Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Ali Moayedi

Department / group: School of Geography and Sustainable Development
Personal URL:
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Research interests:

Career history:

Active research projects:

PhD title: "Understanding the influence of geomagnetic and environmental factors on migratory bird
navigation through data fusion"
Migratory birds navigate vast distances with remarkable precision, employing a variety of
cues that remain only partially understood. This project seeks to unravel the mysteries of
avian navigation by investigating the potential role of geomagnetic fields. By combining
cutting-edge biotelemetry tracking data with geomagnetic and environmental information,
we will develop innovative data science methods to explore potential navigation strategies.
Specifically, we will use clustering algorithms and other data mining techniques to analyse
enriched datasets. These datasets incorporate geomagnetic variables (intensity, inclination,
declination), sun position, meteorological data, and detailed bird flight paths. This analysis
will help identify patterns in bird behaviour that suggest how they leverage geomagnetic
information alongside other environmental cues to guide their extraordinary journeys. Our
findings promise to offer valuable insights into avian cognition and the complex mechanisms
underlying bird migration.

Recent publications:

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