Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Dr Mark Taggart

Research interests:

An environmental analytical chemist and ecotoxicologist with 15 years’ post-doc experience and 76 publications in international journals and books. Particular expertise in analytical chemistry, environmental sampling and monitoring, soil science, wildlife forensics and ecotoxicology.

Career history:

2013-current > Senior Research Fellow and Theme Leader, ERI-UHI
2011-2013 > Research Fellow, ERI-UHI
2007-2011 > ‘Juan De La Cierva’ Research Fellow, Univ. Castilla-la-Mancha, Spain
2005-2007 > Research And Teaching Fellow, Univ. Aberdeen
2003-2005 > Post-Doc Research And Teaching Assistant, Univ. Aberdeen

Active research projects:

2016-2019. “Tracking the prevalence of NSAIDs available to vultures across the Indian sub-continent”. RSPB funded.
2016-2021. “Phos4YOU – PHOSphorus Recovery from waste water FOR YOUr Life”, led by Lippeverband. INTERREG VB NW.
2018-2019. SFC Innovation Voucher – “BIOMATRIX – New applications for Floating Ecosystem Technology – sustainably revitalizing polluted water.”
2017-2019. UHI GCRF. “Assessing the risk of veterinary drugs to Critically Endangered vultures in Pakistan and Bangladesh”.
2018-2019. MASTS-CREW. “Reduction of pharmaceuticals in the water environment: Baseline assessment and recommendations”.

Recent publications:

Cuthbert, R.J., Taggart, M.A., Prakash, V., Chakraborty, S.S., Deori, P., Galligan, T., Kulkarni, M., Ranade, S., Saini, M., Sharma, A.K., Shringarpure, R., Green, R.E., 2014. Avian scavengers and the threat from veterinary pharmaceuticals. Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B 369, 20130574.

Margalida, A., Bogliani, G., Bowden, C.G.R., Donázar, J.A., Genero, F., Gilbert, M., Karesh, W., Kock, R., Lubroth, J., Manteca, X., Naidoo, V., Neimanis, A., Sánchez-Zapata, J.A., Taggart, M.A., Vaarten, J., Yon, L., Kuiken, T., Green, R.E., 2014. One Health Approach to the use of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals. Science 346, 1296-1298.

Taggart, M.A., Richards, N., Kinney, C., 2015. Impacts of Pharmaceuticals on Terrestrial Wildlife. In: Pharmacueticals in the Environment. Edited by Hester, R.E., Harrison, R.M., Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing, Chapter 7, pages 216-254, DOI: 10.1039/9781782622345-00216. A BOOK CHAPTER.

Sanchez, M.I., Pons, I., Martinez-Haro, M, Taggart, M.A., Lenomand, T., Green, A.J., 2016. When Parasites are Good for Health: Cestode Parasitism Increases Resistance to Arsenic in Brine Shrimps. PLoS Pathogens 12, e1005459.

Richards, N., Gilbert, M., Taggart, M.A., Naidoo, V., 2017. A cautionary tale: Diclofenac and its profound impact on vultures. In: Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene. Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.09990-5. A BOOK CHAPTER.

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