Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Dr Ying Zheng

Department / group: School of Geographical & Earth Sciences
Personal URL: N/A
Google Scholar URL: N/A

Research interests:

My research focuses on:
1) aquatic biogeochemical carbon cycling, particularly the quantity, quality and re-processing of dissolved organic carbon;
2) knowledge exchange and public engagement for science communication.

Career history:

Nov. 2016 – present research associate, University of Glasgow, UK

Active research projects:

Project title: UK-China MIDST CZ: Maximising Impact by Decision Support Tools for sustainable soil and water through UK-China CZ science

MIDST is a NERC-funded research programme. Building on the 1st phase UK-China Critical Zone Observatory (2016-2019), MIDST will use quantitative understanding of the Critical Zone to develop novel Decision Support Tools (DSTs) for agricultural development in China. These will guide farmers and policy-makers in optimising land and water management for sustainable development, while ensure food production.

Recent publications:

1. Y. Zheng, S. Waldron and H. Flowers (2018) ‘Fluvial dissolved organic carbon composition varies spatially and seasonally in a small catchment draining a wind farm and felled forest’. Science of the Total Environment, 626:785-794.

2. Y. Zheng, L. Naylor, S. Waldron and D. Oliver (2019), ‘Knowledge management across the environment-policy interface in China: what knowledge is exchanged, why, and how is this undertaken?’. Environmental Science and Policy, 92: 66-75.

3. Y. Zheng, L. Naylor, S. Waldron and D. Oliver (2018). Summary Report of China- UK Knowledge Exchange Project for Their Critical Zone Programme.

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