Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society

International Partnership: Geoverbund ABC-J

The Geoverbund ABC-J is the geoscientific network of the Aachen-Bonn-Cologne/Jülich research area (comprising the Universities Bonn Aand Cologne, the RWTH Aachen and the Forschungszentrum Jülich).

In many ways Geoverbund is a mirror of the SAGES network in Scotland.

In 2016 SAGES and Geoverbund ABC-J formed a partnership to work together on bilateral research projects, post graduate education and staff exchange.

The foci of our joint activities to date have been;

  • Establishment of joint working groups on Carbon (contact Dr Christian Schröder for more details), and Water (contact Dr Alexandre Gagnon or Prof. David Blackwood).
  • Joint Masters studentships in Earth System Science using HPC (contact Dr Massimo Bollasina).
  • Various students and ECR training exchanges (contact Dr John Howe).
  • Staff exchange programme (contact Prof. Mark Inall).
  • We welcome all SAGES members to contact the above people if they wish to become involved in any of these initiatives.

    Please find details of SAGES/Geoverbund ABC-J events below:

    Geoverbund ABC-J – SAGES Summer School 2018 Hydrogeophysics

    Hosted by Geoverbund ABC-J we are again delighted to announce we are in a position to offer 2 SAGES-supported places on the forthcoming Geoverbund ABC-J Summer School on Hydrogeophysics, which will take place from 27-31 August 2018 in Jülich, Germany. SAGES will fund the reduced registration fee of 50 Euro per person.

    The course is for Master and PhD students who are interested in advanced hydrogeophysical methods. The program will provide a good balance between experimental data acquisition as well as processing and analysing of geophysical data.

    All information on the program can be found on the Geoverbund ABC-J website.

    This wonderful opportunity is open to all SAGES funded and associate PhD students and early career postdoctoral SAGES members.

    To apply – simply write a 1 page statement including;

    1. brief details about yourself and your career to date
    2. your present research project
    3. how the Jülich Summer School will assist you in your current research project
    4. what you might intend to develop in the future
    5. your estimated costs

    Please email these details to
    Application deadline: Friday 08 June 2018
    The selections will be announced on Thursday 14 June 2018

    Scientific Writing Course – University of Cologne

    ABC-J Geoverbund ( are kindly offering SAGES Graduate School, 2-SAGES supported places on the forthcoming ‘Scientific Writing Course’ at the University of Cologne, Germany 24-26th April, 2018.

    SAGES PhD students Rachel Oien (Aberdeen) and Coralie Hunt (St Andrews) attended this course with SAGES funding support. Please read about their experiences here;

    Rachel’s report

    Coralie’s report.

    Geoverbund ABC-J Terrestrial Modelling and High Performance Scientific Computing TerraSys summer school at the University of Bonn.

    In September 2017, Harry Eggo (Abertay), Vanessa Brum-Bastos (St Andrews), Simona Gabriella (Aberdeen) and Luis Tomas (Abertay) joined the Terrestrial Modelling and High Performance Scientific Computing TerraSys summer school at the University of Bonn.

    Speaking after participating in the event Harry described his experience as “A very productive experience and the knowledge gained has allowed me to expend the impact of my PhD study. From the very small – microbiological modelling – to the very large – atmospheric systems – delegates brought their personal context and with that, a diversified knowledgeable community. Prominent guest speakers delivered interesting lectures in addition to ‘hands-on’ exercises using the high-performance computer in Jülich. Tutorials were well staffed with a high ratio of staff on hand to help out. Despite the programming experience being varied, everyone managed to meet learning outcomes. Bonn, as Germany’s second capital, was a perfect venue for the event and a lovely location to spend our evenings!”

    Well done to all those who joined the event and thank you to all our friends in ABC+J Geoverbund, Germany for organising the school and welcoming SAGES participation.

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