Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Prof. Doerthe Tetzlaff

Research interests:

The basic aim of my research is to understand spatial and temporal variability into how catchments function and behave hydrologically at different scales; hydrological process linkages and the associated landscape controls. Importantly, my work involves the exploration of the inter-linkages between catchment hydrology and hydroecology; and how the variability of hydrological behaviour of catchments and in-stream hydrology influences the structure and function of riverine habitats.

These research objectives are integrated in the following research themes by close linkages:

I. Catchment dynamics and hydrological behaviour

II. Interfaces between terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems

III. Riverine ecosystems – ecologically meaningful hydrological/hydraulic assessment

Career history:

Higher Education:

2013 DSc, University of Aberdeen: “Tracing connections between landscapes and riverscapes – conceptualizing the links between catchment hydrology and in-stream ecology”

2004 PhD in Hydrology (Dr. rer. Nat.), University of Freiburg, Germany: “Ecologically meaningful hydrological assessment of flow dynamics in urban rivers”

1999 MSc in Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology, Department of Physical Geography and Ecology, University of Hanover, Germany; Master thesis at CSIRO Land and Water Townsville, Queensland, Australia

1994 BSc in Geography, University of Potsdam, Germany

Employment History:

2010-date: Professor of Hydrology and Landscape Ecology, School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen (maternity leave 06/2011-12/2011)

2009-2010: Reader (Associate Professor) in Hydrology, School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen

2008: Founding member of the Northern Rivers Institute, School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen

2007-2009: Lecturer in Hydrology, School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen

2004-2007: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Geoscience, University of Aberdeen (German Research Foundation Fellowship, DFG, German equivalent of NERC Research Fellowship)

2000-2004: Research Assistant, Institute of Hydrology, University of Freiburg, Germany

1999-2000: Research Assistant, Department of Soil Sciences, University of Hanover, Germany

Active research projects:

Recent research grants

VeWa: Vegetation effects on water flow and mixing in high-latitude ecosystems– Capability of headwater catchments to mediate potential climate change. ERC (European Research Council) Starting Grant, Principal Investigator. 2013-2018.

SIWA: Climate impact on the carbon emission and export from Siberian inland water). NERC, European JPI Climate Joint Call for Transnational Collaborative Research Projects on Artic/ Boreal Systems. Co-investigator. 2015-2018.

ConSIST Collaboratory – CHile Scotland ISotope Collaboratory. Royal Society, Newton Institutional Links grants. UK Principal Investigator. 2015-2016.

Linking small-scale hydrological flow paths, connectivity and microbiological transport to protect remote private water supplies 2015-2019.

PLATO: Plant-water interlinkages in northern uplands.Leverhulme Trust, Principal Investigator. 2014-2017.

Recent publications:

Peralta-Tapia, A., Soulsby, C., Tetzlaff, D., Sponseller, R., Bishop, K. & Laudon, H. ‘Hydroclimatic influences on non-stationary transit time distributions in a boreal headwater catchment’. Journal of Hydrology.

Blumstock, M., Tetzlaff, D., Dick, J., Nuetzmann, G. & Soulsby, C. (in press). ‘Spatial organisation of groundwater dynamics and streamflow response from different hydropedological units in a montane catchment’. Hydrological Processes.

Soulsby, C., Birkel, C., Geris, J. & Tetzlaff, D. (2015). ‘The isotope hydrology of a large river system regulated for hydropower’. River Research and Applications, vol 31, no. 3, pp. 335-349.

Geris, J., Tetzlaff, D., Seibert, J., Vis, M. & Soulsby, C. (2015). ‘Conceptual modelling to assess hydrological impacts and evaluate environmental flow scenarios in montane river systems regulated for hydropower’. River Research and Applications, vol 31, no. 9, pp. 1066-1081.

Geris, J., Tetzlaff, D., McDonnell, JJ. & Soulsby, C. (2015). ‘The relative role of soil type and tree cover on water storage and transmission in northern headwater catchments’. Hydrological Processes, vol 29, no. 7, pp. 1844-1860.

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