post injection and long-term monitoring of CO2 storage sites. DNA extracted from seafloor sediments exposed to in situ CO2 release at the Scottish west coast will be analysed and compared to existing CO2 anomaly signatures from the North Sea.

Correlation analysis of geochemical parameters and genetic anomalies in in situ and ex situ CO2 exposed sediments will be made. To be able to estimate the resolution and sampling frequency required for safe long term monitoring of CO2 storage sites, the theoretical migration of CO2 to the seabed from a conceptual storage site model with cap rock leakage will be calculated. Based on this approach we will suggest monitoring campaigns and recommendations for the conceptual storage site model and estimate the monitoring costs.

Further information can be found on the COVERALL website (

Ocean Acidification effects on benthic biogeochemistry

Part of a UK-wide NERC funded consortium, the research at SAMS focuses on identifying the effects of ocean acidification on benthic biogeochemistry on mud and sand.

Using state of the art imaging technology, this work incorporates the custom-built flume facility and includes collaborators from the University of St Andrews and Plymouth marine lab. The results from these experiments will help determine the potential future effects of ocean acidification on benthic primary production and global nutrient cycles.

Hicks, N., Stahl, H., Kamenos, N., Paterson, D. and Burdett, H. (2014) Science Scotland, Summer 15, p 32-37 (published by Royal Society of Edinburgh)

Hicks, N. (2013) Ocean acidification – much more than a hot research topic. Ocean Challenge 20

Hicks, N. and Stahl, H. (2012) The evil twin of climate change: ocean acidification in sediments. Ocean Exlorer 36: 14-15

Hicks, N., Bulling, M., Solan, M., Raffaelli, D., White, P. & Paterson, D. M (2011) Impact of biodiversity-climate futures on primary production and metabolism in a model benthic estuarine system. BMC Ecology 11: 7

Bulling, M.T., Hicks, N., Murray, L., Paterson, D.M., Raffaelli, D., White, P.C.L., Solan, M. (2010) Marine biodiversity-ecosystem functions under uncertain environmental futures. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. 365: 1549: 2107-2116

Dr. Loic Houpert


Physics and Technology / Dynamic Oceans Research Theme, Scottish Marine Robotics Facility (incl North Atlantic Glider Base)

2014-present: Postdoctoral Project Scientist in Observational Physical Oceanography. SAMS

2014: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Laboratoire d’Océanographie et du Climat: Expérimentation et Approches Numériques (LOCEAN) – Paris

2010-2013: PhD Fellow at Centre de Formation et de Recherche sure les Environments Méditerranéens (CEFREM). Perpignan

-Ocean circulation

-Ocean observations

-Variability and observations of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)

-Deep water formation (open-ocean deep convection & dense shelf water cascading)

-Ocean-atmosphere interactions

-Coupling between physics, biogeochemistry & biology


Bourrin, F., Many, G., de Madron, X.D., Martín, J., Puig, P., Houpert, L., Testor, P., Kunesch, S., Mahiouz, K. and Béguery, L., 2015. Glider monitoring of shelf suspended particle dynamics and transport during storm and flooding conditions. Continental Shelf Research, 109, pp.135-149.

Bosse, A., Testor, P., Mortier, L. and Houpert, L., 2015, April. Multi-platform observation of submesoscale vortices formed by deep vertical mixing: characterization and role for the general circulation of the Mediterranean Sea. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 17, p. 12224).

Somot, S., Houpert, L., Sevault, F., Testor, P., Bosse, A., Durrieu de Madron, X., Dubois, C., Herrmann, M., Waldman, R., Bouin, M.N. and Cassou, C., 2015, April. Interannual variability (1979-2013) of the North-Western Mediterranean deep water mass formation: past observation reanalysis and coupled ocean-atmosphere high-resolution modelling. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 17, p. 7429).

Houpert, L., Testor, P., de Madron, X.D., Somot, S., D’ortenzio, F., Estournel, C. and Lavigne, H., 2015. Seasonal cycle of the mixed layer, the seasonal thermocline and the upper-ocean heat storage rate in the Mediterranean Sea derived from observations. Progress in Oceanography, 132, pp.333-352.

Srinivasan, M., Andral, A., Dejus, M., Hossain, F., Peterson, C., Beighley, E., Pavelsky, T., Chao, Y., Doorn, B., Bronner, E. and Houpert, L., 2015. Engaging the applications community of the future surface water and ocean topography (SWOT) mission. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 40(7), p.1497.

Dr. John Howe


Biogeochemistry and Earth Science Department / Dynamic Oceans Theme, Scottish Marine Robotics Facility (mapping)

Not available

Not available

1998-present Lecturer, later Senior Lecturer at SAMS

1994-1998 British Antarctic Survey

1991-1994 PhD, University of Southampton and British Geological Survey, Edinburgh

-Bottom-current influenced sedimentation in the deep-sea

-Fjordic and shelf sea glaciomarine sediments and records of rapid climate change

-Seabed mapping of modern and ancestral depositional processes

-High-latitude margins

Oceans 2025 Themes 1 (WP 1.5b: Palaeoceanographic records of MOC activity)

Oceans 2025 Theme 3 (WP 3.9: Topographic controls on sediment transport pathways on the shelf)

MAREMAP: Marine Environmental Mapping Programme

INIS Hydro

Deglacial history of the Summer Isles and adjacent shelf (with BGS)

Holocene high-resolution records, Loch Sunart (with St Andrews University)

Deep Sea Mine Tailing Placement (DSTP) Papua New Guinea

Contourites and glaciomarine sedimentation, Fram Strait

Acoustic discrimination of shellfish debris (Scottish Aquaculture Forum)

Stoker, M.S., Bradwell, T., Howe, J.A., Wilkinson, I.P & McIntyre, K.L. Late glacial ice cap dynamics in NW Scotland: evidence from the fjords of the Summer Isles region. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28: 3161-3184 doi:10.1016/j.quatscirev.2009.09.012

Grøsfjeld, K., Knies, J., Harland, R. & Howe, J.A. (2009) Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages inshore and offshore Svalbard reflecting their modern hydrography and climate. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 89: 121-134 ISSN: 0029196X

McIntyre, K.L. & Howe, J.A. Bottom-current variability during the last glacial-deglacial transition, Northern Rockall Trough and Faeroe-Bank Channel, NE Atlantic. Scottish Journal of Geology, 45 (1), 1-16, 2009. ISSN: 0036-9276

Bradwell, T., Fabel, D., Stoker, M., Mathers, H., McHarge, L., & Howe, J. Ice caps existed throughout the Lateglacial Interstadial in northern Scotland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 23: 401-407. 2008. ISSN: 0267-8179

Howe, J.A., Shimmield, T., & Harland, R. Late Quaternary contourites and glaciomarine sedimentation in the Fram Strait. Sedimentology, 55, 179-200. 2008. ISSN: 0037-0746

Prof. Mark Inall


Physics, Sea Ice and Technology Department / Dynamic Oceans Theme, Arctic Seas Theme, Modelling group

I studied physics at Edinburgh University, polar oceanography at Cambridge University, and physical oceanography at Southampton University. I then spent three post-doctoral years at University of Wales, Bangor studying the mixing generated by non-linear internal tides.

I moved to SAMS in 1998 and now head the Physcis Group and chair the Science Committee. I was on the original core team which setup the BSc (Hons) Marine Science programme and now lead and teach a fourth year module in Coastal and Shelf Sea Dynamics. I have many years experience in measuring turbulence in oceanic and coastal systems and publish widely on measurements of turbulence made on the ocean margins and in shelf seas. In recent years I have established an ocean turbulence measurement facility at the Institute.

Internal wave generation by tidal flow over topography

Deep Sea (Wyville-Thomson Ridge)

Shelf Sea (Malin Shelf, Iberian Shelf)

Coastal (NW European and Arctic fjords)

Internal wave energy decay and associated vertical mixing in above environments



DIMES – Diapycnal Mixing in the Southern Ocean (

Oceans 2025 Theme 3 (WP 3.7) (

Oceans 2025 Theme 10 – Tiree Passage time series (

Strathlochy (


SASSI – Synoptic Antarctic Shelf-Slope Interactions study (



Assimilative Capacity Modelling for Sea Lochs (

Vlasenko, V., Stashchuk, N., Inall, M.E., Porter, M. and Aleynik, D., 2016. Focusing of baroclinic tidal energy in a canyon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

Porter, M., Inall, M.E., Green, J.A.M., Simpson, J.H., Dale, A.C. and Miller, P.I., 2016. Drifter observations in the summer time bay of Biscay slope current. Journal of Marine Systems.

Nilsen, F., Skogseth, R., Vaardal-Lunde, J. and Inall, M., 2016. A Simple Shelf Circulation Model-Intrusion of Atlantic Water on the West Spitsbergen Shelf. Journal of Physical Oceanography, (2016).

Inall, M.E., Nilsen, F., Cottier, F.R. and Daae, R., 2015. Shelf/fjord exchange driven by coastal‐trapped waves in the Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

Luckman, A., Benn, D.I., Cottier, F., Bevan, S., Nilsen, F. and Inall, M., 2015. Calving rates at tidewater glaciers vary strongly with ocean temperature. Nature communications, 6.

Dr. Clare Johnson


Physics and Technology / Dynamic Oceans Research Theme, Centre for Smart Ocean Observations

Not available

Not available

2013-present Postdoctoral Research Assistant, SAMS. NACLIM project. (PI: Dr Stuart Cunningham)

2012-2013 Postdoctoral Research Assistant, SAMS. Temporal variability in nutrient concentrations along the Ellett Line time-series, and links to large-scale changes in circulation and water masses. (PI: Professor Mark Inall)

2003-2012 PhD (part-time), SAMS UHI. Tracing Wyville Thomson Ridge Overflow Water in the Rockall Trough. (Director of Studies: Professor Toby Sherwin)

Marine physics, Observational physical and chemical oceanography, Chemicals / nutrients as tracers

I am currently employed as a PDRA within the NACLIM project (North Atlantic Climate Variability), funded under the EU 7th Framework Programme for Research.

NACLIM aims to investigate and quantify the predictability of the North Atlantic Ocean on interannual to decadal timescales. In particular the project aims to:

-quantify the uncertainty of state-of-the-art climate forecasts by evaluating the ability to model the most important oceanic and atmospheric processes in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, and by comparing key quantities with observations.

-optimize the present North Atlantic observing system by evaluating the impact of its components on the quality and quality control of model forecasts, and evaluating their value in determining present ocean state and past variability.

-quantify the impact on oceanic ecosystems and European urban societies of predicted North Atlantic / Arctic Ocean variability.

Johnson, C., M. Inall, S. Häkkinen, 2013, Declining nutrient concentrations in the northeast Atlantic as a result of a weakening Subpolar Gyre, Deep-Sea Research I, 82, 95-107.

Sherwin, T., J. Read, P. Holliday, and C. Johnson, 2012, The impact of changes in North Atlantic Gyre distribution on water mass characteristics in the Rockall Trough, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69 (5), 751-757.

Johnson, C., T. Sherwin, D. Smythe-Wright, W. Turrell and T. Shimmield, 2010, Wyville Thomson Ridge Overflow Water: Spatial and temporal distribution in the Rockall Trough, Deep Sea Research I, 57 (10), 1153-1162.

Dr. Jasper Kenter


Department of Ecology / People and the Sea Research Theme

Not available

2013-2015 Visiting lecturer in Ecological Economics, University of Edinburgh

2012-2014 Research project manager, University of Aberdeen

2012-2013 Visiting lecturer in environmental & ecological economics, University of St. Andrews

2011-2012 Research assistant in geography & project manager, University of St. Andrews

2010-2012 Postgraduate tutor, University of Aberdeen

2006-2010 Founder and director, Wild Earth Foundation, Utrecht, Netherlands

Monetary, deliberative and non-monetary valuation of the environment

Shared and cultural values of ecosystem services

Participatory and action research methods

Social-ecological systems and social-ecological resilience

Social, cultural and spiritual capital, and the links and interactions between the natural environment and human-derived capitals

Social and cultural impacts of renewable energy

Redefining economic prosperity and growth

ACIDCOAST: the Governance of Ocean Acidification. Norwegian Research Council (work package lead).

MERIKA: Marine Energy Research Innovation & Knowledge Accelerator. EU FP7 (Co-PI)

Scottish Borders Climate Resilient Communities: Collective learning journeys to build capacity for strategic action to enhance resilience in climate disadvantaged communities. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. (Co-I).

CORPORATES: Cooperative Participatory Evaluation of Renewable Technologies on Ecosystem Services. NERC BESS programme (Co-I).

Kenter, J.O. (2016). Deliberative and non-monetary valuation. In: Potschin, M., Haines-Young, R., Fish, R., Turner, R.K. (eds). Routledge Handbook of Ecosystem Services. Routledge, London.

Kenter, J.O., O’Brien, L., Hockley, N., Ravenscroft, N., Fazey, I., Irvine, K.N., Reed, M.S., Christie, M., Brady, E., Bryce, R., Church, A., Cooper, N., Davies, A., Evely, A., Everard, M., Fish, R., Fisher, J.A., Jobstvogt, N., Molloy, C., Orchard-Webb, J., Ranger, S., Ryan, M., Watson, V., Williams, S. (2015). What are shared and social values of ecosystems? Ecological Economics 111, 86-89.

Albon, S., Turner, R.K., Watson, R., Anger-Kraavi, A., Bateman, I., Brown, I., Church, A., Dickie, I., Haines-Young, R., Kenter, J.O., Mee, L., Russel, D., Scott, A. et al. (2014) UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow on phase, synthesis report. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.

Kenter, J.O., Reed, M. S., Everard, M., Irvine, K.N., O’Brien, E., Molloy, C., Bryce, R., Brady, E., Christie, M., Church, A., Collins, T., Cooper, N., Davies, A., Edwards, D., Evely, A., Fazey, I., Goto, R., Hockley, N., Jobstvogt, N., Orchard-Webb, J., Ravenscroft, N., Ryan, M., Watson, V. (2014) Shared, plural and cultural values: A handbook for decision-makers. UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow-on phase. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.

Jobstvogt, N., Hanley, N., Hynes, S., Kenter, J.O., Witte, U. (2014). Twenty Thousand Sterling Under the Sea: Estimating the value of protecting deep-sea biodiversity. Ecological Economics 97, 10-19.

Dr. Anuschka Miller



Not available

Not available

2013-present Director, Ocean Explorer Centre. SAMS

2008-present Head of Communications. SAMS

2001-2008 Lecturer in Marine Life Science and Activities Manager. SAMS. UK

1999-2004 Part-time Tutor. University of Glasgow. Developed online marine biology course

1999-2001 Scientific Translater. ‘In Other Words’. UK

1998-1999 Researcher. Plymouth Marine Laboratory. UK

1998 Diploma in Translation. Institute of Linguists

1994-2000 PhD Methane in Coastal Marine Environments. University of Wales, Bangor. UK (Supervisor: P J leB Williams)

I have a scientific background in climate relevant biogases, but for the past decade have been specialising in communicating marine science to different audiences and in leading SAMS’ public engagement portfolio.

As Head of Communications I oversee our external relations including public and media relations and public engagement, both at a strategic and operational level. Departmental outputs include events like Oban’s Festival of the Sea, websites, publications, photography and film, school liaison and public engagement, as well as design and printing of posters and other displays.

My main project recently has been the development and operation of the Ocean Explorer Centre, an exhibition and outreach facility that showcases SAMS’ marine science to the general public.

I am also a lecturer on our undergraduate marine science programmes and provide short communication training events for postgraduates.

Not available

Stahl, H and Miller, A (2015) Obituary for Professor Laurence David Mee. Intl Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 38: 2

Mabon, L, Shackley, S, Blackford, JC, Stahl, H and Miller, A (2014) Local perceptions of the QICS experimental offshore CO2 release: Results from social science research. Intl Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 1366: doi:10.106/j.ijggc.2014.10.022

Dr. Marie Porter


Physics and Technology / Dynamic Oceans Research Theme

Not available


Postdoctoral Research Assistant, SAMS

2008-2012: PhD student, SAMS and University of Aberdeen: ‘Linking surface fluctuations of terrestrial ice masses to variability within the mixed layer of the surrounding oceans.’ (Supervisors: Toby Sherwin, Brice Rea and Doug Mair)

My scientific interests lie in understanding energy exchange between different geophysical systems. The main focus of my research is how the ocean influences climate through exchanges with shallow seas and the atmosphere. I am particularly interested in a multi-disciplinary approach to oceanographic research.


Vlasenko, V., Stashchuk, N., Inall, M.E., Porter, M. and Aleynik, D., 2016. Focusing of baroclinic tidal energy in a canyon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

Porter, M., Inall, M.E., Green, J.A.M., Simpson, J.H., Dale, A.C. and Miller, P.I., 2016. Drifter observations in the summer time bay of Biscay slope current. Journal of Marine Systems.

Inall, M., Sherwin, T., Smeed, D., Palmer, M., Porter, M. and Dumont, E., 2013, April. The use of multiple AUVs in FASTNEt: a study of Ocean Shelf Exchange. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 15, p. 10670).

Porter, M., Inall, M., Green, M., Simpson, J. and Dale, A., 2013, April. Seasonally Variable Cross-Slope Exchange in the Bay of Biscay Slope Current. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 15, p. 4267).

Dr. Philip Gillibrand


Not available

Not available

Not available

Marine renewable energy and the environment

Physical oceanography of inshore and coastal waters.

Development and application of coastal hydrodynamic and bio-physical models.

Numerical modelling of coastal processes including: tides, waves, baroclinic circulation, coastal inundation, estuarine circulation, storm surge, tsunami.

Modelling wave-current interactions.

Transport and dispersion of pelagic biota and contaminants.

Deep water renewal and flushing of fjords.

Modelling the environmental effects of aquaculture.


McIlvenny, J., Tamsett, D., Gillibrand, P. and Goddijn-Murphy, L., 2016. On the Sediment Dynamics in a Tidally Energetic Channel: The Inner Sound, Northern Scotland. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 4(2), p.31.

Gillibrand, P.A., Inall, M.E., Portilla, E. and Tett, P., 2013. A box model of the seasonal exchange and mixing in regions of restricted exchange: application to two contrasting Scottish inlets. Environmental modelling & software, 43, pp.144-159.

Lane, E.M., Gillibrand, P.A., Wang, X. and Power, W., 2013. A probabilistic tsunami hazard study of the Auckland region, Part II: Inundation modelling and hazard assessment. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 170(9-10), pp.1635-1646.

Power, W., Wang, X., Lane, E. and Gillibrand, P., 2013. A probabilistic tsunami hazard study of the auckland region, part I: propagation modelling and tsunami hazard assessment at the shoreline. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 170(9-10), pp.1621-1634.

Tett, P., Portilla, E., Gillibrand, P.A. and Inall, M., 2011. Carrying and assimilative capacities: the ACExR‐LESV model for sea‐loch aquaculture. Aquaculture Research, 42(s1), pp.51-67.

Dr. Anne-Marie Nuttall


Not available

Present: Lecturer, UHI

I am a physical geographer with broad interests in processes shaping the surface of the earth, but particularly the impact of glaciers on the landscape, and the impact of climate change on glaciers.

Research Interests

Learning technology & how students interact with it

Numeracy skills in geoscience students

Experiential learning during expeditions and fieldwork

Mass balance and dynamics of Arctic, Alpine & Himalayan glaciers

Surging glaciers in Svalbard

Remote sensing of glaciers

The effects of superimposed ice on glacier mass balance.

Not available

Stewart, M., Stott, T. and Nuttall, A.M., 2015. Study goals and procrastination tendencies at different stages of the undergraduate degree. Studies in Higher Education, pp.1-16.

Stott, T., Nuttall, A.M. and Biggs, E., 2014. Observed run-off and suspended sediment dynamics from a minor glacierized basin in south-west Greenland. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography, 114(2), pp.93-108.

Stott, T., Litherland, K., Carmichael, P. and Nuttall, A.M., 2014. Using interactive virtual field guides and linked data in geoscience teaching and learning. In Geoscience Research and Education (pp. 163-188). Springer Netherlands.

Stewart, M., Stott, T. and Nuttall, A.M., 2011. Student engagement patterns over the duration of level 1 and level 3 geography modules: influences on student attendance, performance and use of online resources. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 35(01), pp.47-65.

Joshua Ratcliffe


Not available

Not available

Not available

Not available

Present: PhD “The Flow Country peatlands: Studying the past to shape the future.”

