Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Dayton Dove

Research interests:

Seafloor and shallow sub-seafloor geological characterisation…geomorphology quite useful in this respect!
Quaternary history and glacial processes on NW European Shelf – implications for commercial, conservation, and policy interests
Seafloor habitats; geomorphic features relating to continental shelf, shallow and mesophotic coral reef, and Arctic ecosystems
Former glaciation of the Arctic ocean; Tectonic evolution of Amerasian Basin

Career history:

2008 – ongoing : Marine Geoscientist, BGS
2017 –2018 : Sabbatical (NOAA – Hawaii): Seafloor/habitat mapping around Pacific Islands supporting coral reef and fisheries science
2009 –2013 : UK-IODP Science Programme Coordinator
2007 –2008 : Gardline Geosurvey, Geophysicist
2007 : MS: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Stratigraphy, Structure, and origin of the Mendeleev Ridge (Arctic Ocean) from Bathymetry, Controlled-source Seismic, and Gravity Observations
2003 : BS: College of Charleston, Geology

Active research projects:

Seafloor Geomorphology mapping – Orkney Islands
Substrate Mapping of Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems – Main Hawaiian Islands
Method development for predicting stocks and stability of sedimentary carbon – UK

Recent publications:

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