Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Mary Abed Al Ahad

Research interests:

My research interests are in Environmental sciences, public health, environmental epidemiology, demography methods, ethnic inequalities, mortality, and migration.

Career history:

Before my PhD, I did my masters in Environmental Sciences with a focus on Environmental Health at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon. My masters dissertation was on the topic of solid waste management in Lebanon and its policy implications. I also worked for one year as a research assistant after my masters studies in the field of public health and epidemiology.

Currently, I am in my final year of PhD where I investigate the effect of ambient air pollution on health and mortality by ethnicity in the UK. I am also working as a research fellow in the MigrantLife project where I investigate the family, employment and housing dynamics among immigrants in Europe.

Active research projects:

The title of my thesis is as follows: Air Pollution, Health, Mortality, and Ethnicity: Analysis of Longitudinal and Census Data from the United Kingdom with High-Resolution Spatial Data

In this PhD project, I investigate the impact of multiple air pollutants on health and mortality by ethnicity using individual-level census and longitudinal data linked to high-resolution air pollution data from the UK.

Recent publications:

• Abed Al Ahad, M. (2022). The spatial-temporal effect of air pollution on GP visits and hospital admissions
by ethnicity in the United Kingdom: An individual-level analysis. medRxiv.
• Abed Al Ahad M., Demšar U., Sullivan F., Kulu H. (2022). Does Long-Term Air Pollution Exposure Affect
Self-Reported Health and Limiting Long Term Illness Disproportionately for Ethnic Minorities in the UK? A
Census-Based Individual Level Analysis. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy,
• Dhaini, SR, Abed Al Ahad, M, Simon, M, Ausserhofer, D, Abu-Saad Huijer, H, Elbejjani, M. (2022).
Repeated assessments and predictors of nurses’ shift-specific perceived workload. Nursing Forum. 1- 8.
• Abed Al Ahad M., Demšar U., Sullivan F., Kulu H. (2022). Air pollution and individuals’ mental well-being
in the adult population in United Kingdom: A spatial-temporal longitudinal study and the moderating effect of
ethnicity. PLOS ONE, 17(3): e0264394.
• Abed Al Ahad, M., Elbejjani, M., Simon, M., Ausserhofer, D., Abu-Saad Huijer, H., & Dhaini, S. R. (2021).
Variability, shift-specific workloads and rationed care predictors of work satisfaction among Registered
nurses providing acute care: A longitudinal study. Nursing Open, 00, 1– 10.
• Abed Al Ahad, M., Sullivan, F., & Kulu, H. (2021, October). The effect of 10-years air pollution exposure on
self-perceived health in the United Kingdom: A multi-ethnicity census-based study. In APHA 2021 Annual
Meeting and Expo. APHA. URL:
• Green, D. L., Keenan, K., Huque, S. I., Kesby, M., Mushi, M. F., Kansiime, C., Asiimwe, B., Kiiru, J.,
Mshana, S. E., Neema, S., Mwanga, J. R., Fredricks, K. J., Lynch, A. G., Worthington, H., Olamijuwon, E.,
Abed Al Ahad, M., Aduda, A., Mmbaga, B. T., Bazira, J., … Consortium, H. (2021). The role of
multidimensional poverty in antibiotic misuse: a study of self-medication and non-adherence in Kenya,
Tanzania, and Uganda. SSRN Electronic Journal. URL:
• Abed Al Ahad, M., Sullivan, F., Demšar, U., Melhem, M., & Kulu, H. (2020). The effect of air-pollution and
weather exposure on mortality and hospital admission and implications for further research: A systematic
scoping review. PloS one, 15(10), e0241415. URL:
• Abed Al Ahad, M., Chalak, A., Fares, S., Mardigian, P., & Habib, R. R. (2020). Decentralization of solid
waste management services in rural Lebanon: Barriers and opportunities. Waste Management & Research.
DOI: “", URL:
• Abed Al Ahad, M., Chalak, A., Fares, S., Mardigian, P., & Habib, R. R. (2020, October). Local residents’
willingness to pay higher taxes for the management of solid wastes in rural Lebanon. In APHA’s 2020
VIRTUAL Annual Meeting and Expo (Oct. 24-28). American Public Health Association. URL:
• Abed Al Ahad, M., Chalak, A., Fares, S., & Habib, R. R. (2021, May). Households’ Willingness to Pay for a
Local Recycling Program: A Case Study from Lebanon. In Waste-to-Resources 2021 9th International
Symposium Circular Economy, MBT, MRF and Recycling 2021 (18th – 20th of May 2021) Online Event.
• El-Khoury, J., Beayno, A., Elbejjani, M., Abed Al Ahad, M., Majari, G., Ahmad, A., & Noufi, P. (2020). The
association of antidepressant monotherapy and weight change in a Middle Eastern psychiatric population.
International Clinical Psychopharmacology: July 2020 – Volume 35 – Issue 4 – p 201-207 doi:
10.1097/YIC.0000000000000309. URL:
• Malek, EG, Elbejjani, M, Abbas, R, Abed Al Ahad, M, Isma’eel, H, Makki, A. TOAST classification and risk
factors of ischemic stroke in Lebanon. Acta Neurol Scand. 2019; 00: 1– 7. DOI:
"", URL:
• Dhaini, S.R., Simon, M., Ausserhofer, D., Abed Al Ahad, M., Elbejjani, M., Dumit, N. and Huijer, H.A.‐S.
(2020), Trends and variability of implicit rationing of care across time and shifts in an acute care hospital: a
longitudinal study. J Nurs Manag. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/jonm.13035, URL:
• Elbejjani, M., Abed Al Ahad, M., Simon, M. et al. Work environment-related factors and nurses’ health
outcomes: a cross-sectional study in Lebanese hospitals. BMC Nurs 19, 95 (2020). URL:

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