My Research areas:
Urban Environments: urban water and greenspace management; built/natural environment interactions; urban sustainability
Urban Ecosystem Services: goods and services provided by the environment which are particularly relevant in urban areas; multiple benefits.
Water: sustainable water management; SUDS; surface water management
Rivers/Hydromorphology: river restoration, catchment science, natural flood management
Senior Lecturer, Environmental Science
University of Abertay Dundee
September 2014 – Present. School of Science, Engineering and Technology, Abertay University, Dundee, UK
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Geography
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1999 – 2002
Stream Naturalization projects in rural Illinois and urban Chicago areas. USEPA Star Grant funded project. Multi-disciplinary work and assessment focussed on stream naturalization.
PhD Student
University of Dundee
1994 – 1998
Monitoring, modelling and assessment of waterborne soil erosion from Arable land compared at 3 spatial scales.
Research Grants and Funding
-Principal Investigator 2014; Scottish Government-funded CREW project (HEI/JHI collaboration): SRDP Guidance on Rural SUDS (RSuDS)
-Co-investigator 2013: Scottish Natural Heritage/Creative Scotland funded projects for ‘Year of Natural Scotland’ Title: Making space for water: A poetry of place. With Hazel Lesley Harrison (poet) and Jo Vergunst (Aberdeen)
-Co-investigator 2013: Scottish Government-funded CREW project (HEI/SUDSWP collaboration) Title: Implementation of Source Control for Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) in Scotland
-Co-investigator 2013: Scottish Government/Scottish Crucible-funded ‘Projects for Scotland’ Title: Space to Pace (Greenspace and Health study in conjunction with Dr Helen Bridle at Heriot Watt University and others)
-Lead Investigator (for Abertay) 2013 – 2015: EU MED (Mediterranean) Programme: E2STORMED – Improvement in energy efficiency in the water cycle by the use of innovative storm water management in smart Mediterranean countries. Project leader: Ignacio Escuder Bueno, polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.
-Co-Investigator. 2013 Creative Scotland (Arts Council): ACES – Art, Science and Conflict. Artist/Scientist collaborative project with a focus on areas of environmental conflict. In collaboration with Prof Steve Redpath, Aberdeen University (and others)
Brown, I., Berry, P., Everard, M., Firbank, L., Harrison, P., Lundy, L., Quine, C., Rowan, J., Wade, R. and Watts, K., (2015). Identifying robust response options to manage environmental change using an Ecosystem Approach: a stress-testing case study for the UK. Environmental Science & Policy, 52, pp.74-88.
Jose, R., Wade, R. and Jefferies, C., (2015). Smart SUDS: recognising the multiple-benefit potential of sustainable surface water management systems. Water Science and Technology, 71(2), pp.245-251.
Wade and McLean (2014) Multiple Benefits from Green Infrastructure. In Booth and Charlesworth (Eds) Water Resources in the Built Environment: management issues and Solutions. First edition. John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Campbell, N.S, D’Arcy, B.J. and Wade, R. (2013) How to realise economic drivers for source control in a housing development: A Scottish case study. Proceedings, Novatech Conference, Lyon, France. September 2013
Wade, R. Jose, R and Lundy, L (2012). ‘Ecosystem Services Delivered by SUDS’. In: Agriculture and the Environment IX – Valuing Ecosystems: Policy, Economic and Management Interactions. Proceedings of the SAC and SEPA Biennial Conference. Edinburgh University, 3-4 April 2012.