Peatlands, Peatland resilience and restoration, Envionmental bioscience, Sphagnum, Functional traits, Ecology, Remote Sensing, water quality and monitoring.
2021-2025: University of the Highlands and Islands, Environmental Research Institute, Peatlands theme. Ph.D. researcher developing a trait-based approach to understand Sphagnum responses to hydrological stress in the context of peatland restoration. Funded by the Leverhulme leadership award, awarded to Professor Roxane Andersen.
2019-2021: University of Sheffield, Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, Dr Mirre Simons research group. Worked as a lab technician overseeing a project to create a genome reference panel of Drosophila melanogaster and carrying out duties for lab maintenance and assistance of researchers.
2017-2021: Sheffield Hallam University, BSc (Hons) Biology w/ placement year. Awarded 1st class. Modules studied include applied ecology and environmental biosciences, plant biotechnology, evolutionary and behavioral biology, and plant physiology and anatomy.
Data chapter 1: Intra- and interspecific variability of functional traits of three Sphagnum species common across precipitation and altitudinal gradients present in the Flow country.
Data chapter 2: Monitoring water parameters of a reprofiled forest-to-bog restoration site for the purpose of finding barriers or thresholds for the recovery of Sphagnum, and how this affects the traits of those that recover.
Data chapter 3: Subjecting Sphagnum species in mesocosm experiments to drought stress to observe trait plasticity, species adaptability, and to find effective monitoring methods.