Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Dr Amanda-Jane Dolan

Department / group: Geographical & Earth Sciences, Glasgow Geomicrobiology Group
Institution URL: N/A
Google Scholar URL: N/A

Research interests:

I am interested in how humans have changed the landscape through every day actions and how these actions have changed the health of the environment. As a rough list I am interested in soil and landscape history, contaminated land and remediation, geoarchaeology, geology, soil science, metamorphic rock processes, erosion, environmental chemistry, developing new analytical methods for environmental analysis, palaeoclimatology, stratigraphy, past societies and the effects that climate change had on their lives and land use.

Career history:

July 2021-present: Research Associate, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow

Active research projects:

Environmental geochemistry of lead in lead-mining impacted Scottish catchments. I am researching the legacy mining in the Wanlockhead and Leadhills regions to determine the lasting effects on the environment that centuries of mining has left., the pathways that this pollution is taking, how this is changing in a changing climate and possible remediation solutions.

Recent publications:

Gaydarska, B. et al. (2020) The finds. In: Gaydarska, B. (ed.) Early Urbanism in Europe: The Trypillia Megasites of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe. De Gruyter Open Poland: Warsaw ; Berlin, pp. 265-414. ISBN 9783110664935 (doi:10.1515/9783110664959-009)

Dolan, A. (2018) The story of a clast. In: The Archaeology of Dun Deardail" An Iron Age Hillfort in Glen Nevis. Forestry Commission Scotland, pp. 50-53. ISBN 9780855389703

Dolan, A.-J. (2018) World’s Greatest Mountains: Ben Nevis. [TV documentary]

Dolan, A.-J. (2018) Blowing Up History: Hunt for King Arthur’s Castle. [TV documentary]

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