Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Octrai Adi Prasojo

Research interests:

I have been interested in Quantitative Sedimentology since I was in my BSc. Growing my interest in Quantitative Sedimentology leads me to cross paths quite often with Physical Geography experts and that was when I met my PhD supervisors. With the lack of quantification and theoretical framework in sedimentology society, I intent to build theoretical frameworks of river deltas using numerical models. I am currently distinguishing autogenic-allogenic signals from the river delta stratigraphy by building up a theoretical threshold between these two forces. Hopefully, by working on the allogenic-autogenic interactions, I could produce a more robust environmental signal extraction from river delta deposits.

Career history:

My BSc is in Geology from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. I continued my study at Institut Francais du Petrole, France with a specialisation in reservoir geoscience. I was then working as a Geology lecturer specialised in Sedimentology in Universitas Indonesia for 2 years before coming to Glasgow to commence my PhD.

Active research projects:

1. Scaling relationships of the global river deltas: understanding the growth predictability and avulsion-bifurcation mechanisms
2. Sustainability of gravel mining in the Philippines: a numerical modelling perspective

Recent publications:

Prasojo, O. A., Hoey, T. B., Owen, A., & Williams, R. D. (2022). Slope break and avulsion locations scale consistently in global deltas. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL093656.

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