Dr. Wilson is a Lecturer in Marine Science and Policy at the University of Edinburgh focusing on the science-policy-society intersections of transboundary marine ecosystems and services, in particular international waters. Her current research explores emerging challenges in coastal-marine governance and marine ecology regarding infrastructure establishments in nearshore and offshore marine areas. This research builds upon two decades of experience with international organizations (World Bank, UNESCO, UNDP, IUCN, NOAA) on the establishing marine protected areas globally across diverse ecological scales, cultures and economies. Dr. Wilson has a decade of research and teaching experience with the University of Washington and University of Edinburgh, including launching a new “MSc in Marine Systems and Policies” at the University of Edinburgh. She is a Member of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, a Co-Lead on an EU Consortium Grant – Operationalizing Ecosystem Services (http://operas-project.eu) and is a Contributing Author on European coastal and marine ecosystems for the IPCC AR5, Working Group II report. Recent invited talks include: EU Mapping and Assessing Ecosystem Services (MAES); EU/IUCN Gudadeloupe Conference on Biodiversity Climate Change for EU Overseas territories and regions.
Present: Lecturer in Marine Science and Policy, University of Edinburgh
2009: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Washington
RA3261 Sharing the benefits of sustainable fisheries: from global to local legal approaches to marine ecosystem services for poverty alleviation. (linked to RA3262)
Wilson, M.
1/09/15 – 31/08/16
OPERAs – Operational Potential of Ecosystem Research Applications
Rounsevell, M., Patenaude, G., Wilson, M. & Metzger, M. J.
1/12/12 – 30/11/17
EU government bodies
Wilson, A.M.W., Mugerauer, R. and Klinger, T., 2015. Rethinking marine infrastructure policy and practice: Insights from three large-scale marina developments in Seattle. Marine Policy, 53, pp.67-82.
Lejano, R., Tan, J.M. and Wilson, M., 2015. Communicating risk: Learning from Typhoon Haiyan. Nature, 518(7537), pp.35-35.
Paul, S.A.L., 2014. Participatory Mapping and Monitoring of Intertidal Marine Resources-Piloting CyberTracker with Women in Northern Mozambique.
Vlachopoulou, E.I., Wilson, A.M. and Miliou, A., 2013. Disconnects in EU and Greek fishery policies and practices in the eastern Aegean Sea and impacts on Posidonia oceanica meadows. Ocean & coastal management, 76, pp.105-113.
Environmental Change and Built Environments in the Marine Near shore: A Comparative Analysis of the Development of Three Large-Scale Marinas in Seattle, Washington from 1950-2007. PhD Dissertation, University of Washington.