Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

SAGES Small Grants Scheme – 4th call for applications

SAGES Small Grants Scheme – 4th call for applications

SAGES Protocol for the Small Grants Scheme


The SAGES Small Grants Scheme has the capacity to allocate small amounts of funding to support requests from SAGES members to raise the visibility of SAGES members research and/or facilitate SAGES community building. Examples of areas for which funds may be provided include: travel/conference expenses*, equipment for purchase/hire, sample analyses, access to data and ad hoc assistance, requests to host workshops, networking events, provision of access to knowledge/techniques. Other request will be considered, but should be discussed in advance with a member of the SAGES Research and Innovation Committee (RICOM).


  1. The maximum amount that any individual can be allocated in any one funding round will be: £750 for travel/conference expenses*, equipment purchase/hire, sample analyses, access to data and ad hoc assistance; £1500 if applying to host a workshop or up to a maximum of £2500 if you are applying for access to ‘cutting edge’ knowledge or techniques.
  2. Applicants must be a SAGES member.
  3. Preference will be given to applicants able to demonstrate additionality – having sourced some funds from elsewhere (non-SAGES funds).

*Please note, travel/conference expenses requests will only be considered from Early Career Researchers (ECR’s). For the purposes of the SSGS, ECR’s are defined as SAGES members who are within 4 years of PhD completion at the time of application.


Please complete and submit the online Application to the SAGES Small Grants scheme by the agreed deadline.

Applications will be assessed by a sub-group of the SAGES RICOM. Applicants will be notified by email as soon as possible after the relevant RICOM assessments have been completed. No detailed feedback will be provided and the decision of RICOM will be final.

Recipients of funds will be required to provide a brief account of the way the funds have been used, and where appropriate SAGES may also request that an article for the SAGES website be provided. This information will need to be delivered within one month of the completion of the funded activity.

Deadline for SSGS round four applications: 17:00 on 20 July 2018.

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