Not available

Not available

Payne, R.J., Creevy, A., Malysheva, E., Ratcliffe, J., Andersen, R., Tsyganov, A.N., Rowson, J.G., Marcisz, K., Zielińska, M., Lamentowicz, M. and Lapshina, E.D., 2016. Tree encroachment may lead to functionally-significant changes in peatland testate amoeba communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 98, pp.18-21.

Prof. Bill Austin

St Andrews

Department of Geography & Sustainable Development / Environmental Change Research Group

My Ph.D. at the School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, supervised by Professor James Scourse (in collaboration with the British Geological Survey), was awarded in 1991. Following my Ph.D., I held a Royal Society of London postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Bergen, Norway, working primarily with Professor Hans Petter Sejrup. After joining the Nordic Antarctic Research Expedition to the Weddell Sea over the winter 1992/93, I moved to the Grant Institute, University of Edinburgh; first holding a NERC-funded postdoctoral fellowship to work with Professor Dick Kroon, later holding a BP/Royal Society of Edinburgh personal fellowship. In 1996, I was appointed as Lecturer in the Department of Geography, University of Durham. Missing Scotland, I was appointed as Reader at St Andrews in 1999, then Professor in 2015. I am Co-Head of School and Head of the Department of Geography & Sustainable Development.

My research focus is directed primarily at reconstructing past climate change from marine records, with a particular focus on the late Quaternary. I work extensively with foraminifera and have a growing research interest in the use of biogeochemical proxies and their application to foraminiferal-based palaeoceanography. Over the last decade, I have established a research interest in the application of tephrochronology to constrain North Atlantic stratigraphies, an interest which overlaps with recent work on marine radiocarbon reservoir ages. The primary geographical focus of my research is the North Atlantic continental margins and shelf seas.

Keywords: Palaeoceanography, Marine Geology, Foraminifera, Stable Isotopes, Climate Change.

Not available

McKenna, C, Berx, B & Austin, W 2016, ‘The decomposition of the Faroe-Shetland Channel water masses using Parametric Optimum Multi-Parameter analysis’ Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, vol 107, pp. 9-21., 10.1016/j.dsr.2015.10.013

Davies, SM, Abbott, PM, Meara, RH, Pearce, NJG, Austin, WEN, Chapman, MR, Svensson, A, Bigler, M, Rasmussen, TL, Rasmussen, SO & Farmer, EJ 2014, ‘A North Atlantic tephrostratigraphical framework for 130-60kab2k: new tephra discoveries, marine-based correlations, and future challenges’ Quaternary Science Reviews, vol 106., 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.03.024

Abbott, PM, Austin, WEN, Davies, SM, Pearce, NJG, Rasmussen, TL, Wastegård, S & Brendryen, J 2014, ‘Re-evaluation and extension of the Marine Isotope Stage 5 tephrostratigraphy of the Faroe Islands region: The cryptotephra record’ Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol 409, pp. 153-168., 10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.05.004

Todd, JA, Austin, WEN & Abbott, PM 2014, ‘Quantifying bioturbation of a simulated ash fall event’ Geological Society Special Publication, vol 398, no. 1, pp. 195-207., 10.1144/SP398.9

Prof. Colin Ballantyne

St Andrews

School of Geography and Geosciences

Not available

I completed a PhD at Edinburgh University on the periglacial geomorphology of mountains in NW Scotland before taking up a lectureship at the University of St Andrews in 1980. I was appointed Professor of Physical Geography at St Andrews in 1994. My research has been recognized in a number of awards, including the Warwick Award (1986) and Wiley Award (1999) of the British Society for Geomorphology (formerly BGRG), the President’s Medal (1990) and Newbigin Prize (1991) of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, the Saltire Society Scottish Science Award (1996) and the Clough Medal (2010) of the Edinburgh Geological Society, the premier Scottish award in Earth Sciences. I was elected FRSE and FRSA in 1996 and received the degree of DSc from the University of St Andrews in 2000. I am a visiting professor at UNIS (Svalbard) and former Erskine Fellow at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

cosmogenic isotope dating; debris flow; frost action; geomorphological mapping; geomorphology; glacial deposit; glacial history; glaciation; hydrology; nivation; palaeoclimatic reconstruction; paraglacial; periglacial; periglacial deposit; periglaciation; permafrost; radiocarbon dating; rock mechanics; rockfall; slope stability; soil mechanics; solifluction; talus; wind erosion; X-ray diffraction

Not available

Morrocco, S.M., Ballantyne, C.K., Gordon, J.E. and Thompson, D.B., 2016. Assessment of terrain sensitivity on high plateaux: a novel approach based on vegetation and substrate characteristics in the Scottish Highlands. Plant Ecology & Diversity, pp.1-17.

Cave, J.A. and Ballantyne, C.K., 2016. Catastrophic Rock-Slope Failures in NW Scotland: Quantitative Analysis and Implications. Scottish Geographical Journal, pp.1-25.

Ballantyne, C.K. and Stone, J.O., 2015. Trimlines, blockfields and the vertical extent of the last ice sheet in southern Ireland. Boreas, 44(2), pp.277-287.

Ballantyne, C.K., Wilson, P., Gheorghiu, D. and Rodés, À., 2014. Enhanced rock‐slope failure following ice‐sheet deglaciation: timing and causes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39(7), pp.900-913.

Ballantyne, C.K., Sandeman, G.F., Stone, J.O. and Wilson, P., 2014. Rock-slope failure following Late Pleistocene deglaciation on tectonically stable mountainous terrain. Quaternary Science Reviews, 86, pp.144-157.

Prof. Doug Benn

St Andrews

Department of Geography & Sustainable Development

Research Fellow, St Andrews (1990-1993)

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Aberdeen (1993-1999)

Reader in Geography and Geosciences, St Andrews (1999- present)

-Response of debris covered glaciers to recent climate change, with particular reference to glacier lake outburst flood risk

-Dating and climatic implications of former glacier margins in the Everest region, Nepal and Tibet

-Precambrian glacigenic successions: implications for the Snowball earth hypothesis

-The palaeoclimatic implications of glacier fluctuations

-Modelling calving and dynamics of water-terminating glaciers

Not available

Medrzycka, D., Benn, D., Box, J.E., Copland, L. and Balog, J., 2016. Calving behavior at Rink Isbræ, West Greenland, from time-lapse photos. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research.

Fairchild, I.J., Fleming, E.J., Bao, H., Benn, D.I., Boomer, I., Dublyansky, Y.V., Halverson, G.P., Hambrey, M.J., Hendy, C., Mcmillan, E.A. and Spötl, C., 2015. Continental carbonate facies of a Neoproterozoic panglaciation, north‐east Svalbard. Sedimentology.

Fleming, E.J., Benn, D.I., Stevenson, C.T., Petronis, M.S., Hambrey, M.J. and Fairchild, I.J., 2015. Glacitectonism, subglacial and glacilacustrine processes during a Neoproterozoic panglaciation, north‐east Svalbard. Sedimentology.

Luckman, A., Benn, D.I., Cottier, F., Bevan, S., Nilsen, F. and Inall, M., 2015. Calving rates at tidewater glaciers vary strongly with ocean temperature. Nature communications, 6.

Sevestre, H., Benn, D.I., Hulton, N.R. and Bælum, K., 2015. Thermal structure of Svalbard glaciers and implications for thermal switch models of glacier surging. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 120(10), pp.2220-2236.

Prof. Keith Bennett

St Andrews

Department of Geography & Sustainable Development

Present: Professor of Environmental Change, University of St Andrews

My dominant scientific interest, throughout my career, has been the understanding of how organisms have responded to major climatic changes, such as those at glacial-interglacial transitions. I have pursued this major interest through several lines of enquiry:

-Development of a theoretical basis for understanding the role of Quaternary climate change in macroevolution and speciation. In particular, I have highlighted the observation that, despite substantial climatic and other environmental changes during the Quaternary, there has been remarkably little evolution (in the form of, for example, lineage splitting ) as a consequence (Bennett 1990; Bennett 1997; Bennett 2004).

-I am working to draw theoretical understanding of evolution closer to what actually happened by the extraction and analysis of ancient DNA (aDNA) from fossil pollen(the most abundant and accessible fossils of the Quaternary). DNA from living organisms is accessible and can be readily analysed to give hypotheses about the pattern of evolution of current lineages.

-Development of the understanding of ecological aspects of how organisms have responded to climatic changes has been a long-running theme of my research.

-Acquisition of new data, principally from parts of the world that had been under-explored, by means of pollen analytical and related investigations of lake sediments.

-Development of methods for the analysis of palaeoecological data. I wrote, and have maintained for 15 years, psimpoll, a program for the graphical presentation and numerical analysis of palaeoecological data.

My current dominant lines of research interest are: (i) evolution during the Quaternary (Bennett 2010; paper in progress); (ii) the refugial behaviour of organisms during periods of less favourable climate (Provan & Bennett 2008; Bennett & Provan 2008; paper in progress); (iii) late-Quaternary of Kamchatka (Ph.D. student, collaboration with colleagues in Sweden); (iv) late-Quaternary of southern South America (PhD student, several lake sediment sequences under investigation, with colleagues in Sweden and Germany, as well as in our laboratory in QUB; paper in press); and (v) further development of numerical methods for use in late Quaternary palaeoecology (jointly with Prof. Kathy Willis ).

Bennett, K.D. and Buck, C.E., 2016. Interpretation of lake sediment accumulation rates. The Holocene, 1, p.11.

Klimaschewski, A., Barnekow, L., Bennett, K.D., Andreev, A.A., Andrén, E., Bobrov, A.A. and Hammarlund, D., 2015. Holocene environmental changes in southern Kamchatka, Far Eastern Russia, inferred from a pollen and testate amoebae peat succession record. Global and Planetary Change, 134, pp.142-154.

Andrén, E., Klimaschewski, A., Self, A.E., Amour, N.S., Andreev, A.A., Bennett, K.D., Conley, D.J., Edwards, T.W., Solovieva, N. and Hammarlund, D., 2015. Holocene climate and environmental change in north-eastern Kamchatka (Russian Far East), inferred from a multi-proxy study of lake sediments. Global and Planetary Change, 134, pp.41-54.

Smith, O., Momber, G., Bates, R., Garwood, P., Fitch, S., Pallen, M., Gaffney, V. and Allaby, R.G., 2015. Sedimentary DNA from a submerged site reveals wheat in the British Isles 8000 years ago. Science, 347(6225), pp.998-1001.

Battarbee, R.W., Lamb, H., Bennett, K., Edwards, M., Bjune, A.E., Kaland, P.E., Berglund, B.E., Lotter, A.F., Seppä, H., Willis, K.J. and Herzschuh, U., 2015. John Birks: Pioneer in quantitative palaeoecology. The Holocene, 25(1), pp.3-16.

Dr. Althea Davies

St Andrews

Department of Geography & Sustainable Development

My PhD research (Stirling University 2000) combined my interests in ecology, long-term environmental and land-use change by looking at the role of human impact and climate change on woodland survival and decline in West Glen Affric (NW Scottish Highlands). I subsequently developed an interdisciplinary project with historians and ecologists at the Centre for Environmental History at Stirling looking at human impacts on upland diversity over the last 400 years, and was then awarded a RELU research fellowship in which I explored the implications of long-term change for UK upland management. This combined stakeholder inputs and long-term ecology to evaluate the complementary roles of experiential and ecological evidence for managing the cultural and conservation value of upland habitats. This led to a series of participatory research projects involving collaborative resource management and cultural ecosystem values at the James Hutton Institute and University of Aberdeen.

My research focuses on the role of palaeoecology in environmental management and understanding the ecological implications of past management and environmental change. I specialise in the use of pollen, charcoal and fungal spores to understand past vegetation and land-use history in upland Britain, particularly during the historic period. I also have an interest in the use of participatory approaches for understanding how cultural values influence natural resource management decisions and finding ways of integrating different natural and social science perspectives.

-Applied palaeoecology

-Environmental archaeology

-Environmental history

-Late Holocene environmental change

-Upland conservation

-Participatory natural resource management

Not available

Smeaton, C., Austin, W., Davies, A. and Baltzer, A., 2015, April. A Sedimentary Carbon Inventory for a Scottish Sea Loch. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 17, p. 670).

Davies, A.L., 2015. Late Holocene regime shifts in moorland ecosystems: high resolution data from the Pennines, UK. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, pp.1-13.

Retamero, F., Schjellerup, I. and Davies, A., 2014. Agricultural and Pastoral Landscapes in Pre-Industrial Society: Choices, Stability and Change. Casemate Publishers.

Davies, A.L., 2014. 17 Flexibility in Upland Farming: Pollen Evidence for the Role of Seasonal Pastures in the Scottish Farm Economy from ca. 1600–1900 CE. Agricultural and Pastoral Landscapes in Pre-Industrial Society: Choices, Stability and Change, p.271.

Dandy, N., Fiorini, S. and Davies, A.L., 2014. Agenda-setting and power in collaborative natural resource management. Environmental Conservation, 41(04), pp.311-320.

Dr. Urska Demsar

St Andrews

Department of Geography & Sustainable Development

Dr Urška Demšar is Lecturer in Geoinformatics at the Department of Geography & Sustainable Development, School of Geography & Geosciences, University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK. She is originally a mathematician with a degree from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and has a PhD in Geoinformatics from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

My research is in area of spatio-temporal visual analytics, which means that I am developing new analytical and visual methods (and frequently a combination of both, to support the human and computer capabilities in data exploration process) to explore complex spatio-temporal data. My research interests include:

-Geovisual Analytics & Geovisualisation

-Geographic Information Science/Geoinformatics/Geocomputation

-Spatio-Temporal Analysis, Movement Analysis

-Spatio-Temporal Mathematical Modelling

-Information Visualisation and Visual Data Mining

-Human-Computer Interaction

Here are some of my recent projects:

1. Investigating eye-hand coordination in use of spatial visual interfaces

Analysis of eye movements provides insights into cognitive processes in human brain during tasks such as reading and exploration of digital displays. In human-computer interaction (HCI), eye movements are studied through eye tracking, which produces spatio-temporal trajectories of gaze direction on the screen. In this project we examine potential linkage of eye and mouse movements in visual exploration of a geographic display. We develop new analysis and visualisation methods for trajectory data to support this exploration.

2. Visualising Movement Trajectories

Recent developments and ubiquitous use of global positioning devices have revolutionised movement ecology. Scientists are able to collect increasingly larger movement datasets at increasingly smaller spatial and temporal resolutions. This project develops alternative geovisualisation methods for spatio-temporal aggregation of trajectories of tagged animals in the context of 3D space-time density. The method was developed to visually portray temporal changes in animal use of space using a volumetric display in a space-time cube.

3. Geocrowd

In 2014 I became Scientist in charge at the University of St Andrews of the Marie-Curie International Traning Network (ITN) Geocrowd: Creating Geospatial Knowledge World (2010-2014). This project supports one of my PhD students, Katarzyna Siła-Nowicka.

4. Regionalisation from flow data

Recent technological advances in spatial data collection have caused an explosion of new data volumes and their availability. One of these data types are flow networks, sometimes also called origin-destination (OD) networks which are now being increasingly captured using various forms of sensor technology from bespoke system which track vehicles and passengers to smart phone locations can that can be associated with individual travellers.

5. Visualising flows

Flow data — which relate to the movement of people, goods, or other entities between locations — can be represented as a directed network, with locations (either origins or destinations) as the nodes and flows (as well as their associated attributes) as the edges. In the last decade, very large flow networks have become available, such as those relating to migration and mobile phone communication, and, as a consequence, new analysis and visualisation methods are now required. In this project we address this requirement by developing new analysis and visualisation methods for large flow networks based on recent research in physics, visual analytics, and geography.

6. Supporting model interpretation through visualisation

Geographically Weighted statistical methods are increasingly popular to understand spatial processes in situations when the data are not modelled well by a universal set of parameters but when there exist regions in the geographic data space where a suitably localised set of parameters provides a better description of the modelled phenomenon. Instead of one global model, such methods produce a different model at each location in geographic space where the local model is based on a geographically weighted subset of data. Because of the phenomenon known in information science as “the curse of dimensionality”, the magnitude of the results from local modelling techniques increases exponentially and can quickly become overwhelming in terms of trying to understand the information conveyed in the results. Exploring these large data sets of results is therefore a problem for a successful interpretation and understanding of the local method. We look at different GW methods and their spatio-temporal versions, and investigate the challenges such highly dimensional results produce in terms of visualising the results.

Tenerelli, P., Demšar, U. and Luque, S., 2016. Crowdsourcing indicators for cultural ecosystem services: A geographically weighted approach for mountain landscapes. Ecological Indicators, 64, pp.237-248.

Mansley, E. and Demšar, U., 2015. Space matters: Geographic variability of electoral turnout determinants in the 2012 London mayoral election. Electoral Studies, 40, pp.322-334.

Siła-Nowicka, K., Vandrol, J., Oshan, T., Long, J.A., Demšar, U. and Fotheringham, A.S., 2015. Analysis of human mobility patterns from GPS trajectories and contextual information. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, pp.1-26.

Demšar, U., Buchin, K., Cagnacci, F., Safi, K., Speckmann, B., Van de Weghe, N., Weiskopf, D. and Weibel, R., 2015. Analysis and visualisation of movement: an interdisciplinary review. Movement ecology, 3(1), pp.1-24.

Demšar, U., Buchin, K., van Loon, E.E. and Shamoun-Baranes, J., 2015. Stacked space-time densities: a geovisualisation approach to explore dynamics of space use over time. GeoInformatica, 19(1), pp.85-115.

Prof. Robin Flowerdew

St Andrews

Department of Geography & Sustainable Development

My first degree was from Oxford University where I graduated with a BA in Geography in 1968. Following a successful ‘gap year’ in Pittsburgh, I decided to do a Masters degree in the USA, and was awarded a Teaching Assistantship in Geography at Northwestern University in suburban Chicago. I stayed on after my Masters for three years research towards my Ph D, which was on ‘The logic of the decision process in residential migration’, and took another four year s to complete. In the mean time, I moved back across the Atlantic to University College London as a Research Assistant working, among other things, on a migration project. After three years at UCL, I got a one-year post in American Studies at Manchester., and from there moved on to Lancaster University, where I have spent most of my career, advancing to the rank of Professor in 1999. I moved to St Andrews in 2000.

My training at Northwestern was strongly focused on statistical analysis and location theory, and I am still attracted by quantitative projects. My initial interests were in migration, and in particular analysis of migration matrices using spatial interaction models. Consulting with statisticians led to the application of a different method, Poisson regression. The method could be applied to many other kinds of data and is especially useful where the numbers may be small. This was often the case with medical data, and I got interested in the geography of health, which is now my main teaching area. I have also got interested in the modifiable areal unit problem, the effect of boundary definitions on the results of geographical analysis.

Research Interests

-Population migration and mobility, especially the role of kinship and household change in migration decisions and the statistical modelling of aggregate migration movements

-Relationships between health and social conditions

-Geographical information systems, especially statistical problems concerned with comparing data available for different sets of areal units

Not available

Flowerdew, R., 2015. Institutions and geographical patterns. Routledge.

Feng, X., Flowerdew, R. and Feng, Z., 2015. Does neighbourhood influence ethnic inequalities in economic activity? Findings from the ONS Longitudinal Study. Journal of Economic Geography, 15(1), pp.169-194.

Astell-Burt, T., Flowerdew, R., Boyle, P. and Dillon, J., 2012. Is travel-time to a specialist centre a risk factor for non-referral, non-attendance and loss to follow-up among patients with hepatitis C (HCV) infection?. Social Science & Medicine, 75(1), pp.240-247.

Flowerdew, R., 2011. How serious is the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem for analysis of English census data?. Population Trends, (145), p.106.

Flowerdew, R., 2011. The Map as Art: Contemporary Artists Explore Cartography. Scottish Geographical Journal, 127(3), pp.249-250.

Dr. Alex Gnanapragasam

Prev. St Andrews – Now Nottingham Trent University

Not available

Not available

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Not available

Fabricio Guaman

St Andrews

Department of Geography & Sustainable Development

Not available

PhD: “Research Title: Quantification of the effects of ocean acidification on benthic foraminifera” Supervisors: Dr Bill Austin & Dr Natalie Hicks

My PhD project is focused on increasing our understanding of how ocean chemistry changes due to rising CO2 concentrations may affect foraminiferal growth rates and directly impact on consumption rates when fundamental structures are compromised. This fact may alter foraminiferal feeding/sequestration mechanisms of primary production described previously, and compromise the amount the energy transferred within marine food web and influence competitive advantage within an ecosystem. Therefore, the study aims to quantify the effects of ocean acidification on intertidal benthic foraminifera through manipulative mesocosm experiments.

