Response of biogeochemical cycles in terrestrial ecosystems to changes in environmental conditions, including: – Climatic Change – Human land use – Perturbations from pollution
Environmental controls on biotic CO2 flux dynamics
Plant-soil interactions at the boreal treeline
Plant-soil interactions in the decomposition of soil carbon in the rhizosphere
Use of stable isotopes in ecology
Biotic and abiotic drivers of methane (CH4) fluxes in peatlands
Present: Senior Lecturer in Terrestrial Ecosystems and Environmental Change
Overseas Advisor for Environmental Sciences
Research Associate, Stockholm Environment Institute, Department of Biology, University of York, UK (2004-2010).
Marie Curie Research Fellow, Department of Environmental Sciences, Second University of Naples, Caserta, Italy (2002-2004).
PhD – University of Bayreuth, Germany (2002)
“Permafrost catchments in transition: hydrological controls on carbon cycling and greenhouse gas budgets”: Co-Investigator (
“Biophysical drivers of methane ebullition in northern peatlands”. UKPopNet/NERC funded, PI: Yit A. Teh (St. Andrews)
Parker T, Subke J & Wookey P (2015) Rapid carbon turnover beneath shrub and tree vegetation is associated with low soil carbon stocks at a subarctic treeline, Global Change Biology, 21 (5), pp. 2070-2081.
Karhu K, Auffret M, Dungait J, Hopkins D, Prosser J, Singh B, Subke J, Wookey P, Agren G, Sebastia M, Gouriveau F, Bergkvist G, Meir P, Nottingham AT, Salinas N & Hartley I (2014) Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration rates enhanced by microbial community response (Letter), Nature, 513 (7516), pp. 81-84.
Huttl RF, Gerwin W, Kogel-Knabner I, Schulin R, Hinz C & Subke J (2014) Ecosystems in transition: Interactions and feedbacks with an emphasis on the initial development (Editorial), Biogeosciences, 11 (2), pp. 195-200.
Subke J, Lamers M, Herbst M & Franzluebbers A (2013) Greenhouse gas emissions from soil under changing environmental conditions (Guest Editors’ Introduction), European Journal of Soil Science, 64 (5), pp. 547-549.
Hopkins F, Gonzalez-Meler MA, Flower CE, Lynch DJ, Czimczik C, Tang J & Subke J (2013) Ecosystem-level controls on root-rhizosphere respiration, New Phytologist, 199 (2), pp. 339-351.