Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Elisa Giammarini

Research interests:

Environmental impact on antimicrobial resistance
Environmental bacterial profiles, including resistance genes
Contaminated Vs non contaminated microbiome
Impact of environmental contaminants on human health
Geochemical markers for environmental and human health impact assessment

Career history:

University of the West of Scotland – MPhil/PhD Oct 2020 to Present
How the anthropogenically contaminated environment and the interaction bacteria-protists
favour the rise of antimicrobial resistance.

University of the West of Scotland – Master’s Degree in Advanced Biomedical Science
First class Distinction and Court Medal 2020
Dissertation: Acanthamoeba Keratitis: What happens when the Acanthamoeba is in bad

Università degli studi di Camerino – Master`s degree Management of coastal resources and
marine environment.
110/110 2017
Dissertation: Management of Pedaso’s coast and institution of Site of Community Importance.
Project funded by the EU.

Università degli studi di Camerino – Master’s degree Biological Science: curriculum for
molecular diagnostics and biotechnology.
110/110 cum Laude 2014
Dissertation: Cytochrome b sequencing of a 5,100 – 5,350 years old Alpine ibex (Capra ibex
Duration:13 months research project. Key competences developed: DNA sequencing,
Phylogenetic analysis and use of bioinformatic software.

Università "Carlo Bo" Urbino – Bachelor’s degree Biotechnology: Curriculum for design of
therapeutics, diagnostics and vaccines.
105/110 2011
Dissertation: Diagnostic and therapeutic applications of Single Chain Fragment Variables.

Active research projects:

Bacteria-amoebae interactions: investigating their relationship with an insight on how the anthropogenically contaminated environment and the interaction bacteria-protists favour the rise of antimicrobial resistance.
AMSPARE-advanced metagenomics senses and photocatalysis for antimicrobial resistance elimination: Scotland-India collaboration on environmental identification monitoring and mitigation strategies with regards to AMR.

Recent publications:

Paradigms of Protist/Bacteria Symbioses Affecting Human Health: Acanthamoeba species and Trichomonas vaginalis-

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