Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Dr. Kimberley Bennett

Research interests:

I am a comparative physiologist working on the physiology of stress and energy balance. I have always been interested in how animals (including humans) and plants work and deal with environmental challenges.

Career history:

Lecturer in Biomedical Science, Abertay University, Dundee, UK. Aug 2015- present
Lecturer in Marine Biology, Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK. Aug 11 – July 15
McCain Fellow, Biology Department, Mount Allison University, Canada. Jul 09 – Jun 11
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Maternal and Child Health Sciences, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, University of Dundee, UK. May 06 – July 09
Teaching Assistant, Abertay University,Dundee, UK. Sept 2006-May2007

Active research projects:

NERC New Investigator standard grant: (lead applicant) £1.1 million requested in total; Obesogens in an obese animal: an experimental approach to assess the impact of marine pollutants on fat tissue function in seals. August 2015-July 2018.;

Using NIRS to understand physiology and behavioural responses of diving, fasting and moulting seals: collaborative project with SMRU

Ontogeny of foraging in grey seal pups: joint project with Plymouth University and SMRU

Eustress and distress in marine mammals: Joint project with Plymouth University

The role of marine mammals as vectors and reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance

Recent publications:

Carter, M.I.., Russell, D.J.F., Embling, C.B., Blight, C.J., Thompson, D., Hosegood, P.J., Bennett, K.A (2017) Intrinsic and extrinsic factors drive ontogeny of early-life at-sea behaviour in a marine top predator. Sci Rep 7. Article Number 15505 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41598-017-15859-8

Bennett, K.A., Robinson K.J., Moss, S.E.W., Millward, S.and Hall, A.J. (2017) Using blubber explants to investigate adipose function in grey seals: glycolytic, lipolytic and gene expression responses to glucose and hydrocortisone. Sci Rep. 7. Article number: 7731 doi:10.1038/s41598-017-06037-x

Bennett, K.A., Turner, L.M., Millward, S., Moss, S.E.W. and Hall, A.J. (2017) Obtaining accurate glucose measurements from wild animals under field conditions: comparing a hand held glucometer with a standard laboratory technique in grey seals. Conserv. Physiol. 5(1): cox013. DOI: 10.1093/conphys/cox013.

Chen, F., Shapiro, G.I., Bennett, K. A., Ingram, S.I., Thompson, D., Vincent C., Russell, D.J., Embling, C.B. (2017) Shipping noise in a dynamic sea: a case study of grey seals in the Celtic Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 114: 372-383. DOI:

Carter, M.I., Bennett, K.A., Embling, C.B., Hosegood, P.J., Russell D.J.F (2016) Navigating uncertain waters: a critical review of inferring foraging behaviour from location and dive data in pinnipeds. Movement Ecology 4:25 DOI: 10.1186/s40462-016-0090-9. Available at:

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