Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Keiko Nomura

Research interests:

My research interests include drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, biomass and carbon credits, and sustainable agriculture.

Career history:

I am currently a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh. Before coming to Edinburgh, I was working for the UN-REDD programme, which supports national governments to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.

Active research projects:

My research projects involve the use of remote sensing techniques and satellite data in a transparent and user-friendly manner. I am open to discuss and take on new projects.

Recent publications:

Nomura, Keiko, et al. "Missed carbon emissions from forests: comparing countries’ estimates submitted to UNFCCC to biophysical estimates." Environmental Research Letters (2019).

Nomura, Keiko, and Edward Mitchard. "More Than Meets the Eye: Using Sentinel-2 to Map Small Plantations in Complex Forest Landscapes." Remote Sensing 10.11 (2018): 1693.

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