Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

SAGES placement opportunity – Science & Skills Academy

SAGES placement opportunity – Science & Skills Academy

Short-term SAGES funded placement with Science & Skills Academy of up to 10 days duration.

The Science and Skills Academy, a programme run by Highlands and Islands Enterprise, are looking for a motivated student to help them develop a lesson plan for S1 and S2 pupils, to be delivered ahead of COP26 next year. You will be creating a plan for a 100 minute lesson, providing an introduction to one of the following possible topics: forestry, peatland, algae or climate science, with real world examples linked to the Highlands and Islands, and explaining how the topic relates to climate change. The activity should link to the Scottish Government’s Curriculum for Excellence for S1/S2.

The lesson plan will be designed for in-person delivery and should include hands-on practical activities. Knowledge of pedagogy and the Curriculum for Excellence, as well as the ability to explain scientific concepts to young people are desirable. In addition, you should have sound knowledge of one of the topics listed above.

This placement is run through the SAGES programme, and is open to postgraduate or Early Career Researchers. Applicants must be members of SAGES.

Interns are able to work up to 70 hours on the project, either on consecutive days or spread over a few weeks. You will be paid at the rate of £12.50 p/h.

Please submit your application to by the 14th September 2020.

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