Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Dr. Daniel Gilmour

Department / group: Division of Natural & Built Environment, School of Science, Engineering & Tech
Personal URL: Not available

Research interests:

My research interests are in the fields of sustainability assessment, decision support and public participation in decision making, in particular, on the enhancement of sustainability in the built and natural environment. I have been heavily engaged in research over the last 15 years in the field of sustainable decision making on a range of projects within local government and water industry. Alongside other projects, I have been working with Dundee City Council since 2006 to develop and implement sustainability enhancement framework on a 1 billion transformation of Dundee Waterfront.

The research impacts on local government organisations, the public, water companies and their regulators. The insights that led to the impact included the development and application of an integrated framework for the assessment of sustainability and the communication of the complex data required in this assessment to a wide range of stakeholders. The application of the research has resulted in changes to public policy and services, raised the awareness and understanding of key stakeholders with a resulting increase in the ability of the stakeholders to make informed decisions and has impacted on policy debate on the environment.

I am part of the interdisciplinary Sustainability Assessment, Visualisation and Enhancement (SAVE) research group which spans schools within the University. For more information please see the SAVE group web pages

Career history:

Not available

Active research projects:

2015 – Date CREW Innovative solutions for drinking water

2013 – Date Building Information Models (BIM) and Interactive Visualisation. SFC – (HEFC)

2013 – Date Investigating web based game technologies for generating optimized fertilizer and lime maps. SAGES

2013 – Date 3D visualization for TAYplan strategic land use planning. TayPlan

2013 – Date Maximising passive solar gain: A physically based simulation and rendering approach. SFC – (HEFC)

2013 – Date Scottish Water Sector Overview Map, CREW, CRW2012/8

2012 – Date iAge – e-inclusion in ageing Europe, EU Interreg project

2012 – 2013 Strategic Implications for Land Use: What key changes may occur over the next 20-40 years. TAPLAN

2011 – Date Low Carbon Land Use Innovation Network (LoCal -Net). Scottish Government & ERDF

Recent publications:

Scott-Brown, K. C., Harris, J., Simmers, A., Thurston, M., Abbas, M. deMajo, T., Reynolds, I. Robinson, G. Mitchell, I, Gilmour, D. Martinez, S., & Isaacs, J. (2014) Tapology: A game-based platform to facilitate e-health and e-inclusion. In Stephanidis, C. & Antona, M. (Eds) Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Part III, 8515, pp. 368-377.

Blackwood D.J., Gilmour, D.J., Isaacs, J., Kurka T and Falconer, R.E. (2014) Sustainable Urban Development in Practice: The SAVE Concept. Journal of Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 41(5) 885 – 906

Isaacs, JP, Blackwood, DJ, Gilmour, DJ & Falconer RE. (2013) Real-time Visual Simulation of Urban Sustainability. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR). Vol 2., Issue 1. DOI: 10.4018/ijepr.2013010102

Isaacs,J., Martinez, S., Scott-Brown, K., Milne, A., Evans, A. and Gilmour, D. 2013. Mobile Technology and E-Inclusion. In Stephanidis, C. & Antona, M. (Eds) Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. LNCS 8011, pp. 626–635, 2013. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.

Comber, S., Gardner, M., Georges, K., Blackwood, D. & Gilmour, D. (2012): Domestic Source of Phosphorus to Sewage Treatment Works, Environmental Technology, DOI:10.1080/09593330.2012.747003

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