My research focuses on:
1) aquatic biogeochemical carbon cycling, particularly the quantity, quality and re-processing of dissolved organic carbon;
2) knowledge exchange and public engagement for science communication.
Nov. 2016 – present research associate, University of Glasgow, UK
Project title: UK-China MIDST CZ: Maximising Impact by Decision Support Tools for sustainable soil and water through UK-China CZ science
MIDST is a NERC-funded research programme. Building on the 1st phase UK-China Critical Zone Observatory (2016-2019), MIDST will use quantitative understanding of the Critical Zone to develop novel Decision Support Tools (DSTs) for agricultural development in China. These will guide farmers and policy-makers in optimising land and water management for sustainable development, while ensure food production.
1. Y. Zheng, S. Waldron and H. Flowers (2018) ‘Fluvial dissolved organic carbon composition varies spatially and seasonally in a small catchment draining a wind farm and felled forest’. Science of the Total Environment, 626:785-794.
2. Y. Zheng, L. Naylor, S. Waldron and D. Oliver (2019), ‘Knowledge management across the environment-policy interface in China: what knowledge is exchanged, why, and how is this undertaken?’. Environmental Science and Policy, 92: 66-75.
3. Y. Zheng, L. Naylor, S. Waldron and D. Oliver (2018). Summary Report of China- UK Knowledge Exchange Project for Their Critical Zone Programme.