Specific interest in the effects of anthropogenic stressors on aquatic ecosystems, in particular quantifying the effects of microplastic pollution on aquatic organisms. Strongly believe that scientists must collaborate and merge environmental outreach and education with their research, in order to make positive change regarding environmental issues.
2019 – present : PhD Studentship University of Stirling
Currently investigating the extent of microplastic contamination in larval lamprey in Scottish rivers, supervised by Dr Colin Bull. Presently conducting environmental surveys quantifying microplastic contamination in biota and sediment, prior to conducting ecotoxicology studies on larvae under experimental conditions. Environmental sampling, chemical and enzymatic digestions, micro-FTIR, data analysis in RStudio.
2017 – 2019 : MSc by Research University of Exeter
Masters project researching the developmental effects of microplastic contamination co-supervised by Dr Eva Jimenez-Guri, Prof. Brendan Godley and Prof. Tamara Galloway (publication).
Morphological assessment, fluorescent immunohistochemistry, analytical chemistry, FTIR, GC/MS, HPLC, data analysis in RStudio.
2014 – 2017:BSc (Hons) Zoology First Class Honours University of Exeter
Personal research area: Investigating the adaptive significance of green fluorescent proteins in Anemonia viridis and the associated symbiont physiology.
Plastics and the Hidden Majority: Conservation Implications for a Threatened UK Freshwater Fish
University of Stirling, Biological & Environmental Sciences – In partnership with Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and Scottish Natural Heritage
Supervisory Team: Dr Colin Bull, Dr Elma Lahive, Dr Richard Quilliam, Professor Colin Bean, Professor Nigel Willby and Dr David Oliver
Lamprey, ecotoxicology, microplastic, conservation and management, leachates, contaminants, additives, sludge, hydrophobic organic contaminants
Rendell-Bhatti, F., Paganos, P., Pouch, A., Mitchell, C., D’Aniello, S., Godley, B. J., … & Jimenez-Guri, E. (2020). Developmental toxicity of plastic leachates on the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. Environmental Pollution, 115744.