Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Dr. Alistair Geddes

Department / group: Geography, School of Social Sciences
Personal URL: Not available
Google Scholar URL: Not available

Research interests:

I started my current position as a Research Councils UK Academic Fellow in February 2007. I have a background in using GIS and linked quantitative analysis methods to investigate frequently encountered data analysis problems, notably the kinds of problems that arising in working with small area census data sets. More generally I am interested in how place and space are important and can be analyzed using GIS in various fields of social science research. In this as in my teaching, I also seek to take account of ways in which GIS is itself being re-shaped by a slew of new developments, especially in data, technology and methodologies.

My post is also affiliated with the Society programme of SAGES (Scottish Alliance for GeoScience, Environment and Society;, supporting research on socio-environmental vulnerability. Vulnerability research has actually been underway at Dundee since the early years of this decade, particularly on flooding-related vulnerability and with an increasing focus on interconnections between climate-related environmental change, vulnerability and resilience. My own aim here is to investigate the geographical dimensions of vulnerability, drawing in part on GIS capabilities for synthesizing contextual data. Stemming from the tradition of human migration research by Dundee geographers I am also involved in a recent effort to re-conceptualise the relationships between vulnerability and mobility.

I greatly enjoy university teaching and student supervision, and the ongoing process of learning how students learn best in both situations. Together with my colleague Ed Hall I was awarded on a 2008 University of Dundee Honorary Graduate’s Award for Innovative Teaching in 2008, for our Level 3 undergraduate course ‘Problem-based field research training in Geography’.

Career history:

2007-present RCUK Academic Fellow / Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Dundee

2006-2007 Temporary Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Dundee

2006 PhD, The Pennsylvania State University, USA

1997-2001 Scientific Officer, Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen

1994-1997 Research Assistant, North West Regional Research Laboratory, Lancaster University

Active research projects:

Not available

Recent publications:

Houston, D., Werritty, A., Bassett, D., Geddes, A., Hoolachan, A. and Macmillan, M., forthcoming, The invisible hazard: pluvial flood risk in urban areas, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Findlay, A., King, R., Smith, F., Geddes, A. and Skeldon, R. 2011, World class? An investigation of globalisation, difference and international student mobility, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers

Findlay A. and Geddes, A., 2011, Critical views on the relationship between climate change and migration. In Piguet E, Pécoud A., and de Guchteneire, P. (eds) Migration and Climate Change. Cambridge UP

Findlay A., King R., Geddes A., Smith F., Stam A., Dunne M., Skeldon R., and Ahrens J., 2010, Research Paper 8: Motivations and experiences of UK students studying abroad, Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, URN 10/527

Findlay, A., Geddes, A., and McCollum, D., 2010, International migration and recession: the Scottish case, Scottish Geographical Journal, 126(4), pp 229-320

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