Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Dr Andrew Black

Department / group: Geography, School of Social Sciences (Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience)
Personal URL: Not available

Research interests:

Andrew Black has 20 years’ experience in hydrology and water and environmental management, largely in Scotland. In recent years I have worked on placement in the Flooding Policy Unit of the Scottish Executive supporting policy development, and work with Wallingford HydroSolutions in their Scottish office as a Technical Director. Policy and practical relevance underpins all my work. Key current research interests include:

-Variations in flood risk in response to changing climatic drivers

-Use of historic sources for assessment of flood risks

-Water resources hydrology (hydro power water resource assessments, Dundee Hydrological Regime Assessment Method – DHRAM)

-Hydrometry and hydrological databases – particularly the Chronology of British Hydrological Events

Andrew also holds the office of President of the British Hydrological Society (2009-11). The BHS is a Society of more than 1000 members which has an excellent track record of bringing together researchers and practitioners in hydrology for the exchange and advancement of knowledge.

Career history:

2004 – Senior Lecturer, Geography, University of Dundee

1995 – 2004 Lecturer, Geography, University of Dundee

1992 – 1995 Scottish Water Archive Hydrologist, NERC Institute of Hydrology (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)

1989-92 Ph.D. Geography (“Seasonality of flooding in Scottish rivers”), University of St Andrews

Active research projects:

Not available

Recent publications:

O Dochartaigh, B., MacDonald, A., Wilson, P., Black, A. and Everest, J., (2015). Groundwater–meltwater coupling in an active proglacial sandur aquifer in southeast Iceland .

Archer, N., Dochartaigh, B.Ó., MacDonald, A., Bonell, M., Black, A. and Coles, N., (2014), May. Coupling of groundwater, river flow and rainfall in an upland floodplain. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 16, p. 9426).

Archer, N.A., O Dochartaigh, B., MacDonald, A., Bonell, M., Black, A., Gooddy, D. and Coles, N., (2014). Coupling of groundwater, river level and rainfall in an upland floodplain.

Walsh, C., Fowler, H., Kilsby, C. and Black, A., (2012). Role of hydrology in managing consequences of a changing global environment. Hydrology Research, 43(5), pp.548-550.

Ball, T., Black, A., Ellis, R., Hemsley, L., Hollebrandse, F., Lardet, P. and Wicks, J., (2012). A new methodology to assess the benefits of flood warning. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 5(3), pp.188-202.

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