Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Josephine Zimba

Department / group: School of Geographical & Earth Sciences
Institution URL:
Personal URL: N/A
Google Scholar URL: N/A

Research interests:

1. Climate Change Science and its politics
2. Environmental Management
3. Vulnerability and adaptation to environmental change
4. Environmental and Natural Resources Justice and Sustainability

Career history:

PhD in Geography and Earth Science, University of Glasgow (in progress)
Master of Science in Climate Change and Sustainable Development , University of Dar es Salaam (November, 2016)
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, University of Malawi (October, 2011 )

Active research projects:

Precarious Lives: Assessing the effects of climate change and urbanisation on livelihoods in Malawi

Recent publications:

Zimba, J. (2019). Book review: Resilience and Urban Disasters; Surviving Cities edited by Kamila Borsekova & Peter Nijkamp. Urban Studies, 56(16): 3556-3558

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