Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Dr. Timothy Mighall

Department / group: Department of Geography & Environment, School of Geosciences
Google Scholar URL: Not available

Research interests:

Pollen and non-pollen palynomorph analysis

Peat geochemistry and reconstructing palaeo-pollution records from bogs and lakes

Holocene vegetational history

Holocene environmental change

Career history:

Keele University: Environmental Research Unit. Position: Research Assistant Oct-Dec 1990.

Brunel University: Department of Geography & Geology. Position: Temporary Lecturer Feb-July 1991.

Coventry University: Geography Subject Area. Position: Lecturer (1991-1994) Senior Lecturer (1994-2005).

University of Aberdeen: Department of Geography & Environment, School of Geosciences (2005-present) Senior Lecturer in Palaeoecology.

Active research projects:

1. Land degradation and environmental change in the Karoo, Eastern Cape, South Africa. See

2. The function and environmental impact of burnt mounds in prehistory.

3. The ecology and landscapes of early medieval royal centres.

4. Placing early mining and metalworking into its environmental context. See

5. Holocene environmental changes in NW Iberia

Recent publications:

Wheeler, J., Timpany, S., Mighall, TM. & Scott, L. (in press). ‘A palaeoenvironmental investigation of two prehistoric burnt mound sites in Northern Ireland’. Geoarchaeology-An International Journal.

Martinez Cortizas, A., Lopez-Merino, L., Bindler, R., Mighall, TM. & Kylander, ME. (2016). ‘Early atmospheric metal pollution provides evidence for Chalcolithic/Bronze Age mining and metallurgy in Southwestern Europe’. Science of the Total Environment, vol 545-546, pp. 398-406.

Brown, TG., Davis, SR., Hatton, J., O’Brien, C., Reilly, F., Taylor, K., Dennehy, KE., O’Donnell, L., Bermingham, N., Mighall, T., Timpany, S., Tetlow, E., Wheeler, J. & Wynne, S. (in press). ‘The Environmental Context and Function of Burnt-Mounds: New Studies of Irish Fulachtaí Fiadh’. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society.

Silva Sánchez, N., Martínez-Cortizas, A., Abel-Schaad, D., López-Sáez, JA. & Mighall, TM. (in press). ‘Influence of climate change and human activities on the organic and inorganic composition of peat during the Little Ice Age (El Payo mire, W Spain)’. The Holocene.

Silva-Sánchez, N., Schofield, JE., Mighall, TM., Martínez Cortizas, A., Edwards, KJ. & Foster, I. (2015). ‘Climate changes, lead pollution and soil erosion in south Greenland over the past 700 years’. Quaternary Research, vol 84, no. 2, pp. 159-173.

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