Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Dr. Mike Mineter

Department / group: School of Geosciences, Global Change
Google Scholar URL: Not available

Research interests:

Support collaborative modelling across Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society (SAGES) partners. E-infrastructure, grid computing; parallel processing for environmental models and GIS.

I currently have roles in two Scottish collaborations. In these roles I am primarily enabling climate (and related) researchers to exploit information technologies, to enhance their research.

1. Since April 2011 I have been “Modelling Technologist” for ClimateXchange with the goal of supporting “uncertainty-aware” use of climate data to improve information given to policy-makers for adaptation and mitigation of climate change, in domains such as agriculture, bio-diversity, food security… .

2. In May 2008 I joined SAGES as the Modelling Officer of the Centre for Earth System Dynamics,to provide computing skills and support to enable collaborative modelling across SAGES groups. Particular responsibilities include porting the HadCM3 climate model to the Edinburgh cluster, Eddie and establishing the associated data management.

For the previous four years at the National e-Science Centre I created and led courses in Grid computing for the National Grid Service and the European-funded EGEE initiative.

Prior to that I parallelised and optimised a number of environmental models, publishing papers related to ice sheets, acid rainfall, ozone pollution, agro-meteorology and sustainability indicators. I also specialised in parallel and distributed algorithms for Geographical Information Systems.

Career history:

Present: Modelling Officer (See research interests for previous roles)

Active research projects:

Research Data Spring: Collaboration for Research Enhancement by Active Metadata (CREAM)

Mineter, M. & Hagdorn, M.

30/03/15 – 31/03/16

Porting and enabling use of the Community Earth System Model on ARCHER

Bollasina, M. & Mineter, M.

1/04/14 – 1/11/14

Research Collaboration with external organisation

Recent publications:

Harding, A.E., Rivington, M., Mineter, M.J. and Tett, S.F.B., 2015. Agro-meteorological indices and climate model uncertainty over the UK. Climatic Change, 128(1-2), pp.113-126.

Tett, S.F., Mineter, M.J., Cartis, C., Rowlands, D.J. and Liu, P., 2013. Can Top-of-Atmosphere Radiation Measurements Constrain Climate Predictions? Part I: Tuning. Journal of Climate, 26(23), pp.9348-9366.

Tett, S.F., Rowlands, D.J., Mineter, M.J. and Cartis, C., 2013. Can top-of-atmosphere radiation measurements constrain climate predictions? Part II: Climate sensitivity. Journal of Climate, 26(23), p.9367.

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