Broadly, my research interests revolve around the relationship between society and nature, including nature conservation, protected area management, landscape assessment, cultural landscape values (with a specific focus on outdoor recreation, sense of place, place attachment and tranquillity), and public attitudes towards landscape change, including towards landscape restoration and rewilding.
In my research I use qualitative and quantitative approaches and a variety of data sources, including interviews, public surveys, social media photographs, digitised text sources (e.g. hiking blogs) and participatory GIS.
Since July 2020: Lecturer in Geography and Environment, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
2018 – 2020 PostDoc at the Swiss Federal Research Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape on further developing the Swiss Landscape Monitoring Programme for the Federal Office of the Environment
2017 -2018 PostDoc at the Institute of Geography, School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, UK. Project on mapping tranquillity as a landscape quality in a Scottish national park using interviews and social media data. Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
2016 -2017: PostDoc at the Geography Department, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Project on combining quantitative and qualitative methods for assessing cultural landscape values from bottom-up descriptions. Funded by the cogito foundation.
2016: PhD in Geography at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Title: From Space to Place in the Bolivian Amazon – Representing Landscape Perceptions with Ethnographic and GIS Approaches.
Extracting cultural landscape values from written contemporary and historical text data sources
Outdoor recreation behaviour in different landscapes
Wartmann, F. M., Frick, J., Kienast, F., & Hunziker, M. (2021). Factors influencing visual landscape quality perceived by the public. Results from a national survey. Landscape and Urban Planning, 208, 104024.
Wartmann, F. M., Koblet, O., & Purves, R. S. (2021). Assessing experienced tranquillity through natural language processing and landscape ecology measures. Landscape Ecology, 1-19.
van Putten, S., O’Meara, C., Wartmann, F., Yager, J., Villette, J., Mazzuca, C., … & Majid, A. (2020). Conceptualisations of landscape differ across European languages. Plos one, 15(10), e0239858.
Wartmann, F. M., & Mackaness, W. A. (2020). Describing and mapping where people experience tranquillity. An exploration based on interviews and Flickr photographs. Landscape Research, 45(5), 662-681.
Komossa, F., Wartmann, F. M., Kienast, F., & Verburg, P. H. (2020). Comparing outdoor recreation preferences in peri-urban landscapes using different data gathering methods. Landscape and Urban Planning, 199, 103796.