Not available

Not available

Prof. Nicholas Hanley

St Andrews

Department of Geography & Sustainable Development

Nick is Professor of Environmental Economics. He previously worked at the universities of Stirling, Glasgow and Edinburgh. He is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, and a member of DEFRA’s Economic Advisory Panel. He is co-author (with Jason Shogren and Ben White) of three textbooks in environmental economics, and leads the coastal zone forum within MASTS .

Nick’s main research is in the following areas:

-Environmental valuation, especially with stated preference methods

-Environmental cost-benefit analysis

-Ecological economic modelling, including modelling of tree diseases

-The design of Payment for Ecosystem Service schemes and agri-environmental policy

-The economics of sustainable development

-Behavioural economics

Designing questions for use in omnibus survey and econometric analysis of data

Hanley, N. D.

22/01/15 – 29/05/15

MASTS Visiting Fellowship – Cati Torres

Hanley, N. D.

1/09/15 – 31/01/16

Modelling economic impact and strategies to increase resilience against tree disease outbreaks

Hanley, N. D.

30/06/14 – 29/06/17

Krawczyk, M., Bartczak, A., Hanley, N. and Stenger, A., 2016. Buying spatially-coordinated ecosystem services: An experiment on the role of auction format and communication. Ecological Economics, 124, pp.36-48.

White, B. and Hanley, N., 2016. Should We Pay for Ecosystem Service Outputs, Inputs or Both?. Environmental and Resource Economics, 63(4), pp.765-787.

Tatchley, C., Paton, H., Robertson, E., Minderman, J., Hanley, N. and Park, K., 2016. Drivers of Public Attitudes towards Small Wind Turbines in the UK. PLoS One, 11(3), p.e0152033.

Greasley, D., Hanley, N., McLaughlin, E. and Oxley, L., 2016. Australia: a Land of Missed Opportunities? (No. 2016-08).

Simpson, K. and Hanley, N., 2016. Managed Realignment for Flood Risk Reductions: What are the Drivers of Public Willingness to Pay? (No. 2016-06).

Dr. Jed Long

St Andrews

Department of Geography & Sustainable Development

Dr Jed Long is a lecturer at the Department of Geography & Sustainable Development, in the School of Geography & Geosciences, University of St Andrews, Scotland UK. He is currently completing his PhD in Geography from the University of Victoria, Canada. He holds an MSc in Geography from the University of Victoria, Canada, an advanced diploma in GIS from the Centre of Geographic Sciences, Canada, and a BSc from the University of Guelph, Canada.

Broadly, Jed is interested in the development of novel forms of spatial and space-time analysis. His research tends to focus on applications relating to spatial ecology. Currently his research focus is on the development of quantitative methods for movement data, e.g., data obtained by GPS tracking. He is also interested in various aspects of GIScience; including spatial modelling, volunteered geographic information, and map comparison.

Research Interests:

-Spatial and space-time analysis

-Movement data

-Time geography

-Spatial ecology

-Spatial modeling

-Map comparison

-Sports analytics

Reshaping society and space: home based self employment and businesses

Reuschke, D. & Long, J.

1/10/15 – 30/09/20

Long, J, Webb, S, Nelson, T & Gee, K 2015, ‘Mapping areas of spatial-temporal overlap from wildlife tracking data’ Movement Ecology, vol 3., 10.1186/s40462-015-0064-3

Sila-Nowicka, K, Vandrol, J, Oshan, TM, Long, J, Demsar, U & Fotheringham, S 2015, ‘Analysis of human mobility patterns from GPS trajectories and contextual information’ International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol 30, no. 5, pp. 881-906., 10.1080/13658816.2015.1100731

Long, J 2015, ‘Kinematic interpolation of movement data’ International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol 30, no. 5, pp. 854-868., 10.1080/13658816.2015.1081909

Long, J & Nelson, T 2015, ‘Home range and habitat analysis using dynamic time geography’ Journal of Wildlife Management, vol 79, no. 3, pp. 481-490., 10.1002/jwmg.845

Long, JA 2015, ‘Quantifying spatial-temporal interactions from wildlife tracking data: issues of space, time, and statistical significance’ Procedia Environmental Sciences, vol 26, pp. 3-10., 10.1016/j.proenv.2015.05.004

Dr. Coralie Mills

St Andrews

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Not available

Sheffield University 1985-8, PhD Thesis: Dendrochronology in Exeter and its Application.

From 1987 until 1992 I worked as a consultant environmental archaeologist to Historic Scotland. I joined AOC Archaeology in 1992 as manager of Post-Excavation Services and in 1997 became Executive Director. In latter years I was responsible for the strategic development of the company. I left AOC in June 2009 to pursue my research interests more fully.

Dr Coralie Mills is a part-time NERC-funded Research Fellow working with PI Dr Rob Wilson on the Scottish Pine Dendrochronology Project SCOT2K, obtaining tree-ring data from our Scottish built heritage to augment the natural pine tree record for climate reconstruction and cultural heritage objectives. In the rest of her time, Coralie works within Dendrochronicle as an independent dendrochronologist and environmental archaeologist, and provides a range of services including tree-ring dating for archaeology, historic buildings, living trees and wooded landscape history projects. A strong advocate of the power of social media in outreach and impact, Coralie publishes the Dendrochronicle web-site and manages Dendrochronicle’s presence on Facebook and Twitter.

Scottish Pine Dendrochronology Project SCOT2K (See

Wilson, R., Loader, N.J., Rydval, M., Patton, H., Frith, A., Mills, C.M., Crone, A., Edwards, C., Larsson, L. and Gunnarson, B.E., 2012. Reconstructing Holocene climate from tree rings: The potential for a long chronology from the Scottish Highlands. The Holocene, 22(1), pp.3-11.

Fish, T., Wilson, R., Edwards, C., Mills, C., Crone, A., Kirchhefer, A.J., Linderholm, H.W., Loader, N.J. and Woodley, E., 2010. Exploring for senescence signals in native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the Scottish Highlands. Forest Ecology and Management, 260(3), pp.321-330.

Mills, CM, Quelch, P & Stewart, M 2009 The evidence of tree forms, tree-rings and documented history around Bealach nam Bo, Loch Katrine. Report for Forestry Commission Scotland.

Mills, CM, Armit, I, Edwards, K J, Grinter, P & Mulder, Y 2004 ‘Neolithic land-use and environmental degradation: a study from the Western Isles of Scotland’, Antiquity 78, 886-895.

Crone, A & Mills, C M 2002 ‘Seeing the wood and the trees; dendrochronological studies in Scotland’, Antiquity 76, 788-94

Angela Roberts

St Andrews

Scottish Oceans Institute

Not available

Not available

Present: PhD, University of St Andrews

Not available

Not available

Mitchell, CA, Kalies, S, Cizmar, T, Bellini, N, Kubasik-Thayil, A, Heisterkamp, A, Torrance, L, Roberts, AG, Gunn-Moore, FJ & Dholakia, K 2014, ‘Femtosecond optical injection of intact plant cells using a reconfigurable platform’. in Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering. vol. 8972., 10.1117/12.2037784

Mitchell, CA, Kalies, S, Cizmár, T, Heisterkamp, A, Torrance, L, Roberts, AG, Gunn-Moore, FJ & Dholakia, K 2013, ‘Femtosecond optoinjection of intact tobacco BY-2 cells using a reconfigurable photoporation platform’ PLoS One, vol 8, no. 11, e79235., 10.1371/journal.pone.0079235

Noor Saeed

St Andrews

Department of Geography & Sustainable Development

Not available

Present: PhD “Cancer survival in Scotland: does geography matter?” Supervisors: Dr Zhiqiang Feng & Dr Jed Long

Scotland has the lowest life expectancy in Western Europe, the slowest rate of health improvement in Europe and wide health inequality (Hanlon et al., 2005). Previous research has demonstrated that Scots ( in general) cancer survival is similarly poor; for example, Gatta et al. (2007) found that cancer survival rate for Scottish women were the lowest in Europe and for men it was within the bottom four. In addition to deprivation, one of the many possible influences on health relates to access to services. A body of research has shown that disadvantage in terms of individual and area characteristics is associated with various cancers. This thesis makes a new contribution by assessing, in the Scottish context, what factors are associated with cancer survival, and in particular whether cancer survival varies by place and the extent to which accessibility to health services explains any such spatial variability. This research will use individual level data provided by Scottish Longitudinal Studies (SLS) and NHS NSS Scotland health data (cancer, hospitals, death) at individual level to explore cancer survival in the Scottish context using survival analysis and GIS techniques. The analysis will determine whether cancer survival is predicted by levels of deprivation (individual and area), proximity from health services and the level of rurality/remoteness of the area of residence.

The results of this research will be used to help Scottish Government and health departments (for example, NHS National Services Scotland, ISD, Public Health and Intelligence Team Scotland) within Scotland to revise health care policies for good within Scotland.

Not available

Not available

Craig Smeaton

St Andrews

Department of Geography & Sustainable Development

Present: PhD “A long-term perspective on the cycling and storage of carbon in Scottish coastal waters (from source to sink)” Supervisors: Professor William Austin & Dr Althea Davies

I carried out my postgraduate research jointly between The University of Dundee and Flinders University (Australia) where I worked on creating a carbon budget for an irrigation pond system in Lyndoch. When I returned I began work for Millard Consulting as a consultant in the environmental and hydrological teams. In 2013 I started a joint NERC & 6th Century Scholarship funded PhD project which applies skills gained in Australia to a larger natural system.

My research focus is directed at linking the biogeochemical cycles of the coastal and terrestrial environments. I am currently using a mixture of geophysical and biogeochemical methodologies to quantify the carbon held in Scottish sea loch (fjords) systems with the aim of creating a sedimentary carbon inventory. Future work will included developing an isotopic sediment fingerprinting technique.

Not available

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Dr. Timothy Stojanovic

St Andrews

Department of Geography & Sustainable Development

My background is as an environmental geographer. My doctoral research investigated sustainability issues and management regimes around the UK Coast, focusing on the Severn Estuary, Essex Estuaries, Ceredigion Coast and Chichester Harbour. Following an internship at the University of Delaware and National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, US), I took up a post as a postdoctoral research associate with the Marine and Coastal Environment Research Group at Cardiff University, where I was investigator on a series of large scale European research coastal and marine research projects EUROSION, ECOPORTS, COASTATLANIC, COREPOINT, SPICOSA and IMCORE.

My research focuses on three linked themes:

1. Governance of Oceans and Coasts: exploring the geographical design of different decision-making systems, and the spatial and environmental implications arising from their existing and possible organisation. I conduct policy-relevant research at local, regional and international scales, and seek to relate my findings to broader theories of environmental management and sustainability to build a deeper knowledge about human-environment relations.

2. My research has focused on challenges and opportunities for developing Interdisciplinary, approaches to Sustainability Science, as well as doing applied research as part of teams, on issues such as Adaptation to Climate Change at the coast.

3. Cultural and Social Significance of the Oceans: I am currently exploring opportunities to consider the cultural and importance of marine space through approaches such as seascape assessment, cultural ecosystem services and new ways of configuring social data to explore the value of our coasts and oceans.

CBESS A hierarchical approach to the examination of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem service flows across coastal margins (NERC BESS project)

CREW: CATCH 2 Centre for Experitise in Waters: Coastal Catchment Integration

IMCORE Innovative Management for Europe’s Changing Coastal Resource.

SPICOSA Science and Policy Integration for COastal Systems Assessment.

COMPASS Intelligent management, discovery and execution of scientific resources in the coastal marine domain.

COREPOINT COastal REsearch and POlicy INTegration.

EUROSION A European initiative for sustainable coastal erosion management.

ECOPORTS Ports Sharing Enviornmental Experience.

COASTATLANTIC Sustainable Coasts- Towards and Atlantic Vision.

Smart, D, Stojanovic, T & Warren, CR 2014, ‘Is EIA part of the wind power planning problem?’ Environmental Impact Assessment Review, vol 49., 10.1016/j.eiar.2014.05.004

Stojanovic, TA & Farmer, CJQ 2013, ‘The development of world oceans & coasts and concepts of sustainability’ Marine Policy, vol 42, pp. 157-165., 10.1016/j.marpol.2013.02.005

Smith, HD, Ballinger, RC & Stojanovic, TA 2012, ‘The spatial development basis of Marine Spatial Planning in the United Kingdom’ Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, vol 14, no. 1, pp. 29-47., 10.1080/1523908x.2012.663192

Smith, HD, Maes, F, Stojanovic, TA & Ballinger, RC 2011, ‘The integration of land and marine spatial planning’ Journal of Coastal Conservation, vol 15, no. 2, pp. 291-303., 10.1007/s11852-010-0098-z

Stojanovic, T, Green, DR & Lymbery, G 2010, ‘Approaches to knowledge sharing and capacity building: The role of local information systems in marine and coastal management’ Ocean and Coastal Management, vol 53, no. 12, pp. 805-815., 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2010.10.020

Dr. Richard Streeter

St Andrews

Department of Geography & Sustainable Development, Centre for Biological Diversity

Not available

I am a geographer interested in tephrochronology (using layers of volcanic ash as dating controls) and particularly how it can be applied to understanding human-environment interactions over the Holocene. After completing a B.Sc. in Geography (Edinburgh, 2007) I went on to complete a Ph.D. (2011), also at Edinburgh. In this I used tephrochronology to investigate patterns and rates of soil erosion in south Iceland during a period of rapid climatic and demographic change in the 15th and 16th centuries as well as developed methods for the high-resolution measurement of tephra layers in open stratigraphic sections.

After my PhD and prior to moving to St Andrews in June 2013 I was a visiting fellow at Edinburgh where I worked on a project looking at early warning signals of impending vegetation change in tephra morphology from recent volcanic eruptions. I have also worked on projects looking at the long-term sustainability of human settlement in the North Atlantic within the research network of NABO.

My research focuses on the uses and development of tephrochronology as a tool to understand environmental change in landscapes over decades-to-millennia timescales, particularly soil erosion in Iceland. I also have an interest in the resilience of social-natural systems to environmental change, particularly climate change and its impact on the Norse settlement of the North Atlantic. A current theme of my research is looking for early warning signals of critical transitions in complex systems, such as land surfaces, by using the morphology of recent tephra.


-Holocene environmental change

-Long-term dynamics and sustainability of coupled socio-ecological systems

-Early warning signals

-The Norse Settlement of the North Atlantic (Faroes, Iceland, Greenland)

Not available

Nelson, MC, Ingram, SE, Dugmore, AJ, Streeter, RT, Peeples, MA, McGovern, TH, Hegmon, M, Arneborg, J, Kintigh, KW, Brewington, S, Spielmann, KA, Simpson, IA, Strawhacker, C, Comeau, LEL, Torvinen, A, Madsen, CK, Hambrecht, G & Smiarowski, K 2015, ‘Climate challenges, vulnerabilities, and food security’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol 113, no. 2, pp. 298-303., 10.1073/pnas.1506494113

Streeter, RT, Dugmore, A, Lawson, IT, Erlendsson, E & Edwards, K 2015, ‘The onset of the palaeoanthropocene in Iceland: changes in complex natural systems’ The Holocene, vol 25, no. 10, pp. 1662-1675., 10.1177/0959683615594468

Hreiðarsdóttir, E, Streeter, RT & Hambrecht, G 2015, Skaftártunga : archaeological investigations in 2014. Fornleifastofnun Íslands.

Streeter, RT & Dugmore, A 2014, ‘Late-Holocene land surface change in a coupled social-ecological system, southern Iceland: a cross-scale tephrochronology approach’ Quaternary Science Reviews, vol 86, pp. 99-114., 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.12.016

Streeter, RT & Dugmore, A 2013, ‘Anticipating land surface change’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol 110, no. 15, pp. 5779-5784., 10.1073/pnas.1220161110

Dr. Charles Warren

St Andrews

Department of Geography & Sustainable Development

Not available

My academic career started with three degrees in quick succession – an MA in Geography at Oxford (1985), an MSc in Natural Resource Management at Edinburgh (1987) and then a NERC-funded PhD in Glaciology (1990), also at Edinburgh. Having worked in Greenland during my PhD, I then continued my research on the interaction between glaciers and climate change in Patagonia during a 3-year NERC Research Fellowship based in Edinburgh. In 1995 I moved to St Andrews as a Lecturer and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2003. In 2004 I was awarded the President’s Medal of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society. In 2006 I led the St Andrews bid which won the Times Higher Award for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Sustainable Development’.

I have always had strong interests both in environmental management and in glaciology. For much of my career I have focused mainly on the latter, exploring the dynamics and climate sensitivity of calving glaciers in the arctic, in the southern hemisphere (Patagonia, New Zealand) and in Nepal. More recently my interests have moved more into environmental management and sustainable development, both in my research and my teaching. A second edition of my 2002 book Managing Scotland’s Environment was published in 2009, and I am actively involved in researching the debates surrounding the development of renewable energy, especially the nature of public attitudes. This has led, inter alia, to a co-edited book investigating aspects of wind power (2012), and I have also co-edited a volume on sustainable upland land use (2013).

Research Interests:

Environmental management, land use policy and environmental policy analysis, with an emphasis on the Scottish context. Current research themes include:

-evaluating policies for tackling invasive alien species

-the renewable energy transition

-socio-economic implications of Scottish land reform

-wild land and the ‘rewilding’ movement

Not available

Warren, C.R., Burton, R., Buchanan, O. and Birnie, R.V., 2016. Limited adoption of short rotation coppice: The role of farmers’ socio-cultural identity in influencing practice. Journal of Rural Studies, 45, pp.175-183.

Austin, B. and Warren, C., 2016. A Special Issue Celebrating the Career of Professor Colin Ballantyne, MA, MSc, PhD, DSc, FRSE, FRSGS, a Uniquely Scottish Geomorphologist. Scottish Geographical Journal, 132(2), pp.119-129.

Macgregor, C.J. and Warren, C.R., 2016. Evaluating the Impacts of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones on the Environment and Farmers’ Practices: A Scottish Case Study. Scottish Geographical Journal, 132(1), pp.1-20.

Warren, C., Romero, I., Ellis, G., Goddard, E., Krishnan, S., Nigro, L.M., Super, J.R., Zhang, Y., Zhuang, G., Hollander, D.J. and Pagani, M., 2014, December. Testing the Role of Microbial Ecology, Redox-Mediated Deep Water Production and Hypersalinity on TEX86: Lipids and 16s Sequences from Archaea and Bacteria in the Water Column and Sediments of Orca Basin. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 1, p. 1179).

Smart, D.E., Stojanovic, T.A. and Warren, C.R., 2014. Is EIA part of the wind power planning problem?. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 49, pp.13-23.

Dr. Rehema White

St Andrews

Department of Geography & Sustainable Development

Not available

I undertook a PhD at the University of Adelaide on the role of the pineal gland in mediating environmental controls of seasonal reproduction. At Rhodes University in South Africa, I had the opportunity to undertake a postdoctoral fellowship in 1994, continuing in reproductive ecology. This was an exciting time to be there, with rapid socio-political change, and I chose to stay in the country, taking up a position at the University of Transkei in 1996. There my interests expanded from ecology to conservation, and my research became more interdisciplinary. In partnership with other colleagues I investigated the utilisation of indigenous fauna by local people and explored mechanisms for sustainable management of natural resources. I became particularly interested in participatory techniques to explore development options and in co-management options. As Acting Dean of Research from 2002-2004 I was responsible for developing interdisciplinary themes for the University’s rural development research strategy.

In 2004 I returned to UK to take up a position to further interdisciplinary research at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Banchory, Scotland. When the closure of this centre was announced in 2006, I joined the University of St Andrews, where I am now coordinating the Sustainable Development Programme.

My current research interests are sustainable development (especially in context of integration of biodiversity conservation and livelihood goals), biodiversity conflict management, utilisation and management of natural resources, interdisciplinary research and teaching, and environmental education. I contribute to projects in UK and in developing countries, particularly Africa.


-Sustainable development (especially in context of integration of biodiversity conservation and livelihood goals)

-Interdisciplinary research and teaching

-Biodiversity conflict management

-Utilisation and management of natural resources

-Environmental education

-Reproductive ecology

Not available

O’Brien, L, Marzano, M & White, RM 2013, ‘‘Participatory interdisciplinarity’: Towards the integration of disciplinary diversity with stakeholder engagement for new models of knowledge production’ Science and Public Policy., 10.1093/scipol/scs120

White, R 2013, ‘Sustainability research: a novel mode of knowledge generation to explore alternative ways for people and planet.’. in The Sustainable University: Progress and prospects. Ed. Sterling, S., Maxey, L., Luna, H. . Routledge, Abingdon.

