Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

Large Proposal Challenge Fund (LPCF)


The LPCF funding stream is designed to provide support for SAGES members who are leading pan-SAGES, pan-institutional, large grant proposal submissions. We give an indicative definition of “large” as >= £1.2M total award value from any funding agency. This scheme is designed with all new and existing funding opportunities in mind: Scotland, UK, Europe and International.


The scheme can offer support in three distinct areas: namely, provision of:

  • Direct monetary support to the lead institution to pay for specific administrative support (in-house or contracted) in developing the logistics and technicalities of large bids. Up to £10k per bid. The fund cannot support researcher salary.
  • A ‘partner finding/matching’ service through the knowledge base and expertise at ECCI, depending on the precise nature of the funding call. This can include both partner matching within the SAGES network, and matching with stakeholders and their concerns/interests outside of SAGES.
  • A level of intellectual/strategic oversight from SAGES Director and/or a more suitable member of the SAGES Executive or Research & Innovation Committees. This mode of support will depend on the nature of the call and the Director role would be to try to identify relevant expertise within SAGES.

Proposals must include two or more SAGES partners, and any number of non-SAGES partners.

This is an open call with no application deadline.


All applications will be reviewed by the Research & Innovation Committee (RICom).
Applications will be reviewed within 3 weeks of receipt.
Successful bids must invoice and receive payment from SAGES at University of Glasgow by 31/7/22


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