Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Kelly James

Research interests:

The effects of climate change on the services and functions of coastal ecosystem (for example, blue carbon, functional diversity and biodiversity).

Career history:

BSc – Marine Biology 1st University of Glasgow
MSc – Quantitative Methods in Biodiversity Conservation and Epidemiology Distinction University of Glasgow
PhD – Geographical and Earth Sciences University of Glasgow – Current
Internships completed at Marine Scotland and Nature Scot

Active research projects:

Scottish maerl bed blue carbon in a changing world

Recent publications:

James, K., Campbell, N., Vioarsson, J., et al., (2018). Tools and Technologies for the Monitoring, Control and surveillance of Unwanted Catches. In Uhlmann, S. S., Ulrich, C., and Kennelly, S (ed.), The European Landing Obligation. Springer, pp 383-382. As part of the DiscardLess project.

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