Davies, AL & White, RM 2012, ‘Collaboration in natural resource governance: Reconciling stakeholder expectations in deer management in Scotland’ Journal of Environmental Management, vol 112, pp. 160-169., 10.1016/j.jenvman.2012.07.032

Young, J, Marzano, M, White, R, McCracken, D, Redpath, S, Carss, D, Quine, C & Watt, A 2010, ‘The emergence of biodiversity conflicts from biodiversity impacts: characteristics and management strategies’ Biodiversity and Conservation, vol 19, no. 14, pp. 3973-3990., 10.1007/s10531-010-9941-7

White, RM, Fischer, A, Marshall, K, Travis, JMJ, Webb, TJ, di Falco, S, Redpath, SM & van der Wal, R 2009, ‘Developing an integrated conceptual framework to understand biodiversity conflicts’ Land Use Policy, vol 26, no. 2, pp. 242-253., 10.1016/j.landusepol.2008.03.005

Dr. Paul Adderly


Centre for Environmental History and Policy

Not available

18/08/2009 – present

Lecturer in Biological and Environmental Sciences

I studied at the University of Wales, Bangor and was previously research officer for major ODA/DfID projects in Nigeria. After holding a prestigious RCUK Academic Fellowship in Stirling I now lecture on soils-related topics, environmental hazards such as drought and desertification, and landscape-scale heritage issues in the School of Natural Sciences and on environemental history topics as part of cross-School masters’ level courses.

My research examines the sustainability of societies in marginal environments and considers the exploitation of natural resources by such societies for agricultural production, for construction of domestic dwellings, and for early industrial activities.

Present research activities include examination of past landscapes in semi-arid Africa with collaborative projects in Ethiopia funded by the US National Science Foundation, in Benin funded by European Research Council and in Niger as part of a series of National Geographic Society expeditions.

On-going research funded by Historic Scotland examines the sustainability of earth-built vernacular architectures and how changes in climate are affecting historical and archaeological buildings.

A NESTA awardee in 2004, a long-standing collaboration with Dr Michael Young at Goldsmiths, London investigates new ways of expressing the outputs from scientific studies involving the interaction of people and their environment through periods of environmental change and delivering this to new or wider audiences

Crossroads of Empire (

Mills C, Simpson I & Adderley WP (2014) The lead legacy: The relationship between historical mining, pollution and the post-mining landscape, Landscape History, 35 (1), pp. 47-72.

Gilliland K, Simpson I, Adderley WP, Burbidge CI, Cresswell AJ, Sanderson D, Coningham R, Gunawardhana P, Adikari G, Manuel M, Strickland K, Young R, Namalgamuwa H, Rammungoda UR & Senanayake J (2013) Environment and Water Management. In: Coningham R, Gunawardhana P (ed.). Anuradhapura Volume III: The Hinterland. BAR International Series, 2568, Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 191-227.

Wilson C, Adderley WP, Tyler A & Dale P (2013) Characterising the morphological properties and surface composition of radium contaminated particles: a means of interpreting origin and deposition, Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 15 (10), pp. 1921-1929.

Terwilliger VJ, Eshetu Z, Disnar J, Jacob J, Adderley WP, Huang Y, Alexandre M & Fogel ML (2013) Environmental changes and the rise and fall of civilizations in the northern Horn of Africa: An approach combining deltaD analyses of land-plant derived fatty acids with multiple proxies in soil, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 111, pp. 140-161.

Gilliland K, Simpson I, Adderley WP, Burbidge CI, Cresswell AJ, Sanderson DCW, Coningham R, Manuel M, Strickland K, Gunawardhana P & Adikari G (2013) The dry tank: development and disuse of water management infrastructure in the Anuradhapura hinterland, Sri Lanka, Journal of Archaeological Science, 40 (2), pp. 1012-1028.

Rebecca Barclay


Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences

Not available

Not available

Present: PhD “Identifying and understanding thresholds of landscape change in sensitive environments” Supervisors: Dr Ian Simpson, Dr Eileen Tisdall

Cross disciplinary PhD, using geoarchaeological and palaeoecological techniques as research into the ‘reverse’ and ‘repeated’ landscape threshold crossings in Iceland related to landscape resilience and resistance, with a specific focus on the utilization and management of wet meadows in Mývatnssveit.

This project will develop integrated evidence for landscape change determined from soil stratigraphy and soil micromorphology – SEM, with evidence for vegetation and land-use change as determined from pollen and fungal spore analyses. Landscape chronological control will be achieved by the comprehensive set of (well understood) historic and (less well understood) pre-historic volcanic tephras that are found in the regions, augmented by radiocarbon chronologies.

Not available

Not available

Prof. Mike Billett


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Not available

Present: Professor of Biogeochemistry and Environmental Change, University of Stirling

1. Closing the carbon budget of carbon-rich landscapes such as peatlands, by improved quantification of aquatic C fluxes.

2. Evasion (degassing) of greenhouse gases from surface waters in temperate, boreal and arctic systems; flux measurements and improved process understanding.

3. Development of innovative isotopic methods to measure the source and age of aquatic C, focussing mainly on CO2 in surface waters.

4. Biogeochemistry of small catchments; linking soils to streams.

Current research grants:

1. The role of natural and artificial pools in northern peatland carbon cycling (2012-15). NERC Standard Grant. PI.

2. Permafrost catchments in transition: hydrological controls on carbon cycling and greenhouse gas budgets (2012-15). NERC (Arctic Research Programme). PI.

3. Does stream evasion of CO2 double the amount of terrestrial C exported by the Aquatic Conduit ? The origin and age of evading CO2 has the answer (2013-16). Swedish Research Council. Co-PI.

Turner TE, Billett M, Baird AJ, Chapman PJ, Dinsmore KJ & Holden J (2016) Regional variation in the biogeochemical and physical characteristics of natural peatland pools, Science of the Total Environment, 545-546, pp. 84-94.

Garnett MH, Gulliver P & Billett M (2016) A rapid method to collect methane from peatland streams for radiocarbon analysis, Ecohydrology, 9 (1), pp. 113-121.

Vonk JE, Tank SE, Bowden WB, Laurion I, Vincent WF, Alekseychik P, Amyot M, Billett M, Canario J, Cory RM, Deshpande BN, Helbig M, Jammet M, Karlsson J & Larouche J (2015) Reviews and syntheses: Effects of permafrost thaw on Arctic aquatic ecosystems, Biogeosciences, 12 (23), pp. 7129-7167.

Billett M, Garnett MH & Dinsmore KJ (2015) Should aquatic CO2 evasion be included in contemporary carbon budgets for peatland ecosystems?, Ecosystems, 18 (3), pp. 471-480.

Helfter C, Campbell C, Dinsmore KJ, Drewer J, Coyle M, Anderson M, Skiba UM, Nemitz E, Billett M & Sutton MA (2015) Drivers of long-term variability in CO2 net ecosystem exchange in a temperate peatland, Biogeosciences, 12 (6), pp. 1799-1811.

James Blaikie


Biological & Environmental Sciences

Not available

Not available

Present: PhD “Palaeoecological reconstruction of rapid Late Glacial – Holocene environmental change for Central Patagonia, southern South America” Supervisors: Dr Robert McCulloch Dr Eileen Tisdall

This project will provide a high-resolution record of climatic and environmental change for the southern hemisphere region of Patagonia in the vicinity of the North Patagonian Icefield (~47°S). Our current understanding of southern hemisphere ocean-atmosphere changes in the Late Quaternary is largely derived from reconstructions of the glacier fluctuations during the Late Glaciation/Holocene transition (McCulloch et al., 2005) but this provides a limited view of the changing environment faced by the first hunter-gathers in the region.

To reconstruct the Late Glacial and Holocene environments this project will produce high-resolution (sub-centennial) records of vegetation change using pollen analysis (Palynology) from lake and peat site. These records will be reinforced through lithostatigraphic analyses (organic content, peat humification and geochemistry) and constrain in time using radiocarbon dating (supported by the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre) and tephrochronology (dating using volcanic ash layers)(supported by the NERC tephra unit, University of Edinburgh).

The resulting palaeoecological records will be able to explore the following themes:

-The timing and rate of vegetation migration and colonisation of deglaciated terrain during the Late Glacial/Holocene transition and identify potential woodland refugia;

-The timing and extent of human activity in Central Patagonia and/or the climatic signal from increased fire frequency in the pollen records;

-The timing and nature of the warming that marks the onset of the Holocene conditions and the evolution of the resource base for early humans;

-The response of Mid-Late Holocene vegetation patterns to neo-glacial climatic events

Not available

Not available

Dr. Tom Bradwell


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Lecturer in Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology

PhD – University of Edinburgh, Geography (2001)

BSc – University of Liverpool, Earth Sciences (1997)

Previously employment:

British Geological Survey (NERC) – Senior Scientist (2001-2014)

I am a geoscientist interested in glacial geology and landscape change in terrestrial and marine settings. My research focuses on:

1. Reconstructing the glacial history of NW Europe and the surrounding continental shelf;

2. Measuring and understanding modern rates of glacier change;

3. Refining geochronological surface-dating techniques;

4. Enhanced landscape and seabed mapping;

5. Characterizing glacial sediments, with particular reference to sub-surface fluid storage.

BRITICE-CHRONO. NERC Large Grant (PI: Chris Clark, Sheffield). Co-investigator with 9 others.

Krabbendam M, Eyles N, Putkinen N, Bradwell T & Arbelaez-Moreno L Streamlined hard beds formed by palaeo-ice streams: A review (Forthcoming/Available Online), Sedimentary Geology.

Dove D, Arosio R, Finlayson A, Bradwell T & Howe JA (2015) Submarine glacial landforms record Late Pleistocene ice-sheet dynamics, Inner Hebrides, Scotland, Quaternary Science Reviews, 123, pp. 76-90.

Armstrong RA & Bradwell T (2015) ‘Growth rings’ in crustose lichens: Comparison with directly measured growth rates and implications for lichenometry, Quaternary Geochronology, 28, pp. 88-95.

Bradwell T & Stoker M (2015) Submarine sediment and landform record of a palaeo-ice stream within the British-Irish ice sheet, Boreas, 44 (2), pp. 255-276.

Pearce D, Rea BR, Bradwell T & McDougall D (2014) Glacial geomorphology of the Tweedsmuir Hills, Central Southern Uplands, Scotland, Journal of Maps, 10 (3), pp. 457-465.

Dr. Jen Dickie


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Not available

Present: Lecturer, University of Stirling

I am a lecturer in Environmental Geography, specialising in Energy Geographies. I specialise in using mixed method approaches in my research, including GIS techniques, to assess socio-environmental interactions of the energy landscape. Currently, my research interests are focused around the socio-technical assemblages of renewable energy systems, public perceptions and reaction to energy transitions, energy justice and the social challenges associated with the development of the shale gas industry.

Not available

Bettinetti, R., Quadroni, S., Crosa, G., Harper, D., Dickie, J., Kyalo, M., Mavuti, K. and Galassi, S., 2011. A preliminary evaluation of the DDT contamination of sediments in Lakes Natron and Bogoria (Eastern Rift Valley, Africa). Ambio, 40(4), pp.341-350.

Renee Hermans


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Not available

Present: PhD “Climate impacts of blanket peat bog restoration from forestry in the Flow Country, Scotland” Supervisors: Dr. Jens-Arne Subke (University of Stirling), Dr. Neil Cowie (RSPB), Dr. Yit Arn Teh (University of St. Andrews), Dr. Roxane Andersen (Environmental Research Institute/UHI)

The Flow country in the far North of Scotland has the largest expanse of blanket peat bog in Europe. With peat depths of up to over 6 metres in places, this area represents a significant carbon store. Large parts of the Flows were drained for afforestation with non-native conifers during the 1980s, which resulted in considerable damage to the peat and leading to significant carbon loss. To restore the peats, the RSPB started in late 1990 to fell trees and block drains. Over 2000 ha of forestry are already felled and in the next few years a further 200 ha will be felled within a newly acquired plantation.

The main objective of my PhD is to measure the impact of forest removal on the budget of three main greenhouse gases, CO2, CH4 and N2O. For this I will be using closed chambers, to be able to look into the local variations of the fluxes. Measurements will be taken over four years, so I will also look at temporal variations. These measurements will be done in open, undisturbed bog (control plot), in forest, in recently felled areas and in areas that were felled up to 15 years ago, so there will be chronosequence to follow the effects of restoration. For up-scaling of the fluxes to ecosystem level I will use remote sensing and GIS in combination with empirical modelling. Further I am interested in the fungal and bacterial responses to felling, and what their GHG flux contributions are.


Atmospheric Sciences, Carbon Cycle, Climate Change, Environment, Micrometeorology, Atmospheric Physics, Carbon Dioxide, Earth Sciences, Atmosphere, Environmental Analysis

Not available

Not available

Melanie Kingsbury


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Not available

PhD: “Providing continuous environmental reconstruction of the early Holocene climate and landscape in the Scottish North Atlantic Islands through high resolution, quantitative analysis of pollen and diatoms.” Supervisors: Dr. Robert McCulloch, Dr. Eileen Tisdall, Dr. Andrew Dugmore

The Northern Scottish Islands in the Atlantic Ocean are located in a unique transitional area between the Atlantic and the North Sea, on the edge of deep ocean and the European continental shelf, and are heavily influenced climatically by the North Atlantic current and the Shelf Edge Current (Bigelow et al. 2005). The islands have been subjected to extreme shifts in climate over thousands of years as a result of changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation and thermohaline current which currently brings warm water from the tropics. It has been predicted that these currents could change in the future due to melting seas ice and other climate forcing, which in turn will alter the present climate regime (Bigg 2003). The majority of research into past climates in this region has been constrained to archaeological sites and can be discontinuous due to the episodic nature of study sites (Bigelow et al. 2005) or at a low temporal resolution which would not detect changes over shorter time-scales (Nesje et al. 2004).

I propose to examine lakes from Shetland and Orkney to provide the context of the overall changes that have occurred in this region during the early Holocene. For this study, lakes will be sampled for pollen, diatoms, and a suite of geomorphological variables. Pollen and diatoms have established sensitivities to different indicators and will be used in conjunction with other variables to explore the following questions: i) Provide more detail to the timing of events determined by pollen records by using different proxies, and to determine (if possible) what dominant environmental variables may be driving these responses; ii) Determine if changes correlate to sea ice cover, alterations of sea currents or storm events from published data; iii) Provide a continuous palaeoenvironmental record to reconstruct the changing physical and cultural landscape in the region. The results will integrated into existing palaeoenvironmental records from other locales (Northern Scotland, Greenland, Iceland, The Faroe Islands, and Norway).

This project will provide high-resolution records of palaeoclimate and the changing landscape for the region, thus determining if localized events at occupation sites coincides with regional climate changes. Having a better understanding on how the climate changed in the past at a higher resolution in the North Atlantic Ocean and the subsequent terrestrial response will aid in the development of models for predicting future events on a more regional scale.

Not available

Haig, H.A., Kingsbury, M.V., Laird, K.R., Leavitt, P.R., Laing, R. and Cumming, B.F., 2013. Assessment of drought over the past two millennia using near-shore sediment cores from a Canadian boreal lake. Journal of paleolimnology, 50(2), pp.175-190.

Laird, K.R., Das, B., Kingsbury, M., Moos, M.T., Pla-Rabes, S., Ahad, J.M., Wiltse, B. and Cumming, B.F., 2013. Paleolimnological assessment of limnological change in 10 lakes from northwest Saskatchewan downwind of the Athabasca oils sands based on analysis of siliceous algae and trace metals in sediment cores. Hydrobiologia, 720(1), pp.55-73.

Ma, S., Laird, K.R., Kingsbury, M.V., Lewis, C.M. and Cumming, B.F., 2013. Diatom-inferred changes in effective moisture during the late Holocene from nearshore cores in the southeastern region of the Winnipeg River Drainage Basin (Canada). The Holocene, 23(4), pp.568-578.

Laird, K.R., Haig, H.A., Ma, S., Kingsbury, M.V., Brown, T.A., Lewis, C.F., Oglesby, R.J. and Cumming, B.F., 2012. Expanded spatial extent of the Medieval Climate Anomaly revealed in lake‐sediment records across the boreal region in northwest Ontario. Global change biology, 18(9), pp.2869-2881.

Kingsbury, M.V., Laird, K.R. and Cumming, B.F., 2012. Consistent patterns in diatom assemblages and diversity measures across water‐depth gradients from eight Boreal lakes from north‐western Ontario (Canada). Freshwater Biology, 57(6), pp.1151-1165.

Dr. Robert McCulloch


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Not available

Bob undertook his PhD, supervised by Professors Chalmers Clapperton and David Sugden at Geography and the Environment, University of Aberdeen (and also at the Institute of Geography, University of Edinburgh, 1990-1993), his thesis is entitled “Palaeoenvironmental evidence for the late Wisconsin/Holocene transition in the Strait of Magellan, southern Patagonia.

Bob then worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Geography, Edinburgh, where he continued to develop his research interests in the vegetation and landscape history of southern Patagonia and also branched out to include Mexico and, more closer to home, Scotland. He also designed and managed the Physical Geography facilities, including the Palaeoecology laboratory and the first Cosmogenic Isotope extraction laboratory in Scotland at Edinburgh.

In 2002 Bob took a change of career direction and qualified as a nurse specialising in Cardiology and worked at the Coronary Care Units in Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and Stirling Royal Infirmary.

In 2007 Bob joined Biological & Environmental Sciences at the University of Stirling and is the Programme Director for the most popular degree programme of Environmental Geography. He continues to pursue his research interests in southern Patagonia and Scotland outlined below. Bob is also Convener of Theme 1: Landscape Dynamics, Scottish Alliance for Geosciences, Environment and Society.

My research is focused on southern South American environmental change. Through reconstructing past patterns of vegetation, glacial fluctuations and distributions of volcanic tephra I have contributed to our understanding of the southern hemisphere earth-ocean-atmosphere systems as they reorganised during the Lateglacial / Holocene transition. My work in studying long term landscape change, climate change and the role of early human activity is also applied in Scotland and Mexico.

Current research interests and research collaborations are:

1) The timing and extent of the first human settlers in Fuego-Patagonia and their potential role in increased frequency of fire versus the role of climate. Collaborators: Flavia Morello and Dr Alfredo Prieto (Universidad de Magallanes), Dr Luis Borrero (Buenos Aires).

2) The timing and nature of inter-hemispheric climate reorganisation during the Last glacial / inter-glacial transition and its role in driving glacier and vegetation changes. Collaborators: Prof. David Sugden (Edinburgh), Dr Michael Bentley (Durham), Dr Ross Purves (Zurich), Professor Tasuku Akagi (Kyushu, Japan), Aloys Borys (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory / Lille).

3) The timing and nature of pre- and post-Hispanic environmental change from multi-proxy lake records in central Mexico. Collaborators: Prof. Sarah Metcalfe (Nottingham), Dr Sarah Davies (Aberystwyth), Dr Anthony Newton (Edinburgh).

4) The Holocene vegetation history of northern and upland Britain, with particular regard to the timing and nature of prehistoric and historic human activities and their impacts. Collaborators: Prof. Ian Simpson, Dr Eileen Tisdall (Stirling) and Dr Jane Downes (ORCA – UHI).

5) The application of tephrochronology, Spheroidal Carbonaceous Particles and 210Pb to establish regional correlations and to test radiometric dating methods. Collaborators: Dr Andrew Dugmore, Prof. Charles Stern (Boulder) and Dr Eileen Tisdall (Stirling).

Boy J, Godoy R, Shibistova O, Boy D, McCulloch R, Andrino de la Fuente A, Aguirre Morales M, Mikutta R & Guggenberger G (2016) Successional patterns along soil development gradients formed by glacier retreat in the Maritime Antarctic, King George Island, Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 89 (6), Art. No.: 6.

Mansilla C, McCulloch R & Morello F Palaeoenvironmental change in southern Patagonia during the Lateglacial and Holocene: implications for forest refugia and climate reconstructions, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 447.

Tipping R & McCulloch R (2015) Identifying the prehistory of woodland management: problems and potential from a case-study in northern Scotland (Forthcoming). In: Rotherham ID (ed.). Ecology, Archaeology and Management of Ancient Woods, Sheffield.

Tisdall E, McCulloch R, Sanderson D, Simpson I & Woodward N (2013) Living with sand: A record of landscape change and storminess during the Bronze and Iron Ages Orkney, Scotland, Quaternary International, 308-309, pp. 205-215.

