Religion and conservation; conservation and development; political ecology
2020-2024 PhD in Geography, University of Edinburgh
2018-2019 MSc in Environment and Development (with distinction), University of Edinburgh
2011-2015 BA in Environmental Studies (with honours), Temple University
Faith in the Forest: Christianity, Conservation, and Relationships in the Dakatcha Woodland, Kenya
Rowe, P. and Baya, S., 2022 (forthcoming). ‘Cultivating Faith? Exploring the role of faith-based relationships in a Christian conservation agriculture programme in the Dakatcha Woodland, Kenya’ in S. Awoyemi, R. Borde, A. Gosler and A. Ormsby (eds.), Religion and Nature Conservation: Global Case Studies. Routledge.
Ruwanpura, K.N., Rowe, P. and Chan, L., 2020. ‘Of bombs and belts: Exploring potential ruptures within China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Sri Lanka.’ The Geographical Journal, 186(3), pp.339-345.