Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Jeremy Froidevaux

Research interests:

I am a conservation biologist with broad interests in wildlife ecology and conservation. My research mainly focuses on:
i) Evaluating the impacts of several anthropogenic pressures on biodiversity;
ii) Assessing the effectiveness of conservation measures to enhance biodiversity;
iii) Investigating the effects of habitat management and land-use changes on biodiversity at multiple spatial scales.

Career history:

Current positions
Since 2021. Leverhulme Research Fellow at the University of Stirling, UK. Funded by the Leverhulme Trust. From bats to bees: effects of artificial electromagnetic fields on biodiversity.
Since 2021. Research Associate at the French National Museum of Natural History.
Since 2019. Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Bristol .

2020-2021. Postdoctoral Fellow (9 months). French National Museum of Natural History. Funded by SAD Bretagne. Modelling bat activity at the regional scale to predict areas of potential conflict with wind energy development.
2019-2020. Postdoctoral Fellow (15 months). French National Institute for Agricultural Research, France & Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. EU funded project CERES: connectivity of forest and riparian ecosystems of the SUDOE.

Active research projects:

From bats to bees: effects of artificial electromagnetic fields on biodiversity. Funded by the Leverhulme Trust.

The rapid increase of artificial electromagnetic fields (EMF) in natural environments has recently been identified as a major emerging issue threatening biodiversity. Yet, there are currently insufficient data derived from field realistic exposure. Using bats (vertebrates) and bumblebees (invertebrates) as model organisms, I aim to test the potential impacts of EMF arising from power lines and the commissioning of 5G wireless technology on biodiversity. This work is of broad applied value as there is an urgent need to quantify the effects of EMF on biodiversity so that we can mitigate any negative effects.

Recent publications:

5-Froidevaux JSP, Duarte G, Fonseca A, Zina V, Conde S, Ferreira MT & MR Fernandes (2022). The location and vegetation physiognomy of ecological infrastructures determine bat activity in Mediterranean floodplain landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 332, 107929.
4-Barbaro L, Sourdril A, Froidevaux JSP, Cauchois M, Calatayud F, Deconchat M & A Gasc (2022). Linking acoustic diversity to compositional and configurational heterogeneity in mosaic landscapes. Landscape Ecology 37, 1125–1143.
3-Froidevaux JSP, Laforge A, Larrieu L, Barbaro L, Park K, Fialas PC & G Jones (2022). Tree size, microhabitat diversity and landscape structure determine the value of isolated trees for bats in farmland. Biological Conservation 267, 109476.
2-Laforge A, Archaux F, Coulon A, Sirami C, Froidevaux JSP, Gouix N, Ladet S, Martin H, Barré K, Claireau F, Kerbiriou C, Roemer C & L Barbaro (2021). Landscape composition and life-history traits influence bat movement and space use: analysis of 30 years of published telemetry
1-Froidevaux JSP, Barbaro L, Vinet O, Larrieu L, Bas Y, Molina J, Calatayud F & A Brin (2021). Bat responses to changes in forest composition and prey abundance depend on landscape matrix and stand structure. Scientific Reports 10586.

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