Tipping R, Bradley R, Sanders J, McCulloch R & Wilson R (2012) Moments of crisis: climate change in Scottish prehistory, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 142, pp. 9-25.

Roseanne McDonald


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Not available

Present: PhD “Greenhouse Gas Release from UK Reservoirs” Supervisors: (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology), Professor Michael Billett (University of Stirling), Professor Susan Waldron (University of Glasgow)

There has been increasing research to investigate freshwater reservoirs as potential sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, measurements have been biased towards Brazil, Canada and China. The IPCC’s 2013 Wetland Supplement omitted reservoirs due to limited data. Reservoir GHG production is influenced by numerous factors, for example: soil type, water temperature, residence time, stratification and drawdown events. Understanding of current emissions is an important step in predicting how emissions will change under future climate scenarios and climate variability. Larger water level fluctuations may lead to greater emissions due to water pressure changes influencing ebullition. In addition, reservoir numbers may increase due to water shortage or flood protection requirements.

This project will address two key research questions: i) do reservoirs currently represent a significant GHG source in the UK, and ii) how is this likely to change in the future? This will be delivered through a variety of field campaigns and laboratory work: diffusive GHG flux measurements using floating chambers, GHG concentrations calculated via manual headspace analysis, methane ebullition by inverted funnels, diffusive flux from drawdown soils using static chambers, and a sediment core experiment to test water level fluctuation.

IAPETUS doctoral training partnership (

McDonald, R., and Knox, O. G. G. (2014).Cold Region Bioremediation of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soils: Do We Know Enough? Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (17), 9980-9981.

Dr. David Oliver


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Present: Senior Lecturer in Catchment Science, University of Stirling

PhD University of Sheffield (in collaboration with Institute of Grassland & Environmental Research) 2005

Research Interests

There are two critical strands of my research portfolio. The first is to further understanding of behavioural traits of pollutants in the soil-water continuum and advance process understanding in environmental and agricultural systems. The second is to use this knowledge to solve real world issues through applied research and knowledge exchange. To maximise the potential of these two research strands I operate within interdisciplinary research teams, with both social and natural scientists and the research and policy communities. My research interests can be defined within the following three key research themes:

Environment, Pollution and Human Health: Understanding the fate and transfer of microbial pollutants and emerging pathogens warrants significant attention and is highly topical both within research council agendas and policy arenas.

Integrated Catchment Management: Interdisciplinary frameworks that recognise the importance of integrating science and social science, multiple-pollutants and multiple-stakeholders represent an important shift for more rewarding catchment scale studies.

Diffuse Pollution Risk Assessment and Modelling: The development of decision support tools and models for different stakeholder and end-users is paramount and offers potential to overlap and complement the previous two research themes

The transmissive critical zone: understanding the karst hydrology-biogeochemical interface for sustainable management , January 2016 – December 2018

Hydroscape: connectivity x stressor interactions in freshwater habitats , December 2015 – November 2019

AquaFly – Insects as natural feed ingredients for sustainable salmon farming , September 2014 – September 2017

Cho KH, Pachepsky YA, Oliver DM, Muirhead RW, Park Y, Quilliam RS & Shelton D (2016). Modeling fate and transport of fecally-derived microorganisms at the watershed scale: state of the science and future opportunities, Water Research, 100, 38-56.

Keswani A, Oliver DM, Gutierrez T & Quilliam RS (2016). Microbial hitchhikers on marine plastic debris: human exposure risks at bathing waters and beach environments. Marine Environmental Research, 118, 10-19.

Oliver DM, Porter KDH, Pachepsky YA, Muirhead RW, Reaney SM, Coffey R, Kay D, Milledge DG, Hong E, Anthony SG, Page T, Bloodworth JW, Mellander P-E, Carbonneau PE, McGrane SJ & Quilliam RS (2016). Predicting microbial water quality with models: over-arching questions for managing risk in agricultural catchments, Science of the Total Environment, 544, 39-47.

Oliver DM, Hanley ND, van Niekerk M, Kay D, Heathwaite AL, Rabinovici SJM, Kinzelman JL, Fleming LE, Porter J, Shaikh S, Fish R, Chilton S, Hewitt J, Connolly E, Cummins A, Glenk K, McPhail C, McRory E, McVittie A, Giles A, Roberts S, Simpson K, Tinch D, Thairs T, Avery LM, Vinten AJA, Watts B & Quilliam RS (2016). Molecular tools for bathing water assessment in Europe: balancing social science research with a rapidly developing environmental science evidence-base, AMBIO, 45, 52-62.

Quilliam RS, Kinzelman J, Brunner J & Oliver DM (2015). Resolving conflicts in public health protection and ecosystem service provision at designated bathing waters, Journal of Environmental Management, 161, 237-242.

Dr. Heather Price


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Present: Lecturer in Environmental Geography, University of Stirling

PhD – “Investigations into airborne particulate matter in south Wales” – Cardiff University – 2011

My research is highly interdisciplinary, linking aspects of geography, social science and biology and is focused on the links between people and the environment in which they live. My PhD, undertaken at Cardiff University, investigated the temporal change in air pollutants at an urban site in Swansea, UK. The PhD was a joint project between environmental science and biochemistry, and involved collecting particulate matter (PM), establishing its physical and chemical properties, and then testing the bioreactivity of different size fractions in vitro.

Following my PhD I moved to the University of Hertfordshire (2011 – 2014) to undertake a post-doctoral position working on an EU FP7 project called TRANSPHORM ( The project focused on the contribution of traffic to PM concentrations across Europe, and the links with public health. In January 2014 I moved to the University of Southampton (School of Geography and Environment) to work on Groundwater 2030 (, a project investigating long term change in pollution in shallow hand dug wells in Kisumu, Kenya. I then moved to the School of Social Sciences (also at the University of Southampton), where I analysed household survey data as part of the Energy for Development project ( This project investigated the impacts of off-grid solar electricity on the wellbeing of the local population.

Current research interests include:

Air quality

Water quality

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) access

Water-energy-food nexus

Sustainable livelihoods

Not available

Okotto-Okotto J, Okotto L, Price H, Pedley S & Wright J (2015) A longitudinal study of long-term change in contamination hazards and shallow well quality in two neighbourhoods of Kisumu, Kenya, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12 (4), pp. 4275-4291.

Okotto L, Okotto-Okotto J, Price H, Pedley S & Wright J (2015) Socio-economic aspects of domestic groundwater consumption, vending and use in Kisumu, Kenya, Applied Geography, 58, pp. 189-197.

Price H, Arthur R, BeruBe K & Jones T (2014) Linking particle number concentration (PNC), meteorology and traffic variables in a UK street canyon, Atmospheric Research, 147-148, pp. 133-144.

Price H, Jones T & BeruBe K (2014) Resolution of the mediators of in vitro oxidative reactivity in size-segregated fractions that may be masked in the urban PM10 cocktail, Science of the Total Environment, 485-486, pp. 588-595.

Hoogendoorn B, BeruBe K, Gregory C, Jones T, Sexton K, Brennan P, Brewis I, Murison A, Arthur R, Price H, Morgan H & Matthews I (2012) Gene and protein responses of human lung tissue explants exposed to ambient particulate matter of different sizes, Inhalation Toxicology, 24 (14), pp. 966-975.

Dr. Richard Quilliam


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Lecturer in Environmental Biology, University of Stirling

PhD – University of Sheffield, 2006

Much of my research is at the interface of agriculture and the environment and focuses on a number of sustainability and disease-related topics. A central theme of my research is to understand how changes in agricultural practices and land-use, together with projected climate change, effect nutrient cycling & ecosystem functioning and increase the risk of exposure to pathogens. I have a strong research interests in Environmental Pathogen Ecology, and water & soil pollution caused by the carriage, survival & cycling of zoonotic pathogens and enteric diseases through agro-ecosystems and aquatic environments. Much of my work is carried out in the context of sustainable agriculture and food & water security and is underpinned by a significant level of engagement with the local community and a wide range of stakeholders.

For more information:

Alternative livelihoods for mangrove oyster fisherwomen in Sierra Leone (Darwin Initiative; PI Francis Murray)

Hydroscape: Connectivity x stressor interaction in freshwater habitats (NERC Highlight Topic; PI Nigel Willby)

‘ENTO-PRISE: Commercialising insect transformation of organic wastes to benefit farmers in Ghana’ (AgriTT Research Challenge Fund; PI Francis Murray;

AquaFly – Insects as natural feed ingredients for sustainable salmon farming (Research Council of Norway; PI Bente Torstensen, NIFES, Norway).

PRACTICAL Modelling – Pathogen Risks in Agricultural Catchments: Towards International Collaboration And Learning in Modelling (NERC International Opportunities Fund; PI David Oliver)

Cho KH, Pachepsky YA, Oliver DM, Muirhead RW, Park Y, Quilliam RS & Shelton D (2016). Modeling fate and transport of fecally-derived microorganisms at the watershed scale: state of the science and future opportunities. Water Research (accepted)

Keswani A, Oliver DM, Gutierrez T, Quilliam RS. (2016). Microbial hitchhikers on marine plastic debris: human exposure risks at bathing waters and beach environments. Marine Environmental Research 118, 10-19

Oliver DM, Hanley ND, van Niekerk M, Kay D, Heathwaite AL, et al. Quilliam RS. (2016). Molecular tools for bathing water assessment in Europe: balancing social science research with a rapidly developing environmental science evidence-base. Ambio 45, 52-62

Oliver DM, Porter KDH, Pachepsky YA, Muirhead RW, Reaney SM, et al. Quilliam RS. (2016). Predicting microbial water quality with models: overarching questions for managing risk in agricultural catchments. Science of the Total Environment 544, 39-47

Quilliam RS, Kinzelman J, Brunner J, Oliver DM (2015). Resolving conflicts in public health protection and ecosystem service provision at designated bathing waters. Journal of Environmental Management 161, 237–242

Dr. Christian Schroeder


Biological and Environmental Sciences



Biological and Environmental Sciences

Postdoctoral Research Associate

01/12/2009 – 31/05/2013

Postdoctoral Research Associate

01/12/2009 – 14/01/2013

Postdoctoral Research Associate

01/12/2008 – 30/11/2009

NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow

01/05/2007 – 30/11/2008

Research Associate

15/10/2001 – 30/04/2007

Research Assistant

01/10/2000 – 14/10/2001

My overarching interest lies with the (bio)geochemical iron cycle and how it is linked to the cycling of other elements such as carbon, sulphur or phosphorus. My Research ranges from the interaction of minerals, microorganisms and contaminants in the groundwater to aqueous mineralogy and geochemistry on Mars. I strive to foster cross-fertilisation between the environmental sciences and planetary exploration.

A miniaturized Mössbauer spectrometer developed for Mars exploration applied to geological repositories for non-destructive and in situ analyses

10/12/2015 – 09/12/2017

SAGES Scheme 2 ECR exchanges with Europe, North America, China and India

01/03/2014 – 31/12/2014

Ruecker A, Schröder C, Byrne JM, Weigold P, Behrens S & Kappler A (2016) Geochemistry and mineralogy of Western Australian salt lake sediments: Implications for Meridiani Planum on Mars (Forthcoming), Astrobiology.

Schröder C, Köhler I, Muller F, Chumakov A, Kupenko I, Rüffer R & Kappler A (2016) The biogeochemical iron cycle and astrobiology, Hyperfine Interactions, 237 (1), Art. No.: 85.

Cousins CR, Cockell CS & Schröder C (2016) An ESA roadmap for geobiology in space exploration, Acta Astronautica, 118, pp. 286-295.

Kraus S, Schröder C, Klemm S & Pernicka E (2015) Archaeometallurgical studies on the slags of the Middle Bronze Age copper smelting site S1, Styria, Austria, Der Anschnitt (Beiheft 26), 3rd International Conference of Archaeometallurgy in Europe III, Bochum, Germany, 29.6.2011 – 1.7.2011, pp. 301-308.

Fritzsche A, Schröder C, Wieczorek A, Handel M, Ritschel T & Totsche KU (2015) Structure and composition of Fe-OM co-precipitates that form in soil-derived solutions, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 169, pp. 167-183.

Prof. Ian Simpson


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Professor of Environmental Geography

Head of School, Natural Sciences

PhD – University of Strathclyde

BSc – University of Strathclyde

I graduated from the University of Strathclyde with BSc and PhD degrees in Geography. I then worked from 1985 as a researcher on land use and environmental policy issues with the UK Government’s Civil Service – Ministry of Agriculture. Joining the University of Stirling in 1990 as Lecturer in Environmental Science, I became Professor in 2002.

I have previously held the posts of Vice-Dean (Research) in Natural Sciences and Head of the School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, before becoming Deputy Principal in 2007.

Research Soils, sediments and landscape history considers soils and sediments as historical narratives that define land resource utilisation and organisation by early societies together with their environmental and landscape consequences.

These narratives are elucidated through innovative theoretical frameworks of landscape that give new understanding of the Anthropocene together with innovative techniques in thin section micromorphology, soil biomarker analyses and modelling applied to anthrosols, podzols, andosols and archaeo-sediments.

In doing so, historical depth is given to long-term human interactions with environmental processes; new understanding of ‘completed human ecodynamics experiments of the past’ in relation to sustainability and resilience emerges; contribution is made to discussions on cultural and national identities as they relate to environments and landscapes, and foundations for natural and cultural heritage resources management are provided.

The scope of this work is inter-disciplinary and international with current research programmes focussed in –

-North Atlantic region (including Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Faeroes, Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles).Current programmes include the emergence and formation of early fishing sites (supported by UK AHRC); landscapes of Norse – indigenous interaction (supported by the UK Leverhulme Trust – Footprints on the edge of Thule programme); farm resilience in marginal environments (supported by the US National Science Foundation, Human and Social Ecodynamics programme); soil and field system inheritance (supported by the Shetland Amenity Trust); the Heart of Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Site (supported by Historic Scotland).

-South and West Asia (Sri Lanka, Nepal and Iran). Current programmes include the use of water in early urban hinterlands programmes, Anuradhapura (Sri Lanka) and Sialk – Kashan (Iran) (supported by AHRC and Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada); modern human settlement in tropical South Asia, evidence from late Pleistocene-early Holocene rockshelter sites in Sri Lanka (supported by the British Academy); protecting and preserving the natal landscape, Lumbini, Nepal (supported by UNESCO).

-Rescue archaeology and ‘preservation by record’. Working in UK locations where the soils and sedimentary record in archaeological sites and landcapes is threatened by development (supported by development funding).

Golding KA, Simpson I, Wilson C, Lowe EC, Schofield JE & Edwards KJ (2015) Europeanization of sub-Arctic environments: perspectives from Norse Greenland’s outer fjords, Human Ecology, 43 (1), pp. 61-77.

Mills C, Simpson I & Adderley WP (2014) The lead legacy: The relationship between historical mining, pollution and the post-mining landscape, Landscape History, 35 (1), pp. 47-72.

Maghsoudi M, Simpson I, Kourampas N & Nashli HF (2014) Archaeological sediments from settlement mounds of the Sagzabad Cluster, central Iran: Human-induced deposition on an arid alluvial plain, Quaternary International, 324, pp. 67-83.

Coningham R, Acharya KP, Strickland KM, Davis C, Manuel M, Simpson I, Gilliland K, Tremblay J, Kinnaird TC & Sanderson DCW (2013) The earliest Buddhist shrine: Excavating the birthplace of the Buddha, Lumbini (Nepal), Antiquity, 87 (338), pp. 1104-1123.

Coningham R, Gunawardhana P, Adikari G, Manuel M, Davis C & Simpson I (2013) Discussion. In: Coningham R, Gunawardhana P (ed.). Anuradhapura Volume III: The Hinterland. BAR International Series, 2568, London: Archaeopress, pp. 459-479.

Helena Stewart


Biological and Environmental Sciences / High Latitude and Cold Climate Dust (

Not available

Not available

Present: PhD “Peat’s secret archive: reconstructing the North Atlantic storm frequency and volcanic eruption history of the last 10,000 years” Supervisors: Robert McCulloch, Tom Bradwell

The world’s largest sources of dust are found in low latitude arid regions and this is where most aeolian research has been focused. However the processes of dust production and emissions may still be found in higher latitude and colder climatic regions such as Iceland. Dust emission and deposition rates in active glacial catchments are very high, and in some cases exceed the rates measured in lower latitudes. The main sources of North Atlantic dust are the expansive unvegetated Sandur plains of southern Iceland and areas close to the glaciers. Glaciers cover approximately 10% of the country and create high levels of physical weathering. Therefore, the sediment load of glacial rivers is high and large quantities of sediments are deposited on floodplains and at the glacial margins creating large sources of windblown dust. During high-magnitude storms this dust is remobilised in the lower atmosphere and carried further afield by strong winds and is often deposited over Scotland and the British Isles enabling a chronology of this process to be developed from peat cores. Iceland is also a highly volcanic area therefore tephra can be identified alongside the glacial dust in the peat cores and can be used as a chronological tool. This project focuses on producing a high-resolution, age-constrained index of Icelandic dust storm and volcanic eruption frequency spanning the past 10,000 years, through detailed analysis of terrestrial peat cores from northern Scotland and assessing the long term frequency of these events.

Not available

Not available

Kathleen Stosch


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Not available

Present: PhD “Building resilience to respond to future environmental change across Scottish catchments” Supervisors: Dr David Oliver, Dr Richard Quilliam, Dr Nils Bunnefeld

I am interested in how we may manage catchments in the future to address multiple pressures from increases in world population, resource scarcity and climate change while at the same time protecting and improving water quality, biodiversity and socio-economics of catchment dwellers.

The key research objectives of my PhD project are to:

-Develop a conceptual model of catchment systems and their connectivity across different ecosystem services, with rankings and weightings elicited from experts and stakeholders to help consolidate the importance of different system components.

-Determine individual and group responses to a best-worst scaling experiment linked to land-based management options for improving water quality and identify how they might impact (positively or negatively) on other ecosystem services.

-Develop a socio-ecological framework for decision making to optimise landscape scale ecosystem services delivery in catchments under environmental uncertainty and change.

-Devise a strategy to promote collaboration as opposed to conflict in managing ecosystem services in catchments.

My PhD is part of the Scottish Government’s Hydro Nation Programme which aims to promote the value of Scottish water resources and expertise in water. Prior to starting my PhD I did an MSc in Environmental Management and a BSc (Hons) in Environmental Science, throughout which I was working on a number of research projects in association with Scottish Natural Heritage, The James Hutton Institute and The Esk Rivers and Fisheries Trust.

Not available

Not available

Dr. Jens-Arne Subke


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Not available

Present: Senior Lecturer in Terrestrial Ecosystems and Environmental Change

Overseas Advisor for Environmental Sciences

Research Associate, Stockholm Environment Institute, Department of Biology, University of York, UK (2004-2010).

Marie Curie Research Fellow, Department of Environmental Sciences, Second University of Naples, Caserta, Italy (2002-2004).

PhD – University of Bayreuth, Germany (2002)

Response of biogeochemical cycles in terrestrial ecosystems to changes in environmental conditions, including: – Climatic Change – Human land use – Perturbations from pollution

Environmental controls on biotic CO2 flux dynamics

Plant-soil interactions at the boreal treeline

Plant-soil interactions in the decomposition of soil carbon in the rhizosphere

Use of stable isotopes in ecology

Biotic and abiotic drivers of methane (CH4) fluxes in peatlands

“Permafrost catchments in transition: hydrological controls on carbon cycling and greenhouse gas budgets”: Co-Investigator (

“Biophysical drivers of methane ebullition in northern peatlands”. UKPopNet/NERC funded, PI: Yit A. Teh (St. Andrews)

Parker T, Subke J & Wookey P (2015) Rapid carbon turnover beneath shrub and tree vegetation is associated with low soil carbon stocks at a subarctic treeline, Global Change Biology, 21 (5), pp. 2070-2081.

Karhu K, Auffret M, Dungait J, Hopkins D, Prosser J, Singh B, Subke J, Wookey P, Agren G, Sebastia M, Gouriveau F, Bergkvist G, Meir P, Nottingham AT, Salinas N & Hartley I (2014) Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration rates enhanced by microbial community response (Letter), Nature, 513 (7516), pp. 81-84.

Huttl RF, Gerwin W, Kogel-Knabner I, Schulin R, Hinz C & Subke J (2014) Ecosystems in transition: Interactions and feedbacks with an emphasis on the initial development (Editorial), Biogeosciences, 11 (2), pp. 195-200.

Subke J, Lamers M, Herbst M & Franzluebbers A (2013) Greenhouse gas emissions from soil under changing environmental conditions (Guest Editors’ Introduction), European Journal of Soil Science, 64 (5), pp. 547-549.

