SAGES would like to welcome the following new members:
Eva Loerke – PhD, University of Aberdeen. Eva has joined themes 1 & 3.
Dr Dali Nayak – PDRA, University of Aberdeen. Dali has joined themes 1 & 2.
Julian Sartorius – PhD, University of Dundee. Julian has joined theme 4.
Gergana Daskalova – PhD, University of Edinburgh. Gergana has joined theme 1.
Dr Laurence De Clippele – PDRA, University of Edinburgh. Laurence has joined themes 2, 3 & 4.
David James Fulton – PhD, University of Edinburgh. James has joined themes 3 & CESD.
Berta Ramiro Sanchez – PhD, University of Edinburgh. Berta has joined theme 3.
Qing Li – PhD, University of Glasgow. Qing has joined theme 1.
William Hiles – PhD, University of St Andrews. William has joined theme 1.
Anna Macphie – PhD, University of St Andrews. Anna has joined theme 1.
Professor Alexandra Bayliss – University of Stirling. Alexandra has joined themes 1, 2, 3, 4 & CESD.
Dr Carla Ferreira – PDRA, University of Stirling. Carla has joined theme 1.
Dr Katherine Raines – PDRA, University of Stirling. Katherine has joined theme 4.
Dr Mark Taggart – PDRA, University of the Highlands and Islands. Mark has joined themes 2, 3 & 4.