Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Dr. Tavis Potts

Research interests:

Dr Tavis Potts is a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at the University of Aberdeen. His interest spans the critical examination of the social and political dimensions of environmental governance, including the emergence of new governance ideologies, the design of policy and legal instruments and how these instruments play out in the social context. Specific areas of interest include the process and effectiveness of marine spatial planning and coastal governance; the political economy of ecosystem services and the ecosystem approach; market based approaches to environmental governance (in particular eco-labelling approaches) and the development of green / low carbon economies in theory and practice. Geographically Dr Potts has long term research interests in the UK and Scotland, Australia, Canada, China and the Polar Regions.

Career history:

September 2014 – Present: Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Aberdeen

September 2006 – August 2014: Senior Lecturer, Scottish Association for Marine Science

2004-2006: Postdoctoral Fellow in Environmental Policy, University of Western Sydney

2003-2004: Sustainability manager, Sydney City Council

Active research projects:

Not available

Recent publications:

Alexander, K., Angel, D., Freeman, S., Israel, D., Johansen, J., Kletou, D., D, M., D., P., Rebours, C., M., R., Shorten, M. & Potts, T. (2016). ‘Improving sustainability of aquaculture in Europe: Stakeholder dialogues on Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture’. Environmental Science & Policy, vol 55, no. 1, pp. 96-106.

Potts, T., O’Higgins, T., Brennan, R., Cinnirella, S., Brandt, US., Suarez De Vivero, JL., Troost, T., Paltriguera, L. & Gunduz Hosgor, A. (2015). ‘Detecting critical choke points for achieving Good Environmental Status in European seas’. Ecology and Society, vol 20, no. 1, 29.

Alexander, KA., Potts, TP., Freeman, S., Israel, D., Johansen, J., Kletou, D., Meland, M., Pecorino, D., Rebours, C., Shorten, M. & Angel, DL. (2015). ‘The implications of Aquaculture Policy and Regulation for the Development of Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture in Europe’. Aquaculture, vol 443, pp. 16-23.

Kerr, S., Watts, L., Colton, J., Conway, F., Hull, A., Johnson, K., Jude, S., Kannen, A., MacDougall, S., McLachlan, C., Potts, T. & Vergunst, J. (2014). ‘Establishing an agenda for social studies research in marine renewable energy’. Energy Policy, vol 67, pp. 694-702.

Potts, T., Burdon, D., Jackson, E., Atkins, J., Saunders, J., Hastings, E., Langmead, O. & Potts, T. (2014). ‘Do marine protected areas deliver flows of ecosystem services to support human welfare?’. Marine Policy, vol 44, pp. 139-148.

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