Hopkins F, Gonzalez-Meler MA, Flower CE, Lynch DJ, Czimczik C, Tang J & Subke J (2013) Ecosystem-level controls on root-rhizosphere respiration, New Phytologist, 199 (2), pp. 339-351.

Dr. Eileen Tisdall


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Not available

Present: Lecturer in Environmental Science, University of Stirling

Postdoctoral research assistant on Ben Lawers Historical Landscape Project. Part of a multi-disciplinary project examining change including peat spread and fluvial activity over the last 1000 years within a farming landscape funded by Heritage Lottery Fund, Scottish Natural Heritage, National Trust for Scotland and Carnegie Trust For Scottish Universities. 2005-2006.

Post doctoral research assistant (School of Biological and Environmental Sciences) and independent contract researcher (2000-2005). Research projects included:

Literature review investigating the palaeoenvironmental setting of the Antonine wall, Central Scotland forming part of the proposal for UNESCO World Heritage Status for the Antonine Wall, in collaboration with Richard Tipping (University of Stirling) on behalf of Historic Scotland.

Medieval and Post Medieval environmental reconstruction for Old Caerlaverock Castle Dumfriesshire. This project investigated the landscape around the castle during occupation and from sediments infilling the castle moat, determined possible reasons for its abandonment after only 50 years of occupation in collaboration with Richard Tipping (University of Stirling) and Martin Brann (Historic Scotland).

Peat sediment analysis investigating changes in mire surface wetness identified using humification analysis at Loch Farlary, Sutherland, Scottish Natural Heritage.

Later Mesolithic and Neolithic Landscape Reconstruction at Oliclette, near Wick, Caithness. The project involved investigating potential palynological sites and the spatial and temporal spread of blanket peat across the landscape, Historic Scotland and Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise. In collaborations with Richard Tipping (University of Stirling) and Amelia Pannett (University of Cardiff).

Current research interests are centered on investigating Holocene climate change in particular defining the record in terms of single climatic variables. Obtaining single climatic variables is highly desirable and so I am currently interested in the development and refining of climate proxies in particular peat stratigraphic techniques such as humification.

In addition I am investigating the application of Chironomids as a proxy for Holocene temperature change and as a proxy for environmental change. Such well defined and highly resolved climate records could then be used to determine the influence of changes in ocean circulation patterns such as those in the North Atlantic.

I am also interested in further developing chronological controls in particular the use of spheriodal carbonaceous particles to achieve a near annual resolution within the recent palaeoenvironmental record. This resolution is fundamental to inter-disciplinary research where landscape evolution can only be understood through the integration of past records of climate change and human activity, thus providing a model for future changes.

Current research has also led me to Iceland where there is the opportunity to interpret changes in landscape as a response to both human activity and climate change over the past 1000 yrs. Iceland with its wealth of archaeological and documentary evidence is an exciting research area allowing the palaeoenvironmental record to reveal how the Norse peoples responded to and were drivers of change in this fascinating landscape.

Tisdall E, McCulloch R, Sanderson D, Simpson I & Woodward N (2013) Living with sand: A record of landscape change and storminess during the Bronze and Iron Ages Orkney, Scotland, Quaternary International, 308-309, pp. 205-215.

Brown J, Simpson I, Morrison S, Adderley WP, Tisdall E & Vésteinsson O (2012) Shieling Areas: Historical Grazing Pressures and Landscape Responses in Northern Iceland, Human Ecology, 40 (1), pp. 81-99.

Tipping R, McCulloch R & Tisdall E (2008) Field by Field. Historic Period Environmental Change on a Hill Farming Landscape at Ben Lawers – Final Report to the National Trust for Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage, Historic Scotland and the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. The National Trust for Scotland. Scottish Natural Heritage. Historic Scotland. The Carnegie Trust. University of Stirling.

Tipping R, Davies A, McCulloch R & Tisdall E (2008) Response to late Bronze Age climate change of farming communities in north east Scotland, Journal of Archaeological Science, 35 (8), pp. 2379-2386.

Tipping R, Ashmore P, Davies A, Haggart BA, Moir A, Newton A, Sands R, Skinner T & Tisdall E (2008) Prehistoric Pinus woodland dynamics in an upland landscape in northern Scotland: the roles of climate change and human impact, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 17 (3), pp. 251-267.

Prof. Andrew Tyler


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Present: Professor of Environmental Science

Head of Biological & Environmental Sciences

Operating with earth observation (EO) technology through to the development of in-situ techniques, my research focusses on the impact and fate of pollutants in a changing environment. Specialisations include environmental radioactivity and water quality.

Research Includes:

(1) Earth Observation.

Rresearch pioneering the development of satellite and airborne remote sensing in quantifying the fate and impact of pollutants on the environment – especially aquatic systems. I am the lead PI on the s £2.9 Million NERC funded consortium Global Observatory of Lake Response to Environmental Change (GloboLakes).

(2) Environmental Radioactivity.

Head of the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory, which is an ISO 17025:2005 accredited testing laboratory (UKAS accredited; 2751). The laboratory also specialises in environmental gamma ray spectrometry, including in-situ and mobile capabilities and the characteriation of hot particles.

Cultural Landscape risk Identification, Management and Assessment

01/07/2015 – 30/06/2018

Improved monitoring and forecasting of European INland waters by combining Future earth ObseRvation

30/12/2013 – 31/12/2017

Global Observatory of Lake responses to Environmental change (Globolakes)

01/09/2012 – 31/08/2017

DANube macroregion: Capacity building and Excellence in River Systems (basin, delta and sea)

01/06/2013 – 31/05/2015

Varley A, Tyler A, Smith L, Dale P & Davies M (2016) Mapping the spatial distribution and activity of 226Ra at legacy sites through Machine Learning interpretation of gamma-ray spectrometry data, Science of the Total Environment, 545-546, pp. 654-661.

Elmetwalli AMH, Tyler A, Hunter P & Salt C (2015) The potential of remotely sensed data to predict wheat and maize grain yield under moisture and salinity stress (Forthcoming), Journal of Agronomy.

Vincent-Akpu IF, Tyler A, Wilson C & Mackinnon G (2015) Assessment of physicochemical properties and metal contents of water and sediments of Bodo Creek, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 97 (2), pp. 135-144.

Riddick C, Hunter P, Tyler A, Martinez-Vicente V, Horvath H, Kovacs AW, Voros L, Preston T & Presing M (2015) Spatial variability of absorption coefficients over a biogeochemical gradient in a large and optically complex shallow lake, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120 (10), pp. 7040-7066.

Varley A, Tyler A, Smith L, Dale P & Davies M (2015) Remediating radium contaminated legacy sites: Advances made through machine learning in routine monitoring of “hot” particles, Science of the Total Environment, 521-522, pp. 270-279.

Dr. Clare Wilson


Biological and Environmental Sciences

I have been a lecturer in soil science at Stirling University since 2008.

My research centres around understanding processes and landscapes of soil change. My work has two main themes:

Soil Carbon Dynamics – As a SAGES lecturer I am part of a Scotland wide pooling initiative researching terrestrial carbon dynamics, current and recent projects in this area include:

-Effect of commercial forestry operations, including destumping, on soil disturbance, in collaboration with Forest Research and UPM Tilhill Ltd.

-Assessing spatial variability of carbon, iron and aluminium concentrations in gleyed soils as a means of understanding the stabilisation of soil organic carbon. NERC small grant in collaboration with University of Edinburgh.

-Soil organic cabon stabilisation processes in paddy soils. Carnegie grant for field sampling in Sri Lanka.

-Effect of soil structure on SOC distribution and lability. NERC funded PhD project in collaboration with Rothamstead Research Institute, and EU COST funded project in collaboration with Universities of Torino and Bologna.

-Geoarchaeology – The application of soil science techniques, particularly soil micromorphology and soil geochemistry, to address archaeological questions of site formation processes and space use, Current and recent projects in this area include:

-InterArChive: Geochemical soil signatures of burials and burial practice. A collaborative ERC project with Don Brothwell, University of York.

-Development of SASSA (Soil Analysis Support System for Archaeologists). NERC knowledge transfer grant.

-Multi-element soil analysis to aid interpretation of space use on archaeological sites. NERC and -Historic Scotland funded collaboration with University of York.

-Site formation processes at the Xeropolis-Lefkandi tell site, Greece. Collaboration with University of Oxford.

-Development of soil quality indicators for cultural heritage preservation. DEFRA funded as part of UK Soil Indicators Consortium.

-The Geoarchaeology of 16th and 17th Century Alum and Copperas industry around Poole Harbour. In collaboration with the Poole Habour Heritage Project.

Cultural Landscape risk Identification, Management and Assessment

01/07/2015 – 30/06/2018

Mitigation works on the field systems and cultural soils as part of the Jerah Forestry Plan

01/04/2015 – 31/12/2016

European Research Council Advanced Investigator Grant.

01/09/2009 – 15/03/2015

Collison J, Wilson C, Moffat A & Gallacher J (2015) Soil physical disturbance resulting from stump harvesting, Scottish Forestry, 69 (2), pp. 20-27.

Vincent-Akpu IF, Tyler A, Wilson C & Mackinnon G (2015) Assessment of physicochemical properties and metal contents of water and sediments of Bodo Creek, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 97 (2), pp. 135-144.

Hapca SM, Baveye PC, Wilson C, Lark RM & Otten W (2015) Three-Dimensional Mapping of Soil Chemical Characteristics at Micrometric Scale by Combining 2D SEM-EDX Data and 3D X-Ray CT Images, PLoS ONE, 10 (9), Art. No.: e0137205.

Golding KA, Simpson I, Wilson C, Lowe EC, Schofield JE & Edwards KJ (2015) Europeanization of sub-Arctic environments: perspectives from Norse Greenland’s outer fjords, Human Ecology, 43 (1), pp. 61-77.

Bellamy PS, Broadbent G, Corney M & Wilson C (2014) Investigations on the South Shore of Brownsea Island by the Dorset Alum and Copperas Industries Project., Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 135, pp. 272-283.

Deborah Wood


Biological and Environmental Sciences

Not available

Present: PhD “Linking carbon and iron cycles by investigating transport, fate and mineralogy of iron-bearing colloids from peat-draining rivers – Scotland as model for high-latitude rivers” Supervisor: Dr Christian Schröder

Biochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Environment, Geography, Geochemistry, Spectroscopy, Climatology, Hydrology

Not available

Not available

Dr. Philippa Ascough


Not available

Present: Research Fellow (Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre)


Stable isotopes

Marine and Freshwater 14C Reservoir Effects

Black Carbon

Environmental/Scientific Archaeology

Seeing the full spectrum: An integrated approach to characterization of Martian carbon. With Mark, D., Morrison, D. (SUERC), Lee, M. (Glasgow), Cockell, C. (Edinburgh), Smith, C. (NHM London), and Faithfull, J. (Huntarian Museum). (The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland grant LG13SUE001). 2013.

Reassessing the Scottish Mesolithic-Neolithic transition: Questions of diet and timing. With Cook, G. (SUERC), Murray, I. (Historic Scotland) and Bonsall, C. (Edinburgh). (AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award, AH/L008521/1). 2013.

Comparative Island Ecodynamics in the North Atlantic. With McGovern, T. (City University of New York) and Cook, G. (SUERC). (US National Science Foundation). 2012-2015. Radiocarbon-based chronology and stable isotope-based palaeodiet reconstruction.

Sayle, K. L., Hamilton, W. D., Cook, G. T., Ascough, P. L., Gestsdóttir, H., and McGovern, T. H. (2016) Deciphering diet and monitoring movement: multiple stable isotope analysis of the Viking Age settlement at Hofstaðir, Lake Mývatn, Iceland. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, (doi:10.1002/ajpa.22939) (PMID:26799531) (Early Online Publication)

Shanks, R. P., Ascough, P. L., Dougans, A., Gallacher, P., Gulliver, P., Rood, D. H., Xu, S., and Freeman, S. P.H.T. (2015) Performance of the rebuilt SUERC single-stage accelerator mass spectrometer. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 361, pp. 76-79. (doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2015.07.122)

Russell, N., Cook, G. T., Ascough, P. L., and Scott, E. M. (2015) A period of calm in Scottish seas: a comprehensive study of ΔR values for the northern British Isles coast and the consequent implications for archaeology and oceanography. Quaternary Geochronology, 30(Pt. A), pp. 34-41. (doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2015.08.001)

Brewington, S. et al. (2015) Islands of change vs. islands of disaster: managing pigs and birds in the Anthropocene of the North Atlantic. Holocene, 25(10), pp. 1676-1684. (doi:10.1177/0959683615591714)

Washbourne, C.-L., Lopez-Capel, E., Renforth, P., Ascough, P. L., and Manning, D. A.C. (2015) Rapid removal of atmospheric CO2 by urban soils. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(9), pp. 5434-5440. (doi:10.1021/es505476d) (PMID:25837769)

Prof. Adrian Boyce


NERC Isotope Community Support Facility

Present: Professor of Applied Geology

University of Glasgow · Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC)

United Kingdom · Glasgow

Keywords: Ore Geology, Stable Isotopes, Geothermal, Mining, Oxygen Isotopes, Carbon Isotopes, environmental geoscience, Isotope Geochemistry, Geochemistry, Geology, Exploration Geology, Stable Isotope Analysis, Mineralogy, Sedimentology, Biogeochemistry, Stratigraphy, Paleoceanography, Diagenesis, Sedimentary Geochemistry, Rocks, Mineralization, Ore Deposits, Hydrology, Geochronology, Tectonics, Carbonates, Hydrocarbon, Geological Mapping, Field Geology, Geological Processes, Petrography, Recrystallisation, Isotopes, Water Sampling, Sedimentary Basins, Sediments, Trace Elements, Meteorites, Arsenic

I am a stable isotope geochemist, specializing in applied geological studies. I manage the Isotope Community Support Facility (ICSF) here at the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC). This Facility is funded by competitive bid through the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Services and Facilities, and we are part of NERC’s National Capability. The Facility offers access to all UK University and Institute departments to SUERC’s international-class suite of stable isotope systems, through NERC peer-reviewed application (see the ICSF website) or approved pilot study. One of my principal tasks is to train PhD students who undertake extensive programmes of stable isotope analyses resulting from approved projects. In this effort, I am fortunate to be aided by Mrs. Alison McDonald, who is ICSF’s dedicated technician.

Maulana, A., Imai, A., Van Leeuwen, T., Watanabe, K., Yonezu, K., Nakano, T., Boyce, A., Page, L. and Schersten, A., 2016. Origin and Geodynamic Setting of Late Cenozoic Granitoids in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences.

Pacey, A., Wilkinson, J.J., Boyce, A.J. and Cooke, D.R., 2016. Propylitic alteration and metal mobility in porphyry systems: a case study of the Northparkes Cu-Au deposits, NSW, Australia. Applied Earth Science, pp.1-1.

Lawson, M., Polya, D.A., Boyce, A.J., Bryant, C. and Ballentine, C.J., 2016. Tracing organic matter composition and distribution and its role on arsenic release in shallow Cambodian groundwaters. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 178, pp.160-177.

Smith, J.W., Holwell, D.A., McDonald, I. and Boyce, A.J., 2016. The application of S isotopes and S/Se ratios in determining ore-forming processes of magmatic Ni–Cu–PGE sulfide deposits: A cautionary case study from the northern Bushveld Complex. Ore Geology Reviews, 73, pp.148-174.

Humphreys, M.P., Greatrix, F.M., Tynan, E., Achterberg, E.P., Griffiths, A.M., Fry, C.H., Garley, R., McDonald, A. and Boyce, A.J., 2016. Stable carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon for a zonal transect across the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean in summer 2014. Earth System Science Data Discussions, pp.1-34.

Prof. Rob Ellam


Not available

Not available

Present: Director of SUERC (Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre)

Igneous petrogenesis and mantle geochemistry.

U-series geochronology and U geochemistry.

Environmental geochemistry.

Sr-isotope applications in stratigraphy and sedimentology.

Isotopic applications in archaeology.

MEDGATE – Reconstructing Mediterranean-Atlantic exchange during the Miocene. (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN, MC-ITN Initial Training Network 290201). 2012- 2015.

A Clumped Isotope Mass Spectrometer for the Δ47 carbonate palaeothermometer. (NERC Strategic Environmental Capital Call). 2013.

A plasma source positive-ion mass spectrometer for next generation radiocarbon (14C) and beyond. (NERC Strategic Environmental Capital Call). 2014.

Natali, C., Beccaluva, L., Bianchini, G. G., Ellam, R. M., Savo, A., Siena, F., and Stuart, F. M. (2016) High-MgO lavas associated to CFB as indicators of plume-related thermochemical effects: the case of ultra-titaniferous picrite-basalt from the Northern Ethiopian-Yemeni Plateau. Gondwana Research, (Accepted for Publication)

Hole, M.J., Ellam, R.M., MacDonald, D.I.M., and Kelley, S.P. (2016) Gondwana break-up related magmatism in the Falkland Islands. Journal of the Geological Society, 173(1), pp. 108-126. (doi:10.1144/jgs2015-027)

Ugidos, J. M., Barba, P., Valladares, M. I., Suarez, M., and Ellam, R. M. (2016) The Ediacaran-Cambrian transition in the Cantabrian Zone 1 (North Spain): sub-Cambrian weathering, K-metasomatism and provenance of detrital series. Journal of the Geological Society, (doi:10.1144/jgs2016-004) (Accepted for Publication)

Clemenzi, L., Storti, F., Balsamo, F., Molli, G., Ellam, R., Muchez, P., and Swennen, R. (2015) Fluid pressure cycles, variations in permeability, and weakening mechanisms along low-angle normal faults: the Tellaro detachment, Italy. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 127(11-12), pp. 1689-1710. (doi:10.1130/B31203.1)

Taylforth, J. E., McCay, G. A., Ellam, R., Raffi, I., Kroon, D., and Robertson, A. H.F. (2014) Middle Miocene (Langhian) sapropel formation in the easternmost Mediterranean deep-water basin: evidence from northern Cyprus. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 57, pp. 521-536. (doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.04.015)

Dr. Derek Fabel


Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) Laboratory

AMS Scientist – SUERC AMS Laboratory, Scottish Universities Environmental research Centre

Senior Lecturer – School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow (2010-2015)

Lecturer – School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow (2005-2010)

Research Fellow – Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University (2001 – 2005)

Postdoctoral Research Associate – University of Melbourne (1999 – 2001)

Postdoctoral Research Associate – Purdue University, Indiana, U.S.A. (1997-1999)

PhD. – University of Melbourne (1996)

In situ produced Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclides (TCN) and their application in geomorphology and glaciology.

Quantifying the effects of glaciers and ice sheets on landscape evolution.

Reconstructing ice sheets.

Measurement of cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in minerals to study long-term landscape evolution and the effects of climate change and tectonics.

My work is largely interdisciplinary and includes collaboration with scientists in geomorphology, Quaternary geology, glaciology, nuclear physics and geochemistry.

BRITICE-CHRONO: Constraining rates and style of marine-influenced ice sheet decay. This is a NERC consortium project spread across eight universities, the British Geological Survey and British Antarctic Survey.

Deglaciation of Fennoscandinavia.

Deciphering the glacial history of East Antarctica using nunataks as indicators of ice sheet dynamics.

Quantifying glacial erosion at glacier and ice sheet scales using cosmogenic nuclide techniques.

Cosmogenic nuclide production rate systematics.

Evans, D. J. A., Bateman, M. D., Roberts, D. H., Medialdea, A., Hayes, L., Duller, G. A. T., Fabel, D., and Clark, C. D. (2016) Glacial Lake Pickering: stratigraphy and chronology of a proglacial lake dammed by the North Sea Lobe of the British-Irish Ice Sheet. Journal of Quaternary Science, (doi:10.1002/jqs.2833) (Early Online Publication)

Larsen, N. K., Funder, S., Linge, H., Möller, P., Schomacker, A., Fabel, D., Xu, S., and Kjær, K. H. (2016) A Younger Dryas 1 re-advance of local glaciers in North Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews, (doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.10.036) (Early Online Publication)

Paus, A., Boessenkool, S., Brochmann, C., Epp, L. S., Fabel, D., Haflidason, H., and Linge, H. (2015) Lake Store Finnsjøen – a key for understanding Lateglacial/early Holocene vegetation and ice sheet dynamics in the central Scandes Mountains. Quaternary Science Reviews, 121, pp. 36-51. (doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.05.004)

Small, D., and Fabel, D. (2015) A Lateglacial 10Be production rate from glacial lake shorelines in Scotland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 30(6), pp. 509-513. (doi:10.1002/jqs.2804)

Stroeven, A. P., Heyman, J., Fabel, D., Björck, S., Caffee, M. W., Fredin, O., and Harbor, J. M. (2015) A new Scandinavian reference 10Be production rate. Quaternary Geochronology, 29, pp. 104-115. (doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2015.06.011)

Prof. Stewart Freeman


Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) Laboratory

Not available

Not available

Present: Professorial Research Fellow, AMS Senior Scientist, SUERC

Accelerator micro-analysis in general and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) in particular.

