I am a physical geographer with broad interests in processes shaping the surface of the earth, but particularly the impact of glaciers on the landscape, and the impact of climate change on glaciers.
Research Interests
Learning technology & how students interact with it
Numeracy skills in geoscience students
Experiential learning during expeditions and fieldwork
Mass balance and dynamics of Arctic, Alpine & Himalayan glaciers
Surging glaciers in Svalbard
Remote sensing of glaciers
The effects of superimposed ice on glacier mass balance.
Present: Lecturer, UHI
Not available
Stewart, M., Stott, T. and Nuttall, A.M., 2015. Study goals and procrastination tendencies at different stages of the undergraduate degree. Studies in Higher Education, pp.1-16.
Stott, T., Nuttall, A.M. and Biggs, E., 2014. Observed run-off and suspended sediment dynamics from a minor glacierized basin in south-west Greenland. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography, 114(2), pp.93-108.
Stott, T., Litherland, K., Carmichael, P. and Nuttall, A.M., 2014. Using interactive virtual field guides and linked data in geoscience teaching and learning. In Geoscience Research and Education (pp. 163-188). Springer Netherlands.
Stewart, M., Stott, T. and Nuttall, A.M., 2011. Student engagement patterns over the duration of level 1 and level 3 geography modules: influences on student attendance, performance and use of online resources. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 35(01), pp.47-65.