Tropical peatlands; Carbon-based conservation; Community-based forest management; Climate mitigation; Social justice
Internship on tropical peatlands, St Andrews University
University of St Andrews, Scotland,02/2020-08/2020 : 6 months
Literature review on the role of inorganic geochemistry to better understand the development of tropical peatlands. Writing of policy briefs to promote sustainable livelihood options in Peru and Congo tropical peatlands.
Research internship in the Peruvian Amazonia
Peruvian Amazon Research Institute, Iquitos, Peru 05/2019-07/2019 : 10 weeks
Field work to assess impacts of the Mauritia flexuosa palm fruit harvest on palm swamp forest ecosystem services and local populations.
Master’s degree in Agronomy and Environmental Sciences
ENSAT, French ‘Grande École’, Graduate School of Agronomy and Environmental Sciences, Toulouse, France, 2016-2020
Conserving the tropical peatlands of the north Peruvian Amazon while supporting and improving the livelihoods of the people who live there: an analysis of the multi-level strategies.
I aim to document how conservation occurs in the peatlands of the north Peruvian Amazon. This project follows the work of physical scientists whose recent discoveries of the extent and amount of carbon stored in these peatlands have led to the implementation of various conservation projects, and especially of the first Green Climate Fund project. By evaluating how relevant conservation projects are for local populations and how effective they are at promoting conservation of peatlands at the basin scale, this project fits in theme 4 to ensure that there is translation between the latest scientific developments and the needs of policy makers and local stakeholders. The research will take place in northern Peru, in the department of Loreto. I will use semi-structured interviews to gather the perspectives of different stakeholders on historical and current driving forces shaping well-being, use and conservation of peatlands. These stakeholders include members of local groups/communities living in and around peatlands, and regional actors involved in conservation (researchers, members of NGOs, companies, and government agencies).