AMS at the low-ion-energy limit, including alternative positive-ion AMS.

Cosmogenic-radionuclide environment dating.

Biomedical applications of cosmogenic or anthropogenic long-lived radionuclides.

Environmental radioactivity in general including Fukushima and Chernobyl release assessments.

Selected Grants

Thinning history of the Foundation-Thiel Trough Ice Stream: a key control on deglaciation of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, Weddell Sea embayment. NERC Antarctic Funding Initiative grant. 2009-2013.

A new approach to West Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution using blue-ice moraines on nunataks. NERC standard grant. 2012-2015.

Earthquake hazard from 36Cl exposure dating of elapsed time and Coulomb stress transfer. NERC standard grant. 2012-2015.

BRITICE-CHRONO (British-Irish Ice Sheet reconstruction). NERC consortium grant. 2012-2017.

TRansfer – Exposure – Effects (TREE): Integrating the science needed to underpin radioactivity assessments for humans and wildlife. NERC RATE grant. 2013-2018.

Selected Publications

S Merchel, W Bremser, V Alfimov, M Arnold, G Aumaître, L Benedetti, D L Bourlès, M Caffee, L K Fifield, R C Finkel, S P H T Freeman, M Martschini, Y Matsushi, D H Rood, K Sasa, P Steier, T Takahashi, M Tamari, S G Tims, Y Tosaki, K M Wilcken, S Xu. (2011). Ultra-trace analysis of 36Cl by accelerator mass spectrometry: an interlaboratory study. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 400(9), 3125­-3132. doi:10.1007/s00216-011-4979-2

M J Bentley, C J Fogwill, A M Le Brocq, A L Hubbard, D E Sugden, T J Dunai, S P H T Freeman. (2010). Deglacial history of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in the Weddell Sea embayment: constraints on past ice volume change. Geology 38, 411-414. doi:10.1130/G30754.1

S P H T Freeman, A Dougans, L McHargue, K M Wilcken, S Xu. (2008). Performance of the new single stage accelerator mass spectrometer at the SUERC. Nuclear Instruments and Methods B-266(10), 2225­-2228. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2008.02.085

M R Kaplan, C J Fogwill, D E Sugden, N R J Hulton, P W Kubik, S P H T Freeman. (2008). Southern Patagonian glacial chronology for the Last Glacial period and implications for Southern Ocean climate. Quaternary Science Reviews 27, 284-294. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2007.09.013

D H Roberts, A J Long, C Schnabel, S Freeman, M J R Simpson. (2008). The deglacial history of southeast sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews 27, 1505­-1516. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.04.008

Domokos Gyore


SUERC noble gas laboratories

Not available

Present: PhD Student, Isotope Geoscience, SUERC

I started my Ph.D research in October 2011. The main purpose of my project is to track the fate of CO2 injected into deep geological formations using stable (C, O) and noble gas (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe) isotopes. The key questions of my work are aiming to answer how well, and for how long, is CO2 stored in the sub-surface, and what processes control the sequestration? My initial research is based at a field site where natural CO2 is being pumped underground in order to enhance oil recovery.

In order to study the high pressure gases collected from the field site I have constructed a vacuum system that is capable of analysis of the major gases (CO2, CH4, N, Ar, etc) and stable isotopes. Purification of the gas allows determination of the abundance and isotope composition of the noble gases.

My research is funded by SUERC, Glasgow University and Thermo Fisher Scientific.

I am working under the main supervision of Prof. Fin Stuart (SUERC), and co-supervised by Prof. Susan Waldron (University of Glasgow) and Dr. Stuart Gilfillan (University of Edinburgh).

For more information please visit SUERC noble gas laboratories.

Not available

Györe, D., Stuart, F.M., Gilfillan, S.M. and Waldron, S., 2015. Tracing injected CO 2 in the Cranfield enhanced oil recovery field (MS, USA) using He, Ne and Ar isotopes. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 42, pp.554-561.

Gilfillan, S., Haszedline, S., Stuart, F., Gyore, D., Kilgallon, R. and Wilkinson, M., 2014. The application of noble gases and carbon stable isotopes in tracing the fate, migration and storage of CO 2. Energy Procedia, 63, pp.4123-4133.

Dr. Gillian MacKinnon


Not available

Not available

Present: Lecturer in Biogeochemical Tracers, Environmental Chemistry, SUERC

My research and teaching interests comfortably encompass organic, inorganic and radionuclide geochemistry, focusing on using carbon isotopes, inorganic isotopes and radioisotopes as biogeochemical tracers in the environment.

Using organic, inorganic and radionuclide species as tracers of environmental processes: primarily carbon isotopes (13C and 14C), stable Pb isotopes, 210Pb and manmade radionuclides such as radiocaesium and isotopes of Pu to investigate accumulation, mixing and re-distribution processes in terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments.

Understanding the behaviour of pollutants in the environment: Organic (primarily hydrocarbons and PAHs) and Potentially Toxic Elements such as Pb and Sb and their associations in urban and rural areas.

Remediation of environmental contaminants: including natural attenuation, phytoremediation and biosorption.

Organic biogeochemistry: developing compound-specific carbon isotope analysis of biomarkers for reconstructing environmental change in terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments.

Environmental analytical chemistry: understanding the persistence, transformation and fate of storage chemicals such as CIPC in commercial potato stores

Understanding the persistence, transformation and fate of CIPC in commercial potato stores to help guard against cross-contamination. With G Cook and H Duncan (University of Glasgow). AHDB – Potato Council, 2014-2018.

Long-lived Radionuclides in the Surface Environment – Mechanistic Studies of Speciation, Environmental Transport and Transfer. With G Cook (PI) and S Xu (Co-I).NERC, 2013-2017.

Development of CIPC best practice recommendations for low-temperature box stores. With H Duncan (University of Glasgow) and A Briddon (Sutton Bridge Crop Storage Research). AHDB – Potato Council, 2012-2015

Removal of heavy metal and radiotoxic ions from aqueous solutions by biosorption. With A Kausar (University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan). Higher Education Commission Pakistan, 2013.

Buss, W., Graham, M.C., MacKinnon, G. and Mašek, O., 2016. Strategies for producing biochars with minimum PAH contamination. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 119, pp.24-30.

Tierney, K.M., Muir, G.K., Cook, G.T., MacKinnon, G., Howe, J.A., Heymans, J.J. and Xu, S., 2016. Accumulation of Sellafield-derived radiocarbon (14 C) in Irish Sea and West of Scotland intertidal shells and sediments. Journal of environmental radioactivity, 151, pp.321-327.

Macgregor, K., MacKinnon, G., Farmer, J.G. and Graham, M.C., 2015. Mobility of antimony, arsenic and lead at a former antimony mine, Glendinning, Scotland. Science of The Total Environment, 529, pp.213-222.

Vincent-Akpu, I.F., Tyler, A.N., Wilson, C. and Mackinnon, G., 2015. Assessment of physico-chemical properties and metal contents of water and sediments of Bodo Creek, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 97(2), pp.135-144.

Kausar, A., Bhatti, H.N. and MacKinnon, G., 2015. Re-use of agricultural wastes for the removal and recovery of Zr (IV) from aqueous solutions. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers.

Dr. Graham Muir


SUERC Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory

Not available

Present: Research Associate in Environmental Radioactivity (Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre)

: Marine Pollution, Marine Environment, Radioecology, Radiochemistry and Radionuclides, Renewable Resources, Radiocarbon Applications, Sediments, Nuclear Energy

I am working on the NERC funded Radioactivity in the Environment (RATE) program investigating Long-lived Radionuclides in the Surface Environment (LO-RISE).

The marine workstream, involving SAMS and Edinburgh University, is concerned with the speciation and distribution of important, Sellafield-derived radionuclides (e.g. 14C, U/Ra, 129I) in biota and sediment of the Irish Sea and West of Scotland and incorporation of data into predictive ecosystem models of radionuclide uptake and transfer.

-Environmental radioactivity: The application of natural (uranium decay series) and anthropogenic radionuclides (14C, 137Cs, 241Am etc.) as analogues of geochemical rates and processes in marine and coastal ecosystems; e.g. 14C distribution, geochemistry and fate in coastal UK water and uptake-transfer processes by biota.

-Marine geochemistry, ecology and oceanography; e.g. dynamics of marine particle resuspension, scavenging and removal processes in coastal environments; the application of 210Pb and 137Cs in determining sub-tidal and saltmarsh sediment chronologies, accumulation rates and mixing processes.

=Applied novel radiocarbon (14C) techniques to determine, with high precision, the biocarbon content in flue-gas emissions and bioenergy fraction of mixed waste fuel streams at energy-from-waste (EfW) thermal treatment facilities.

-Biofuels, renewable (biomass) energy technologies, bioenergy production and industry compliance, waste management and sustainable development.

-Novel application of radionuclides to environmental and industrial problems.

Muir, G.K.P., Hayward, S., Tripney, B.G., Cook, G.T., Naysmith, P., Herbert, B.M.J., Garnett, M., and Wilkinson, M. (2015) Determining the biomass fraction of mixed waste fuels: A comparison of existing industry and 14C-based methodologies. Waste Management, 35, pp. 293-300. (doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2014.09.023)

Muir, G. K. P., Cook, G. T., MacKenzie, A. B., MacKinnon, G., and Gulliver, P. (2015) Anomalous 14C enrichments in the eastern UK coastal environment. Radiocarbon, 57(3), pp. 337-345. (doi:10.2458/azu_rc.57.18395)

Muir, G. K. P., Cook, G. T., Tripney, B. G., MacKenzie, A. B., Stewart, H., and Tierney, K. M. (2015) Temporal trend in the transfer of Sellafield-derived 14C into different size fractions of the carbonate component of NE Irish Sea sediment. Radiocarbon, 57(3), pp. 347-354. (doi:10.2458/azu_rc.57.18399)

Naysmith, P. et al. (2010) 14C AMS at SUERC: improving QA data from the 5 MV tandem AMS and 250 kV SSAMS. Radiocarbon, 52(2), pp. 263-271.

Naysmith, P. et al. (2010) 14C AMS measurements at SUERC: Improving QA data from the 5 MV Tandem AMS and 250 KV SSAMS. Radiocarbon, 52(2), pp. 263-271.

Prof. David Sanderson


Not available


Not available

Not available

2008 Professor of Environmental Physics, University of Glasgow

2004 Reader SUERC

1991 Senior Lecturer, Head of Physics group, SURRC.

1986-90 Lecturer, SURRC, East Kilbride.

1984-86 SERC funded Research Fellow in Physics, Paisley College.

Thermoluminescence dating of Scottish Vitrified forts.

1982-84 Research Assistant, Low Level Measurements Laboratory, UKAEA, Harwell.

14C dating and environmental studies of small samples.

1981-82 Part time Lecturer, School of Archaeological Sciences, Bradford University.

1979-81 Research Assistant (SERC funded), School of Archaeological Sciences,

Bradford University. Analytical studies of archaeological glasses.

1977-78 Research Assistant, TL dating laboratory, Durham University.

Airborne and vehicular gamma ray surveys.

Environmental radioactivity.

Luminescence dating: Thermoluminescence and Photostimulated luminescence.

Detection of irradiated food.

Archaeological sciences.

Not available

E. Munoz-Salinas, P. Bishop, D.Sanderson, Zamorano J., 2010, Interpreting luminescence

data from a portable OSL reader : three case studies in fluvial settings, Earth Surface

Processes and Landforms, MS ESP-10-0069-R1, 27p

David C.W. Sanderson, Simon Murphy, 2010, Using simple portable OSL measurements and

laboratory characterisation to help understand complex and heterogeneous sediment

sequences for luminescence dating, Quaternary Geochronology, 5, 299-305

A.D. Davies & D.C.W. Sanderson, 2009, Single grain OSL analysis: a discussion of how to

clean discs, Ancient TL 27 (2), 47-50

Dominic A. Hodgson, Stephen J. Roberts, Michael J. Bentley, James A. Smith, Joanne S.

Johnson, Elie Verleyen, Wim Vyverman, Andy J. Hodson, Melanie J. Leng, Andreas

Cziferszky, Adrian J. Fox, David C.W. Sanderson,2009, Exploring former subglacial

Hodgson Lake, Antarctica Paper I: site description, geomorphology and limnology,

Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(23-24), 2295-2309

Dominic A. Hodgson, Stephen J. Roberts, Michael J. Bentley, James A. Smith, Joanne S.

Johnson, Elie Verleyen, Wim Vyverman, Andy J. Hodson, Melanie J. Leng, Andreas

Cziferszky, Adrian J. Fox, David C.W. Sanderson,2009,Exploring former subglacial

Hodgson Lake, Antarctica. Paper II: palaeolimnology, Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(23-

24), 2310-2325

Dr. Richard Shanks


Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) Laboratory

Present: AMS Scientist (Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre)

Keywords: Laser Plasma Interaction, Free Electron Lasers, Plasma Diagnostics, High-intensity lasers, Femtosecond Lasers, Ultrafast Lasers, Ultrashort Lasers, Laser Ablation, Radiation Detection, Plasma, Technology, Laser Diagnostics, Spectrometers, Laser Processing, Diagnostic Equipment, Optics and Lasers, Laser-Matter Interaction, Experimental Particle Physics, Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Accelerator Physics, Particle Accelerators, Ion Beam Analysis, Electron Beams, Synchrotron Radiation

Not available

Freeman, S. P.H.T., Shanks, R. P., Donzel, X., and Gaubert, G. (2015) Radiocarbon positive-ion mass spectrometry. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 361, pp. 229-232. (doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2015.04.034)

Shanks, R. P., Ascough, P. L., Dougans, A., Gallacher, P., Gulliver, P., Rood, D. H., Xu, S., and Freeman, S. P.H.T. (2015) Performance of the rebuilt SUERC single-stage accelerator mass spectrometer. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 361, pp. 76-79. (doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2015.07.122)

Shanks, R. P., and Freeman, S. P.H.T. (2015) 160keV 26Al-AMS with a single-stage accelerator mass spectrometer. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 361, pp. 307-310. (doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2015.07.121)

Shanks, R. P., and Freeman, S. P.H.T. (2015) Sputter-pits casting to measure AMS sample consumption. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 361, pp. 168-172. (doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2015.03.060)

Xu, S., Freeman, S. P.H.T., Rood, D. H., and Shanks, R. P. (2015) Decadal 10Be, 26Al and 36Cl QA measurements on the SUERC 5MV accelerator mass spectrometer. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 361, pp. 39-42. (doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2015.03.064)

Prof. Finlay Stuart


Noble gas laboratories

Not available

Present: Professor of Isotope Geochemistry, SUERC

-The differentiation history of the Earth, and the generation of the atmosphere.

-Using cosmogenic isotopes to determine the pace of landscape change.

-Applying low temperature thermochronometers for constraints on the denundation history of the crust.

Applying natural tracer technologies in the environmental monitoring of unconventional gas extraction. (PI: S Gilfillan, Edinburgh) NERC Oil and Gas, Knowledge Exchange. 2013-2015.

Fingerprinting captured CO2 using natural tracers: Determining CO2 fate and proving ownership. (PI: S Gilfillan, Edinburgh) EPSRC. 2013-2015.

A new approach to West Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution using blue-ice moraines on nunataks. (PI: D Sugden, Edinburgh) NERC. 2012-2015.

Reconstructing thermal and fluid alteration histories of planetary materials. GSA consortium. (PI: D Mark, SUERC) STFC.

A new approach to (U-Th)/He thermochronometry: exploiting the natural dispersion of single grain ages to obtain robust thermal history information. (PI: R Brown, Glasgow) NERC. 2012-2014.

B Davidheiser-Kroll, F M Stuart, A J Boyce. (2014). Mantle heat drives hydrothermal fluids responsible for carbonate-hosted base metal deposits: Evidence from 3He/4He of ore fluids in Irish Pb-Zn mineralisation. Mineralium Deposita 49, 547-553. doi:10.1007/s00126-014-0516-5

A Abdel Wahab, F M Stuart, M A Abul Maaty, H Awad, A M Kafafy. (2014). The geology and geochronology of Al Wahbah maar crater, Harrat Kishb, Saudi Arabia. Quaternary Geochronology 21, 70-76. doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2013.01.008

M de Podesta, R Underwood, G Sutton, P Morantz, P Harris, D F Mark, F M Stuart, G Vargha, G Machin. (2013). A low-uncertainty measurement of the Boltzmann constant. Metrologia 50, 354-366. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/50/4/354

J P T Foeken, F M Stuart, D F Mark. (2012). Long-term low latitude cosmogenic 3He production rate determined from a 126 ka basalt from Fogo, Cape Verdes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 359, 14-25. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.10.005

F M Stuart, M Lee. (2012). Micrometeorites and extraterrestrial He in a ferromanganese crust from the Pacific Ocean. Chemical Geology 322, 209-214. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.07.002

Dr. Sheng Xu


Not available Not available

Present: Deputy Head (Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre)

Radiocarbon dating, Geochemistry, Geomorphology

Not available

Fülöp, R.-H., Bishop, P., Fabel, D., Cook, G. T., Everest, J., Schnabel, C., Codilean, A. T., and Xu, S. (2015) Quantifying soil loss with in-situ cosmogenic 10Be and 14C depth-profiles. Quaternary Geochronology, 27, pp. 78-93. (doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2015.01.003)

Gheorghiu, D. M., Hosu, M., Corpade, C., and Xu, S. (2015) Deglaciation constraints in the Parâng Mountains, Southern Romania, using surface exposure dating. Quaternary International, (doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.04.059) (Early Online Publication)

Xu, S., Freeman, S. P.H.T., Rood, D. H., and Shanks, R. P. (2014) 26Al interferences in accelerator mass spectrometry measurements. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 333, pp. 42-45. (doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2014.04.009)

Stroeven, A. P., Fabel, D., Margold, M., Clague, J. J., and Xu, S. (2014) Investigating absolute chronologies of glacial advances in the NW sector of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet with terrestrial in situ cosmogenic nuclides. Quaternary Science Reviews, 92, pp. 429-443. (doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.09.026)

Codilean, A. T., Fenton, C. R., Fabel, D., Bishop, P., and Xu, S. (2014) Discordance between cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in amalgamated sands and individual fluvial pebbles in an arid zone catchment. Quaternary Geochronology, 19, pp. 173-180. (doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2012.04.007)

Dr. Simon Cuthbert


IBEHR, Centre for Environmental Research, Exploration Geoscience Group

Not available

Not available

Present: Lecturer in Earth Science, University of Western Scotland

Mineral resource geology and environmental impacts (gold, base metals)

Hydrocarbon resource geology and environmental impacts (e.g. shale gas)

Deep Earth processes, petrology and tectonics in collisional mountain belts

Syn-orogenic sedimentary basin evolution

Carbon capture and storage

Inorganic industrial wastes – environmental and resource issues

Stone masonry – weathering and conservation

Tourism opportunities from geodiversity for a rural upland SME in South Lanarkshire (ongoing)

Geo-resource potential for a rural upland SME in South Lanarkshire (2012)

Potential for use of North Sea oilfield cuttings wastes as a resource (2011)

Chukwura, U.O., Udom G.J., Cuthbert S.J., Hursthouse A.S. (2014) Evaluation of hydrochemical characteristics and flow directions of groundwater quality in Udi Local Government Area Enugu State, Nigeria. Environmental Earth Sciences doi:10.1007/s12665-014-3741-4

Bottrill, A. D., J. Hunen, S. J. Cuthbert, H. K. Brueckner, M. B. Allen (2014) Plate rotation during continental collision and its relationship with the exhumation of UHP metamorphic terranes: Application to the Norwegian Caledonides. Geochemistry. Geophysics. Geosystems., 15, doi:10.1002/ 2014GC005253

Brueckner, H. K., and S. J. Cuthbert (2013) Extension, disruption, and translation of an orogenic wedge by exhumation of large ultrahigh pressure terranes: Examples from the Norwegian Caledonides. Lithosphere 5, 277–289, doi:10.1130/L256.1

Yong-Fei Zheng, Lifei Zhang, W. C. McClelland, S.J. Cuthbert (2012) Processes in Continental Collision Zones. Lithos vols. 136-139. pp. 1-9

H.P. Schertl, J.A. Gilotti, S.J. Cuthbert; A.L. Perchuk (Editors) (2010) 25 years of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. European Journal of Mineralogy vol. 21: 1083-1084.

