Blue carbon, climate change, nature-based solutions, ecosystem services, marine biogeochemistry, Arctic
PhD in Environmental Science, University of Glasgow, 2021 – present
Masters by Research in Geography, University of Exeter, 2019 – 2021
BSc Physical Geography, University of Exeter, 2016 – 2019
Arctic blue carbon: human and climatic drivers of change
This project will quantify current and historic rates and mechanisms of carbon sequestration, burial and remineralisation at a range of Greenlandic fjord systems under representative climate and land use changes. This will allow us to explore the future potential capacity of Greenland’s fjords to act as efficient carbon sinks in a changing climate and with increasing anthropogenic demands.
Langley, B., Halloran, P.R., Power, A., et al. A new method for isolating and analysing coccospheres within sediment. Sci Rep 10, 20727 (2020).