Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Alexander Chaudhri

Research interests:

Atmospheric physics,
Fluid dynamics,
Climate change and impacts,
Modelling / super-computing,
Energy infrastucture.

Career history:

Imperial College London, MSci Physics with Theoretical Physics, 1st Class Hons. (2015-2019)

MSci Master’s Project:
"North Atlantic Ocean Circulation Responses to Cutting Regional Sulphur Dioxide
Space and Atmospheric Physics Group, Imperial College London 2018-2019
Final Year MSci Project Supervisors: Dr Apostolos Voulgarakis and Dr Arnaud Czaja
•Analysed data from ensembles of HadGEM3 simulations for coupled atmosphere and ocean
responses to abrupt halting of SO2emissions in different mid-latitude continental regions.
•Compared model sulphate aerosol production and radiative response with predictions from
cloud microphysics.
•Investigated the model’s Atlantic meriodional overturning circulation response to the change

University of St Andrews, St Leonard’s Interdisciplinary PhD Scholarship, (2019-Present)

"Idealised Modelling of Monsoon Depressions and Their Response to a Warming
University of St Andrews Oct 2019-Present
PhD Project Supervisors: Dr Michael Byrne and Dr Richard Scott
•Developed a single layer moist-thermal atmospheric model to rapidly simulate leading order
•Applied our model to a series of background conditions to develop insight into the under-
lying physics behind monsoon depression amplification and propagation.
•Directed by this insight, we will simulate monsoon depressions in warming climate scenarios
using more comprehensive atmospheric models. We will apply out idealised model as a
tool to understand the comprehensive model results.

Active research projects:

Idealised Modelling of Monsoon Depressions and Their Response to a Warming Climate

Recent publications:


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