Dr. Alexandre Gagnon


Centre for Environmental Research, Institute for Biomedical and Environmental Health Research

Not available

Not available

Present: Lecturer in Environmental Sciences and Decision Support

Dr Alexandre Gagnon is a member of the Centre for Environmental Research and contributes to the teaching of Environmental Science and the MSc in Waste and Clean Technologies in the School of Science and Sport. A Geographer and Climatologist by training, his research interests range from understanding the temporal and spatial patterns of climate variability in Scotland to vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.

His current research aims at assessing the vulnerability to climate change at the local/regional level through the application of conceptual models of vulnerability assessments, including assessments of adaptive capacity, and the identification of opportunities and barriers to adaptation. Hence, his research is multi-disciplinary, falling at the interface between the natural and social sciences; and involves working in partnerships with local government stakeholders.

Keywords: Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change

Climate change and water resources

Climatic and environmental influences on health issues

Knowledge exchange and public policy

Dr Alexandre Gagnon is currently involved in the following externally funded projects:

Scottish Funding Council in association with the Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society (SAGES) “Pools Engagement in European Research (PEER)” Grant to explore opportunities for green infrastructure RTD projects in Horizon 2020 – European Commision

SAGES Society Theme Small Project grant: Meta Analysis of Coastal Vulnerability Conceptualisations

Soil Carbon Pools and Fluxes in Soil-to-Plant System of Urban Forest Parks

Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in the Outer Hebrides and Shetland Islands, Scotland

Afzal M., Gagnon A.S., and M.G. Mansell M.G. (in press) The impact of rainfall variability on the reliability of water supply systems in Scotland. Journal of Water and Climate Change.

Afzal M., Gagnon A.S., and M.G. Mansell M.G. 2015. The impact of projected changes in climate variability on the reliability of surface water supply in Scotland. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply15: 736-745.

Afzal M., Gagnon A.S., and M.G. Mansell. 2015. Changes in the variability and periodicity of precipitation in Scotland. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 119: 135-159.

Kunte P.D., Jauhari N., Mehrotra U., Mahender K., Hursthouse A.S., and A.S. Gagnon. 2014. Multi-hazards coastal vulnerability assessment of Goa, India, using geospatial techniques. Ocean & Coastal Management 95: 264-281.

Gray S.R.J., Gagnon A.S., Gray S.A., O’Dwyer B., O’Mahony C., Muir D., Devoy R.J.N., Falaleeva M, and J. Gault. 2014. Are coastal managers detecting the problem? Assessing stakeholder perception of climate vulnerability using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping. Ocean & Coastal Management 94: 74-89.

Dr. John Hughes


Industrial Engineering and Management, Glasgow Research Partnership for Engineering (GRPE)

Not available

Not available

Present: Reader, University of Western Scotland

A geologist with expertise in petrographic analysis of natural stone, concrete and historic mortars, using optical and electron microscopy. Currently working on all of these, on the physical properties of replacement mortars for conservation and developing interdisciplinary collaborations concerned with heritage science, materials and climate change.

Research interests:

Construction materials performance and analysis- cement, concrete, stone, mortar especially in historic buildings.

Provenance recognition in historic construction materials.

Interdisciplinarity in cultural heritage, climate change impacts on buildings and sites.

Current Research Student supervision:

Marta Zurakowska: Current mechanisms and future patterns of stone decay in cleaned sandstone and granite buildings

Dorn Carran: Understanding traditional masonry mortars to improve the compatibility of mortar repair

Torsten Howind: Micro-mechanical properties of innovative cement-based materials students

Not available

Middendorf, B., Hughes J.J., Callebaut, K., Baronio, G. and Papyianni, I., “Investigative methods for the characterisation of historic mortars- Part 1: Mineralogical characteristion,” Materials and Structures, 38, 2005, 761-769.

Middendorf, B., Hughes J.J., Callebaut, K., Baronio, G. and Papyianni, I., “Investigative methods for the characterisation of historic mortars- Part 2: Chemical characteristion,” Materials and Structures, 38, 2005, 771-780.

Zhu W., Hughes, J.J., Bicanic, N & Pearce C.J., “Nanoindentation mapping of mechanical properties of cement paste and natural rocks”, Materials Characterization, 58, (2007), 1189–1198

Carran D., Hughes J.J., Leslie A. and Kennedy C., “A Short History of the Use of Lime as a Building Material Beyond Europe and North America”, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 6:2, (2011), 117-146

Hughes J.J. and members of the RILEM TC 203RHM, “The Role of Mortar in Masonry: an Introduction to Requirements for the Design of Repair Mortars”, Materials and Structures (2012) 45:1287–1294

Prof. Andrew Hursthouse


Centre for Environmental Research/Institute of Biomedical & Environmental Health Research

I trained as a geochemist before undertaking PhD research on analytical methods (radiochemistry, ICPMS, neutron activation analysis) to trace long lived radionuclides (principally isotopes of the actinide elements Np and Pu) in coastal regions of the UK. I was a NERC CASE PhD student based at the SURRC (now SUERC), a department of Glasgow University and worked at the then NERC Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (Cumbria).

I undertook a short Post Doc at SURRC, tracing on-land transfer of discharges from Dounreay NPP, before joining Paisley College of Technology as a Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry, then became a Senior Lecturer (1994) and gained a Personal Chair in 2002. I retain research and teaching interests in chemistry and chemical analysis applied to environmental sciences and industrial processes. In addition to teaching initiatives, access programmes and wider university-schools liaison, I have been heavily involved in Knowledge Exchange – establishing and coordinating Science support services and R&D facilities for business and industry. I have maintained a diverse group of environmentally focused research projects, and work on policy relevant research and advisory groups in Scotland, wider UK and EU/EC.

I am an environmental geochemist, applying “earth-systems” approach to research which covers the transport/behaviour of pollutants in the environment (air quality, land degradation and remediation, and aquatic biogeochemistry), evaluating the impact on ecosystems and for human health. Data quality, analysis methods are important developmental parts of this and we work on ensuring robust information is produced (validation, QA/QC). These studies have links to policy and knowledge transfer activities which have been focused on the role and evolution of environmental management tools, issues of regulation and sustainability, and in the development of innovative R&D support mechanisms for SMEs and wider industry across industrial sectors.

Contaminated Land; Air Quality Management; Aquatic Contamination & Monitoring; Environmental Geochemistry & Health; Environmental Analytical Chemistry; Waste & Environmental Management; process development/problem solving; science-policy.

Contaminated Land; Air Quality Management; Aquatic Contamination & Monitoring; Environmental Geochemistry & Health; Environmental Analytical Chemistry; Waste & Environmental Management; process development/problem solving; science-policy.

Not available

C.W. Haig, A. Hursthouse, S. Mcilwain, D. Sykes (2015) An empirical comparison of the performance of four small scale reverse-flow cyclones, Powder Technology, Volume 275, Pages 172–181 doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2015.02.011

T. N. Nganje, A. S. Hursthouse, Aniekan Edet, D. Stirling and C. I. Adamu (2015) Assessment of the Health Risk, Aesthetic and Agricultural Quality of Rainwater, Surface Water and Groundwater in the Shale Bedrock Areas, South-eastern Nigeria Water Qual Expo Health 7 (2) Pages 153-178 DOI 10.1007/s12403-014-0136-4

Uche O. Chukwura, Goddy J. Udom, Simon J. Cuthbert and Andrew S. Hursthouse, (2015) Evaluation of hydrochemical characteristics and flow directions of groundwater quality in Udi Local Government Area Enugu State, Nigeria, Environmental Earth Sciences V 73 p 4541-4555. DOI 10.1007/s12665-014-3741-4

Lewis EEL, Child HW, Hursthouse A, Stirling D, McCully M, Paterson D, Mullin M, Berry CC. (2015) The influence of particle size and static magnetic fields on the uptake of magnetic nanoparticles into three dimensional cell-seeded collagen gel cultures. J Biomed Mater Res Part B 2015:103B:1294–1301 DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.33302

Miglena Zhiyanski, Andrew Hursthouse, Svetla Doncheva (2015) Role of different components of urban and peri-urban forests to store carbon – a case-study of the Sandanski region, Bulgaria, Jour Chem Biol Phys Sci; Section D; May 2015 – July 2015,Vol. 5, No. 3; 3114-3128.

Isotein Ikiroma-Owiye


Institute of Biomedical and Environmental Health Research

Statistics of Environmental Change, Resources and Ecosystems (SECURE)

Sustainable Development Research Network (SDRN)

Nigerian Environmental Study Action Team (NEST)

Moredun Research Institute

Not available

Not available

Present: PhD, UWS

Following an undergraduate degree in Animal Health and Production, Isotein obtained an MSc in Veterinary Public Health from the University of Glasgow and a postgraduate certificate in Veterinary Medicine from Harper Adams University. Isotein’s PhD research focuses on the influence of environmental factors and land use on the incidence of water-borne diseases in Scotland, in particular cryptosporidiosis.

Environmental Health

Climate and Health

Impacts of Land Use and Management Practices on Water-borne Diseases

Statistical Methods in Epidemiology

Consultancy interests:

Animal and human health



Geographical Information System (GIS)

Not available

Not available

Susan Mwila Kabwe


School of Science and Sport

Not available

Not available

Present: PhD, UWS

Susan is currently an MPhil/PhD student in the School of Science and Sport. She graduated from Glasgow Caledonian University with an MSc in Quantity Surveying in 2013. She also attended Glasgow Caledonian University for her undergraduate degree and graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Construction Management. Before coming to Glasgow, Susan lived in Germany where she did her Advanced levels in Sciences and started her career foundation in the Built Environment at Bauhaus University Weimar and Dortmund Technical University.

Risk analysis of water resource management in semi-arid regions

Sustainable development and infrastructure

General design and planning of infrastructure specifically homes

Project Cost analysis of sustainable infrastructure

Sustainable management of water infrastructure

Not available

Not available

Dr. Iain McLellan


Centre for Environmental Research, Institute of Biomedical and Environmental Health Research

Present: Lecturer in Environmental Chemistry

With 8 years environmental policy experience, I graduated from the University of the West of Scotland with a PhD in environmental geochemistry in 2012. In previous roles I was responsible for organisational growth, liaising with the external stakeholders to develop national guidance and policy documents as well as deliver project timescales.

Land contamination and remediation

Air quality

Ecosystem services

Onshore oil and gas extraction (shale gas, coal bed methane, coal gasification)

Not available

Adélia Varela, Celso Martins, Oscar Núñez, Isabel Martins, Jos A.M.P Houbraken, Tiago M Martins, M Cristina Leitão, Iain McLellan, Walter Vetter, M Teresa Galceran, Robert A Samson, Andrew Hursthouse and Cristina Silva Pereira (2015) “Understanding fungal functional biodiversity during the mitigation of environmentally dispersed pentachlorophenol in cork oak forest soils” Environmental Biology Online. DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.12837

Iain McLellan, Andrew Hursthouse, Calum Morrison, Adélia Varela and Cristina Silva Pereira (2013) “Development of a robust chromatographic method for the detection of chlorophenols in cork oak forest soils” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186(2): 1281

Iain McLellan, Adélia Varela, Mohamed Blahgen, Maria Daria Fumi, Abdennaceur Hassen, Nejla Hechminet, Atef Jaouani, Amel Khessairi, Karim Lyamlouli, Hadda-Imene Ouzari, Valeria Mazzoleni, Elisa Novelli, Agostino Pintus, Càtia Rodrigues, Pino Angelo Ruiu, Cristina Silva Pereira and Andrew Hursthouse (2013) “Harmonisation of physical and chemical methods for soil management in Cork Oak forests – Lessons from collaborative investigations” African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 7(6): 386

Iain McLellan, Andrew Hursthouse, Adélia Varela and Cristina Silva Pereira (2013) “Geochemical approach to assessing human impacts in Cork Oak forest soils of the MED region” Journal of Geochemical Exploration 132:34

Carvalho, M.B., Martins, I., Leitão, M.C., Rodrugues, C., Garcia, H., San Romão, M.V., McLellan, I., Hursthouse, A. and Silva Pereira, C. (2009) “Pentachlorophenol degradation by ascomycete fungi species.” Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 36(10): 1249

Zermina Qayyum


Centre for Environmental Research

Not available

Not available

Present: PhD “Geospatial analysis of climate change vulnerability in South Asia using Remote Sensing”.

Zermina joined UWS in October 2015 to undertake a PhD focusing on geospatial analysis of climate change vulnerability in South Asia using remote sensing. Prior to starting her doctoral studies, Zermina was a research scholar in the remote sensing and GIS group in the Department of Space Science at the University of the Punjab in Pakistan where she also gained her MPhil and BSc (Hons) degrees.

Climatology and Climate Change

Remote Sensing

Geographical Information System (GIS)

Not available

ul-Haq, Z., Rana, A. D., Ali, M., Mahmood, K., Tariq, S., and Qayyum, Z. (2015) Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions and its tropospheric variability over Pakistan using satellite-sensed data. Advances in Space Research. Vol.56(4), pp.583-595.

Dr. Brian Quinn


Centre for Environmental Research, Institute of Biomedical and Environmental Health Research

Present: Lecturer in Ecotoxicology

I am ecotoxicologist / environmental toxicologist investigating the effects of novel pollutants on both invertebrates and fish exposed in the aquatic environment. My PhD focused on investigating the endocrine disrupting potential of both municipal effluent and Nonylphenol on the freshwater zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). I received a visiting fellowship from the Canadian government to undertake a post-doc with Environment Canada in the St Lawrence Centre, Montreal, where I helped develop bioassays to investigate the effects of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment.

In 2008 I received a Developing Environmental Research Potential (DERP) award from the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This project focused on pharmaceuticals in the Irish aquatic environment, their chemical analysis and biological effects and was biomarker focused, both the development of new biomarkers and investigating how their expression can indicate effects at a population level. I am currently investigating the potential for human diagnostic technologies to be used in environmental monitoring. I have developed and teach various modules in environmental science at both under and postgraduate levels.

Ecotoxicology & Environmental Toxicology

Municipal effluent toxicity

Biomarker expression and development


Environmental Chemistry

Aquatic Invertebrate Tissue Culture

Not available

McEneff, G., Barron, L., Kelleher, B., Paull, B. and Quinn, B. 2013. A year-long study of the spatial occurrence and relative distribution of pharmaceutical residues in sewage effluent, receiving waters and marine bivalves. Accepted for publication in Science of the Total Environment.

McEneff, G., Barron, L., Kelleher, B., Paull, B. and Quinn, B. 2013. The determination of pharmaceutical residues in cooked and uncooked marine bivalves using pressurised liquid extraction, solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405 (29): 9509-9521.

Schmidt, W., Rainville, L-C., McEneff, G., Sheehan, D., Quinn, B. 2013. Evaluation of chronic sub-lethal effects of the pharmaceuticals diclofenac and gemfibrozil on marine mussels (Mytilus spp.) using a proteomic approach. Drug Testing & Analysis, In Press. (DOI 10.1002/dta.1463).

Quinn, B., Gagne, F., Blaise, C., 2012. Hydra, A model system for environmental studies. Invited review. International Journal of Developmental Biology, 56: 613-625.

Quinn, B., Schmidt, W., McEneff, G., Curran, L., O’Rourke, K., Foley V. 2012. Chronic effects of diclofenac on fish and mussels measured using human diagnostic techniques. Extended abstract, SETAC, Berlin, 2012.

Dr. Samuel Rice


Exploration Geosciences Group

Not available

Not available

Present: PDRA, University of Western Scotland

PhD in “The Role of an Upper Cretaceous Volcanic Arc in the Tectonic Assembly of the Tethyan Suture Zone: Pontides, Northern Turkey”. University of Edinburgh, 2005.

Geoscience. Structural Geology. Tectonics. Subduction. Orogenesis. Earth History. Exploration. Mineralisation of precious metal ores

Not available

Samuel P. Rice, Alastair H. F. Robertson and Timur Ustaömer (2006). Late Cretaceous-Early Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Eurasian active margin in the Central and Eastern Pontides, northern Turkey. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 260(1): 413-445.

Samuel P. Rice, Alastair H. F. Robertson, Timur Ustaömer, Nurdan İnan and Kemal Taslı (2009). Late Cretaceous–Early Eocene tectonic development of the Tethyan suture zone in the Erzincan area, Eastern Pontides, Turkey. Geological Magazine 146(04): 567-590.

Stephen J. Vincent, Andrew Carter, Vladimir A. Lavrishchev, Samuel P. Rice, Teimuraz G. Barabadze and Niels Hovius. (2011). The exhumation of the western Greater Caucasus: a thermochronometric study. Geological Magazine 148(01): 1-21.

Elena Sesana


Not available

Not available

Not available

Present: PhD, UWS?

Risk, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change of cultural heritage in Scotland.

Not available

Not available

Mpala Sibonakaliso


Environmental Initiatives Research, Institute of Biomedical & Environmental Health Research

Not available

After enrolling into a BEng programme in 2004 at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Sibonakaliso joined Dabane Trust as a part-time intern in 2007. Through Dabane Trust, a Zimbabwean based NGO, he has worked with disadvantaged communities throughout Zimbabwe specialising in the installation of low cost sand river water extraction technologies. After graduating with a BEng in Civil and Water Engineering from NUST in 2009, Sibonakaliso continued working for Dabane Trust as water, structural, and GIS engineer. Through Dabane Trust he has recently completed a 24-month long consultancy project with the City of Bulawayo, helping to rehabilitate the city utility infrastructure as the prime GIS Engineer.

In 2011, Sibonakaliso enrolled as a part-time postgraduate student at UWS; his project aims at developing and implementing remote sensing techniques that can be used to identify alluvial river aquifers with potential for a yearlong sustainable water supply. This will help in cutting down survey costs for NGOs investigating water resources as most of the survey work can be done in the office with ground verification being done only for sites that have shown signs of potential. He also hopes to develop guidelines for the sustainable abstraction of water from alluvial aquifers based on measured water level and alluvial depth, which are simple parameters that can be determined at a community level.

Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Civil Engineering

Water storage mechanisms in alluvial aquifers.

Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing in alluvial aquifer prospecting with emphasis on Radar for sub-surface imaging and Thermal Infrared Imagery for shallow groundwater delineation.

Use of InSAR for detection of changes in ground level due to changes in alluvial aquifer storage.

Consultancy interests:

Hydrogeological surveys.

Design of Geographical Information Systems and Infrastructure Management Systems.

Design of small scale community level water supply systems.

Consultancy project details:

Company Name: City of Bulawayo

Project Title: Bulawayo Water and Sanitation Emergency Response (BOWSER) project

Project Description:

Rehabilitation of the City of Bulawayo’s ageing water and sewerage infrastructure.

Mapping of the City’s infrastructure and creation of a GIS

Creation of an ArcGIS based Infrastructure Management System (IMS)

Training the City of Bulawayo’s staff on the design and operation of a GIS and IMS and use of top of the range Differential GPs units for data collection

Not available

Not available

Recent publications:

Cai, X., Li, Z., Scott, E. M., Li, X., and Tang, M. (2016) Short-term effects of atmospheric particulate matter on myocardial infarction: a cumulative meta-analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 7, pp. 6139-6148. (doi:10.1007/s11356-016-6186-3) (PMID:26846245)

Elayouty, A., Scott, M., Miller, C., Waldron, S., and Franco-Villoria, M. (2016) Challenges in modeling detailed and complex environmental data sets: a case study modeling the excess partial pressure of fluvial CO2. Evironmental and Ecological Statistics, 23(1), pp. 65-87. (doi:10.1007/s10651-015-0329-4)

Altieri, L., Cocchi, D., Greco, F., Illian, J. B., and Scott, E. M. (2016) Bayesian P-splines and advanced computing in R for a changepoint analysis on spatio-temporal point processes. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, (Accepted for Publication)

Altieri, L., Scott, E. M., Cocchi, D., and Illian, J. B. (2015) A changepoint analysis of spatio-temporal point processes. Spatial Statistics, 14(B), pp. 197-207. (doi:10.1016/j.spasta.2015.05.005)

Dunlop, K.M., Ruxton, G.D., Scott, E.M., and Bailey, D.M. (2015) Absolute abundance estimates from shallow water baited underwater camera surveys; a stochastic modelling approach tested against field data. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 472, pp. 126-134. (doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2015.07.010)

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