Computational multi-fluids dynamics (CMFD), multi-physics modelling, adaptive numerical methods, finite element methods (FEM), computational optimisation, porous media flow, turbulence modelling, nuclear criticality, reactor physics, heat and mass transfers.
Lecturer in Engineering, University of Aberdeen (2012-today);
Visiting Academic, Imperial College London (2013-today);
Visiting Academic, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil, 2005-today);
Research Fellow, Imperial College London (2010-2012);
Research Associate, Imperial College London (2006-2010);
PhD, Imperial College London (2004).
Self-adaptive computational methods; Multiphase compositional porous media flow (reservoir simulation); Safety assessment for nuclear systems (severe accident modelling); Atmospheric modelling.
Pavlidis, D., Gomes, JLMA., Xie, Z., Percival, JR., Pain, CC. & Matar, OK. (2016). ‘Compressive advection and multi-component methods for interface-capturing’. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol 80, no. 4, pp. 256-282.
Mostaghimi, P., Percival, JR., Pavlidis, D., Ferrier, RJ., Gomes, JLMA., Gorman, GJ., Jackson, MD., Neethling, SJ. & Pain, CC. (2015). ‘Anisotropic Mesh Adaptivity an Control Volume Finite Element Methods for Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media’. Mathematical Geosciences, vol 47, no. 4, pp. 417-440.
Jackson, MD., Percival, JR., Mostaghimi, P., Tollit, B., Pavlidis, D., Pain, CC., Gomes, JLMDA., ELS.heikh, A., Salinas, P., Muggeridge, AH. & Blunt, M. (2015). ‘Reservoir Modeling for Flow Simulation by Use of Surfaces, Adaptive Unstructured Meshes, and an Overlapping-Control-Volume Finite-Element Method’. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, vol 18, no. 2, SPE-163633-PA.
Pavlidis, D., Gomes, JLMDA., Xie, Z., Pain, CC., Tehrani, A., Moatamedi, M., Smith, P., Jones, A. & Matar, O. (2015). ‘Numerical Modelling of Melt Behaviour in the Lower Vessel Head of a Nuclear Reactor’. Procedia IUTAM, vol 15, pp. 72-77.
Pavlidis, D., Gomes, JLMDA., Salinas, P., Pain, CC., Tehrani, A., Moatamedi, M., Smith, PN., Jones, A. & Matar, O. (2015). ‘Numerical Modelling of Debris Bed Water Quenching’. Procedia IUTAM, vol 15, pp. 64-71.